National Scrapbooking Day 2018

National Scrapbooking Day 2018


National Scrapbooking Day 2018: National Scrapbooking Day is celebrated every year on the first Saturday of May by scrapbookers all over the world. This is a day to keep precious memories alive, record life’s events, and let their imaginations run wild with paper, photos, embellishments, and mementos. Scrapbooking is a popular hobby that spans generations, countries, and continents.

In the early 1990s, scrapbooking became popular as a way for people to record and preserve their life events in a physical form. Since then, it has grown into a thriving community of people with similar interests who love crafting, telling stories, and being creative. This beloved hobby has spread around the world, bringing people together and making friends, especially in the United States.

On National Scrapbooking Day 2018, scrapbookers of all skill levels shared their knowledge, encouraged each other to be creative, and remembered the craft’s long history and popularity. The day was full of art events and workshops, online challenges, and social media campaigns.

National Scrapbooking Day 2018

History of National Scrapbook Day

The first scrapbooks and friendship albums were made in England in the 1400s. People back then loved to collect many things, like recipes, quotes, drawings, certificates, letters, poems, and even pressed flowers. They carefully put these sentimental items into books, which were like physical stores for priceless memories.

As time went on, scrapbooks went from being personal keepsakes to shared family heirlooms that were often shown to neighbors and friends in the cozy setting of family homes. Guests were often asked to add to these treasured books by writing their names, sweet comments, and stories.

When photography came along, people could record specific events in time and keep them forever in pictures. This gave their scrapbooking projects a whole new meaning. At the same time, more paper, notebooks, and albums became available, making the hobby more appealing to people from a wider range of backgrounds.

How to Celebrate National Scrapbook Day

This Saturday, the first of the month, is National Scrapbook Day. This popular holiday encourages anyone who likes making art to record memories and have fun with scrapbooking. Every year, when May comes around, scrapbookers all over the world look forward to this day.

National Scrapbook Day, also known as “National Scrapbooking Day,” is a day when scrapbookers get together to share their knowledge, ideas, and unbridled joy for this beloved hobby. It’s more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of creativity, stories, and the priceless moments that make up our lives.

On this day, scrapbookers of all types get together in online craft sections, communities, and forums to talk about nothing but scrapbooking. They share finished projects, give each other tips, and get ideas from each other.

Scrapbooking is an emotional activity that captures the soul of experiences and passes them on to future generations. It’s more than just putting pictures and other mementos on a page; each layout is its own story, weaving memories, feelings, and imagination into a beautifully designed tapestry.

Happy (Inter)National Scrapbook Day 2018

We want to wish all of our friends a happy (Inter) National Scrapbook Day! For all of you creative people out there, we have a fun-filled weekend planned starting today, and we’re happy to start it off right by telling you about a great sale at In a Creative Bubble!

Grab your scrapbooking supplies because we have a special discount just for you. Enter the code NSD2018 at checkout to get a tasty 10% off your entire order. But hurry, this deal ends Sunday at 11:59 p.m. PST, so take advantage of the chance to save money when you shop.

No matter how good or bad you are at scrapbooking, our collection has something for you. You’ll find a lot of prints and digital materials that are meant to spark your creativity and bring your memories back to life through art.

Because we have so many products, you can find everything you need for a great weekend, including decorations and paper designs that will suit any style. So don’t wait—treat yourself to some new products and get ready for a fun weekend of scrapping.

International Scrapbook Day Preview

Welcome to International Scrapbook Day, a happy celebration of creativity and nostalgia! Today, we honor the art of scrapbooking, a popular activity that goes beyond that. This day offers many chances to express yourself, get ideas, and connect with other people.

There’s more to scrapbooking than just putting pictures and other things on pages. Each book is like a blank canvas that has been touched with creativity and personal style to bring memories to life. Today, we celebrate the fun of using paper and glue to make stories and the power to turn everyday things into lasting memories.

