When Is International Happiness Day

When Is International Happiness Day


When Is International Happiness Day: Since its start in 2013, the International Day of Happiness has tried to bring more attention to the idea that happiness is a basic human goal. It stresses how important happiness and pleasure are as goals that everyone should have.

The search for pleasure is a basic and common goal that helps us deal with the world’s difficult and interconnected issues. In 2012, the UN General Assembly made March 20 International Day of Happiness because they knew how important happiness was. People made this choice because the UN called for “a more inclusive, equitable, and balanced approach to economic growth.” Achieving long-term economic growth, reducing poverty, protecting the environment, and promoting happiness are all seen as important ways to deal with problems.

When Is International Happiness Day

International Day of Happiness 2023: Theme

The main idea behind the International Day of Happiness 2022 is “Build Back Happier,” with a focus on the world’s healing from the symptoms of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Happiness for all, Ukraine,” this year’s official campaign theme, is a call to action for people, states, the US, and all of humanity. It shows support for the people, government, and country of Ukraine and emphasizes the goal of happiness for all cultures and humanity, as stated by Jayme Illien, who created the UN International Day of Happiness.

The theme for the International Day of Happiness 2020, on the other hand, was “Happier Together,” which emphasized how important shared experiences are over differences. The topic was about seeing that we are all human and working for the pleasure of others, which suggests that life is better when people get along. A feeling of oneness was meant to come from working together as a team to reach common goals.

Happy International Day of Happiness 2019! The theme for the advertising was “Happiness For All, Forever.” This issue tried to show similarities instead of differences to show how global movement is making things more varied. It said that communities today are made up of people who have different ideas about many things, like religion and politics. To ensure long-term happiness, it pushed for a focus on shared ideals.

What are the benefits of happiness?

Some researchers say that one important part of human well-being is having strong social connections and a sense of purpose, which can include doing things that help the “greater good” of all people.

A positive attitude is very important to many, as it can explain up to 90% of our general feelings of well-being. You can create this positive attitude by helping others, working to make your community a better place to live, or joining a religion that stresses doing things with others, like going to worship regularly.

Researchers have found that people who are happy live longer and have fewer health problems. Happy people are less likely to have heart disease or high blood pressure. Researchers are still looking into the many aspects of happiness and ways to find or boost happiness levels.

With that in mind, the International Day of Happiness gives everyone a chance to celebrate their happiness while also making other people happier. Today is a time to stress how important happiness is and do things to make it happen.

History of International Day of Happiness

At first view, the International Day of Happiness might look like a fun holiday, with pictures of kids singing happy songs and adults dancing all day in the sun and rainbows. Some of these connections are true—who doesn’t like a good sing-along or a loud dance?—but it’s important to remember that this beautiful day is about more than just smiles and happiness.

The UN and its partner nonprofit group, Action for Happiness, which has members from 160 countries, work together to make the International Day of Happiness happen. The main goal of this worldwide movement is to make more people aware that development is more than just making money and making progress in the economy. It also includes bigger things like people’s happiness and well-being. The United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution in 2011 calling happiness a “fundamental human goal” along with economic change. The movement reached its peak in 2013 when all 193 UN member states celebrated the first International Day of Happiness. This started a practice that will last for years to come.

As you listen to Pharrell Williams’ catchy song “Happy” over and over today, March 20, take some time to think about what makes you happy and how you can actively seek it.


Every year on March 21, people around the world are motivated to make the world a better place. Think about what you can do to make yourself happier, like giving or helping someone who needs it.

You could also work on making yourself happier by improving the quality of your relationships or looking for a job that makes you happier. No matter what you do today, remember to share your happiness on social media with the phrase #InternationalDayOfHappiness.

Why International Day of Happiness is Important

Today is a good day to be positive.

It’s important to remember to share happiness and cheer everywhere we go on International Day of Happiness. It makes us want to think happily, treat each other with more kindness, and see the good in our lives. We enjoy this day to remind ourselves that there is always something great to be thankful for, no matter how hard life seems.

It brings people around the world together.

It’s great that the International Day of Happiness gives people from all over the world a chance to show their support for each other. Our sense of community and global cooperation will grow stronger as more people notice and value it. It might motivate you to know that people from all over the world are working together for a shared goal!

It makes you feel better mentally.

The idea behind International Day of Happiness is to focus on the good things in our lives instead of the bad news that is all around us. Being mentally and emotionally healthy can come from taking a moment to be thankful for what we already have.

