World Blood Donors Day 2016

World Blood Donors Day 2016


World Blood Donors Day 2016: On World Blood Donor Day, campaigns are held around the world to raise awareness about blood safety and improve transfusion services. It’s not meant to replace national donor events; rather, it’s an extra that can happen at the same time or at different times.

In 2016, a campaign called “Blood connects us all” tried to show how donors and recipients are connected and to thank donors. The campaign attracted new donors, especially young people, and also encouraged current donors to keep giving by telling personal stories of people who were saved by blood donations.

The campaign slogan was “Share life, give blood.” It emphasized how donations made voluntarily can encourage people to be kind and bring communities together.

Countries all over the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day every year to bring attention to the need for safe blood and to thank the people who give blood voluntarily for saving lives.

Healthcare systems need strong blood services to ensure that patients get safe blood products. On World Blood Donor Day every year, people who give blood to help others are honored for their kindness.

World Blood Donors Day 2016

World Blood Donor Day 2016 

The main points of World Blood Donor Day are to stress that blood brings people together and to thank blood donors for their important role in saving lives. The main goal of this campaign is to make people more aware of how important it is for healthy young people to give blood regularly. Another important thing that is stressed is getting people to share their lives by giving blood. This means promoting blood services as an important community service and getting people to help make sure there is a steady, safe supply of blood.

Aside from that, the campaign wants health ministries to recognize and support regular unpaid donors and promise to get all the blood and blood products they need from voluntary donations.

Safe blood transfusions help patients by extending their lives and making medical treatments possible. Still, there isn’t enough blood in many countries, which makes it hard for blood services to keep a safe and stable blood supply.

Even though there has been progress since the World Health Assembly’s blood safety resolution was first introduced, getting everyone access to safe blood still needs to be solved around the world. WHO is still helping its member countries make it easier for patients to get clean blood, keep patients safe, and improve the way services are provided.

World Blood Donor Day celebrated

The District Medical and Health Department held a rally on World Blood Donor Day to make people more aware of how important it is to give blood. The rally, which DM&HO A. Rajesham organized, was a place to encourage people to give blood through licensed blood banks. Rajesham stressed how important it was for the medical community to help teach people about the benefits of giving blood voluntarily.

Program manager Surender Reddy, Additional DM&HO G. Sujatha, and other important people attended the rally, which stressed the importance of people giving blood freely so that lives can be saved and the demand for blood products is met. The District Medical and Health Department put together this event to make it easier for people to give blood and to encourage them to do so.

As the demonstration went through the district, it stopped to talk to people and spread information about how to donate blood, how it helps healthcare, and how important it is to give blood regularly to meet the demand for blood and blood products. The participants successfully got the word out about giving blood voluntarily by using banners, placards, and educational materials.

During his rally speech, DM&HO A. Rajesham stressed how important it is for people to donate blood on their own and that donations should only be made at approved blood banks. He told the medical community that they should help educate people about the benefits of giving blood and the safety measures that need to be taken.

Finding a balance between equality and safety in blood donation: the 12 month ban for MSM donors

It’s always interested me how people think about illness and how getting a diagnosis can change a person’s identity in big ways. We looked into the idea of “Disease as Framed” in a college class. This idea looks at how a person’s image changes when they have a disease.

We looked into the link between gay men and AIDS very carefully. My question is about the current policy on blood donations: Is it based on facts, or is it still biased against gay men because they are more likely to have HIV/AIDS?

The disease has been linked to shame for a long time because it was first found in gay people. People’s views started to change when Mary Fisher, a straight woman, said she had HIV at the 1992 Republican National Convention. Myths about the condition were busted by what she said.

Even though things have gotten better, gay and bisexual people still think they are being mistreated. The 12-month deferral period doesn’t take into account things like safe sexual habits or long-term relationships with only one partner. However, this approach is supported by several nations, such as the USA, Australia, and the U.K., and it is in line with research.