Scrapbooking is a relaxing hobby that lets us find our happy place in the middle of the daily grind. It lets us get lost in cherished memories and remember happy and funny times. With every cut, paste, and ornament, we make our lives into a beautiful tapestry of remembering.

Scrapbooking is more than just a way to express your creativity. It’s a treasure chest of memories and keepsakes, and each page captures the spirit of our journey and who we are. Every picture and memento, from big events to small ones, tells a story that you should value and share.

How To Observe National Scrapbook Day

To celebrate the popular hobby of scrapbooking, people from all over the country get together on the first Saturday of May every year for National Scrapbook Day, which is also known as National Scrapbooking Day. They bring out their art projects to show off and celebrate their craft.

People from all walks of life gather on this day to honor the age-old tradition of keeping memories alive through carefully put-together scrapbooks. Scrapbooking is a treasured way to share stories and express oneself, whether it’s about life events, special trips, or family memories.

National Scrapbook Day is more than just a day on the calendar. It’s a chance for scrapbookers to meet other fans, share ideas, and get ideas from the wide range of creative styles and techniques shown. There are many ways to do scrapbooking, from cutting-edge digital methods to the old-fashioned “paper, scissors, and glue” method.

At workshops, neighborhood events, and online forums, people share tips, ideas, and inspiration. The atmosphere is always friendly and collaborative, and everyone is welcome, no matter how much experience they have. This creates an open space where creativity can grow.

National Scrapbooking Day 2018

What day is National Scrapbooking Day?

first Saturday in May

National Scrapbook Day began in 1994 when it was founded by the Creative Memories foundation. The day is celebrated on the first Saturday in May each year, making it possible to celebrate in a variety of ways!

Every year, on the first Saturday of May, people who like to craft and keep memories get together to celebrate National Scrapbook Day. This year, it’s on May 4th, so let your creativity run wild as we go on a trip to keep our most treasured memories safe.

One of the most interesting art forms in history is scrapbooking, which goes back to the 15th century. At that time, people carefully put together scrapbooks that held recipes, important addresses, quotes, poems, historical stories, and even tools for predicting the future.

Through pictures and mementos, scrapbooks are like physical diaries that tell the story of our lives. As we turn each page, we remember happy and sad times, going back to events that have shaped who we are. Each page is like a window into the past, letting us reconnect with the spirit of our journey, from the laughter of shared adventures to the quiet reflection of alone times.

What is scrapbook story?

At its core, scrapbooking is a form of storytelling. Underneath the pretty paper and stickers, scrapbookers use their photos combined with words to document their lives in a meaningful way. For many crafters, however, the words are sometimes hard to get down on the page.

Seize the Moment: Instead of writing long paragraphs, try to get to the heart of each moment. A short sentence or even just a few words may bring up the feelings and memories that go along with a certain picture.

Accept Lists: Lists are a quick and easy way to talk about your thoughts and experiences. They also create an organized and interesting way to tell a story, whether they are about your best experiences, favorite places to visit, or dreams that come true.

Use short dialogue exchanges to make your stories come to life. Direct quotations help readers fully engage with the argument and atmosphere of the captured moment, making it seem more real and current.

You can give your pictures more meaning and context by adding dates, places, personal thoughts, and stories as annotations or captions.

Poetic Prowess: Try haiku, sonnets, or free poetry to add musical beauty to your pages. Poetry is a unique way to express yourself because it lets you pack deep feelings and experiences into vivid words and images.

Storytelling with Pictures: Arrange your pictures chronologically or thematically to create a story that makes sense without words.

Collage Creations: If you want to combine literary and visual elements, try collage easily. Combine oddities, ephemera, and pieces of paper with your pictures to make stories with many layers that go beyond traditional journaling.

Who started scrapbooking?

Mark Twain

An early known American scrapbooker and inventor of scrapbooking supplies was Mark Twain. Twain carried scrapbooks on his travels as he collected souvenirs, clippings, and pictures. Various individuals and communities created scrapbooks throughout the twentieth century in Britain.