When Is International Happiness Day

Why is International Day of Happiness is celebrated?

What is the International Day of Happiness? It’s a day to be happy, of course! Since 2013, the United Nations has celebrated the International Day of Happiness as a way to recognise the importance of happiness in the lives of people around the world. Happiness is a fundamental human goal.

Of course, today is a day to be happy! The International Day of Happiness was created by the UN in 2013 to bring attention to how important happiness is in people’s lives all over the world.

Being happy is one of the most important things in life. The UN General Assembly knows this and supports “a more inclusive, equitable, and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.”

In 2015, the United Nations set the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. These goals include ending poverty, reducing injustice, and protecting the environment. All of these things are good for people’s health and happiness.

On the International Day of Happiness, the UN asks every one of any age, as well as schools, businesses, and governments, to enjoy.

Is today very happiness day?

Story highlights. International Day of Happiness 2023: On March 20 every year, International Day of Happiness is observed all around the world to promote happiness as universal goals for people.

Everyone wants to be happy; it’s seen as a basic human right and a goal for everyone. The United Nations made March 20 the International Day of Happiness to honor this. It is celebrated every year. A statement was passed that stressed how important it is to put fun first. The day began in 2013 and has grown into a worldwide movement that makes people more aware of how important happiness is in their lives.

International Human Rights Law, which the UN made, includes the Right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This helped shape the world we live in now. Bhutan is where the idea for an “International Day of Happiness” came from.

Who started International Happiness Day?

Jayme Illien

The man behind the International Day of Happiness

In 2011, a UN adviser called Jayme Illien suggested the idea of an international day to increase happiness. His plan was accepted by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in 2012. Jayme was born in Calcutta, India, and he became an orphan when he was a child.

A UN expert named Jayme Illien came up with the idea of an international day to support happiness in 2011. In 2012, Ban Ki-moon, who was Secretary-General, praised the plan. The Indian girl Jayme was left without a parent when she was young and was later taken in by an American nurse named Anna Belle Illien. As a child, he went with his foster mother to help orphans in other countries. There, he saw how kids who weren’t as lucky were suffering because of war or extreme poverty. Jayme wanted to make a change, so she fought for the rights of children and people in general.

The World Happiness Report from the UN looks at and compares the amounts of happiness in different countries by looking at their social, economic, and environmental well-being. When setting goals for states to support happiness, the UN says that it is an important human right. It says that people should be naturally happy instead of lucky and that they should be able to get things like peace, education, and health care, which are all basic human rights.

Where is International Happiness Day?

The United Nations declared March 20th as the International Day of Happiness in 2012, recognizing the importance of happiness and well-being in promoting sustainable development and global peace.

Every year on March 20, all 193 UN member states passed a resolution calling for happiness to be a top priority. This is known as the International Day of Happiness.

Happiness was named a “fundamental human goal” by the UN General Assembly in 2011. The resolution also called for “a more inclusive, equitable, and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.”

In 2012, the UN held its first conference on happiness, and on March 20 each year, the UN General Assembly recognized the day as the International Day of Happiness. The party for the opening took place in 2013.

What do you say on International Day of Happiness?

International Day of Happiness 2023: Wishes and Messages

Best wishes for the International Day of Happiness. 

Find happiness in the little things in life, and you will notice that happiness will never leave your side.

Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.

The United Nations first set up World Happiness Day on March 20, 2013, after Bhutan, a country that works to make its people happy, asked them to.

People celebrate the International Day of Happiness to remember how important it is to be happy and to tell them to enjoy every moment of their lives. This day stresses how important it is to approach economic growth fairly, include everyone, and be balanced so that we can achieve long-term growth, end poverty, and improve everyone’s well-being.

When Is International Happiness Day

The UN has celebrated the International Day of Happiness every year since 2013 to raise awareness about how important happiness is in today’s world. Today’s theme is “a more equitable, inclusive, and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes the happiness and well-being of all peoples.” It talks about how enjoyment and well-being are important in setting public policy goals and how they should be goals in everyone’s life.

The festival also shows how important it is to approach economic growth in a way that is fair, balanced, and includes everyone. This approach should strongly support ending poverty, long-term growth, and everyone’s happiness and health.

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals were set by the UN in 2015 to address important issues like ending poverty, reducing inequality, and protecting the environment. The interconnectedness of global hopes for a more peaceful and prosperous world is emphasized by these goals that promote happiness and well-being.

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