The U.K. government decided in 2011 to replace the lifetime ban on men having sex with other men (MSM) with a 12-month waiting period after having sex with other guys. This decision was based on scientific evidence. Public Health England says that more than half of HIV diagnoses are men who say they are gay or bisexual. The Terrence Higgins Trust is against discrimination based on sexual orientation and supports this deferral period. They stress the importance of blood donation policies that are based on facts.

Nagaland to observe World Blood Donor Day 2016

The Nagaland State Blood Transfusion Council (NSBTC) will hold a state-level memorial event on June 14 at 11:00 a.m. in the conference hall of the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare in Kohima, the state capital.

M. will be the main guest. After a short speech by Alipoker, Assistant Director of VBD, Dr. Meguosielie Kire, Project Director of NSACS, will talk more about what the day means. Patton, IAS, who is Chairman of NSBTC and Commissioner and Secretary of H&FW, will also talk. W.H. The thank-you speech will be given by Dr. P. Tia Jamir, who is the director of NSBTC and the joint director of BTS at NSACS. Go, Dy Patton is in charge of drugs and is a member of the NSBTC’s governing body.

Today is also World Blood Donor Day. The Voluntary Blood Donors Association Kohima (VBDAK) and HQ IGAR (North) will celebrate it together in the Motivation Hall, Assam Rifles, Kohima, at 9:30 a.m.

Maj. Gen. M.S. Jaswal of IGAR (North) will be the main speaker, and then VBDAK President Kholie Dolf will give an encouraging speech. Dr. Capt. Miiniilu Hesuh will give the welcome speech, and Assistant Director NSACS Ainato Yeptho will give the vote of thanks.

LifeShare to celebrate World Blood Donor Day

As part of World Blood Donor Day, which is held every year by the World Health Organization on Tuesday, LifeShare Blood Centers, which has an office in Alexandria, will work with blood banks all over the world to thank people who give blood.

The 2016 World Blood Donor Day theme, “Blood Connects Us All,” came from a campaign in the Netherlands run by a blood bank. LifeShare is involved in this program with blood banks all over the country by giving out special Nexcare Give bandages on World Blood Donor Day and all week long. The limited edition “Feel The Beat, Give Blood” bandage collection has five designs that are all based on music styles and trends from around the world.

As a way to say thank you on World Blood Donor Day, LifeShare invites all blood donors to come to any of its locations and try some food from around the world. This event brings people from all over the world together to support this good cause and the important job that blood donors do to save lives.

World Blood Donors Day 2016

What is the theme of the World Blood Donor Day in 2016?

Blood connects us all

The theme of this year’s World Blood Donor Day is “Blood connects us all”. IT focuses on thanking blood donors and highlights the dimension of “sharing” and “connection” between blood donors and patients.

This year’s World Blood Donor Day theme, “Blood Connects Us All,” celebrates the bond between blood donors and recipients while also thanking blood donors. It’s the slogan “Share Life, Give Blood” that wants to bring people together and show them how important it is to be kind to each other.

Every year on June 14, countries all over the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day to thank the people who give blood without getting paid for it.

The event also wants to make people more aware of how important it is to donate blood often so that people in all kinds of medical situations can always get safe, high-quality blood and blood products.

For World Blood Donor Day 2023, the theme is “Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often.” This theme stresses how important it is to donate blood and plasma regularly to keep the world’s supply of blood-related products safe and stable. By encouraging people to donate blood and plasma, the goal is to keep a reliable supply network that can meet all patients’ needs and make sure that they get life-saving care on a regular basis.

Why is 14th June celebrated as World Blood Donor Day?

The World Blood Donor Day is celebrated every year on June 14 to thank the altruistic acts of selflessness of voluntary blood donors and celebrate life and humanity. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life

Every year on June 14, people around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day to honor the essence of kindness and life and to thank voluntary blood donors for their selfless service. People who donate blood are giving someone the most valuable gift of all: life.

People who decide to donate blood may save many lives because it can be broken down into its parts, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma, to meet the specific medical needs of patients.

Blood donors also get something good from giving blood. The risk of diseases like hemochromatosis, which has been linked to heart disease and strokes, goes down because it helps control the amount of iron in the blood. Giving blood also helps find health problems like anemia and infectious diseases early on so they can be treated quickly.