Many people changed the way they kept their memories with Mark Twain’s simple adhesive design. Putting photos, souvenirs, and newspaper clippings inside required only a light dampening of the glue, and the scrapbook went viral and became very popular. Twain is said to have made a huge amount of money from selling his scrapbooks—some estimates put it at $100,000, which was a lot of money at the time.

It’s interesting to see how much Twain made from his scrapbook compared to his other writings. Even though he made about $200,000 from all of his other books together, the scrapbook alone made as much, if not more, than that. This stark comparison shows how important and successful Twain’s scrapbook project was.

The scrapbook was useful, but it also appealed to a growing cultural trend. Twain’s creation offered a practical and structured way to preserve memories at a time when the process could have been more organized and time-consuming. It made preserving memories easier by letting people write their memoirs and diaries in interesting ways.

Everyone, no matter their income, liked the idea of a scrapbook. Twain’s scrapbook could be used for a lot of different hobbies and interests, like a housewife collecting recipes, a journalist collecting newspaper clippings, or a traveler keeping track of their experiences.

Is a scrapbook like a diary?

Basically, a journal allows people to let out their personal feelings and emotions through writing. Most people know it as a “diary.” On the other hand, a scrapbook is a blank book with pages used for sticking photos, memorabilia, ephemera, stickers.

Before we get into the specifics of this hobby, let’s talk about what a scrapbook diary is. It’s like a mix between a notebook and a traditional scrapbook. Inside, pictures and handwritten stories are tastefully mixed with stickers and other mementos that were carefully made using different techniques like stamping, die-cutting, watercoloring, and more.

Basically, a scrapbook journal is a memory bank that records moments in time through the artist’s lens. Each page is a blank canvas waiting to be painted with experiences and feelings by the artist. The writing that goes with the pictures gives the story more depth and context by explaining the thoughts and feelings that went into capturing those moments.

The reader of a scrapbook notebook is more likely to become fully immersed in the physical representation of cherished experiences than in digital albums or social media updates. When decorative accents are added, each page becomes a work of art that captures the spirit of the situations it depicts, making the sensory experience even stronger.

It’s not just the finished product that’s valuable; the process of making it is also very valuable. It encourages creativity and reflection and provides a healing space for self-expression and introspection. Each step, from choosing the right photos to trying out different crafting techniques, promotes a sense of mindfulness and creative pleasure.

What is a scrapbook in English?

A scrapbook is a book with empty pages on which you can stick things such as pictures or newspaper articles in order to keep them. … a large scrapbook of press clippings and photographs.

Scrapbooking is a fun way to take pictures, write down memories, and keep track of them artistically. Basically, it’s the process of turning plain books with blank pages into colorful diaries with pictures, memories, important journaling, and cute accents.

Scrapbooking, which is also called “cropping,” serves two purposes. First, it’s a treasured way to keep stories and events alive for future generations to enjoy. Each carefully chosen page captures brief moments from life’s most memorable events, making sure they last.

Scrapbooking is also an artistic medium that lets people let their imaginations run wild with each page turn. It combines visual elements in a harmonious symphony of colors, textures, and emotions. Every part of scrapbooking encourages creative inquiry, from choosing the best background to arranging items in ways that look good.

National Scrapbooking Day 2018

As a unique and personal form of art, scrapbooking allows people to remember happy times and feel the thrill of reliving important events. Both the process and the result of scrapbooking are enriching. Each scrapbook tells a unique and personal story, whether it’s about a special relationship, a daily journey, or a significant event.

The 2018 National Scrapbooking Day was a happy celebration of community, creativity, and the age-old craft of keeping memories alive. Scrapbooking fans from all over the world came together to honor this one-of-a-kind day, showing that the medium will always be popular as a way to express yourself, tell a story, and bring people together.

It breaks my heart to think about how much this beloved hobby affects people and families. The memories kept on those pages will continue to make people smile, cry, and laugh for years to come. The spirit of creativity and friendship that pervaded the day continues to inspire and motivate, whether through complicated scrapbook layouts, simple pocket pages, or digital works. 

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