The theme for World Blood Donor Day 2023 is “Give Blood, Give Plasma, Share Life, Share Often.” It stresses the important role that individuals play in helping patients who need constant transfusion treatments. Everyone is asked to help this great cause by giving blood or plasma, which gives people in need the gift of life.

Who started blood donation in India?

Leela Moolgaokar

Leela Moolgaokar initiated voluntary blood donation drives in Bombay (now Mumbai) from 1954 onwards. She was inspired by the blood need of her injured son.

The first blood bank was opened in Kolkata, West Bengal, during World War II. This was the start of free blood donation in India.

The program was made so that injured soldiers could get the blood they needed. It asked people from the government and British-owned businesses to volunteer to give blood. But after the war, people who didn’t have to give blood stopped doing so, and paid donors became more important to the blood bank.

In 1954, Mrs. Leela Moolgaokar saw how badly her hurt son needed blood and started the first campaign for people to give blood on their own in Bombay, which is now called Mumbai. In the 1960s, projects were run in Chandigarh, Delhi, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, and Chandigarh by volunteer social workers and groups.

The first president of the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohaematology, Professor J.G. Jolly, made October 1, 1971, National Voluntary Blood Donation Day to bring attention to the cause.

When the government later agreed with the declaration, the cause became valid. Since then, many blood donor groups have sprung up all over the country to support this great cause and encourage people to give blood themselves.

Who started World Blood Donor Day?

The event was organised for the first time in 2004, by four core international organizations: the World Health Organization, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies; the International Federation of Blood Donor Organizations (IFBDO) and the International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT) 

In 2004, the WHO created World Blood Donor Day to raise awareness of the importance of giving blood. After that, it happened every year during the 58th World Health Assembly in 2005. The goal was to get more people to understand this.

Blood donation has a long history. The English doctor Richard Lower was one of the first famous people to donate blood. In his book “Tractatus de Corde,” Lower wrote about his groundbreaking work on blood transfusion and the cardiovascular system. This work set the stage for what we know now. His successful blood transfusion of two dogs was a big step forward in the study of blood donation.

Countries worldwide celebrate World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) every year to thank unpaid blood donors for saving lives and raise awareness about the importance of having safe blood supplies.

Access to healthy blood and blood products is needed for healthcare systems to work well. This shows how important strong blood services are for public health. Every year, WBDD celebrates a different global theme that shows appreciation for the selflessness of people who give blood to help people they don’t know.

Why is blood donor day celebrated?

The event serves to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products and to thank voluntary, unpaid blood donors for their life-saving gifts of blood. A blood service that gives patients access to safe blood and blood products in sufficient quantity is a key component of an effective health system.

Every June 14, the world honors the selfless work of volunteer blood donors. This day is called World Blood Donor Day. Donating blood is the greatest gift you can give because the platelets, red blood cells, and plasma that makeup blood can save many lives when used to treat certain illnesses.

This worldwide holiday brings attention to how important blood transfusions are for meeting the health needs of people all over the world. It’s a light of hope that saves many lives and makes many people happy every year. Blood transfusions are an important part of treating many conditions that could kill the patient. They help patients live longer and better, and they make complicated medical procedures possible.

France held World Blood Donor Day in 2013. The country’s national blood service, the Establishment Francais du Sang (EFS), was in charge of the event. France has been a leader in pushing for free, voluntary blood donations since the 1950s.

The theme of the 2013 celebration, “Give the Gift of Life: Donate Blood,” brought attention to how important blood donors are to patient care and marked the tenth anniversary of the event. Blood donations save the lives of people from all walks of life, such as those with severe anemia, who have been in accidents, who are sick with cancer, who are having surgery, and who have other blood disorders.

Every year on June 14, people around the world celebrate World Blood Donor Day to thank the many people who give blood without expecting anything in return.

The goal of this event is to raise awareness about the importance of safe blood, thank the dedicated blood donors who make transfusions possible, and encourage people who are eligible to donate blood regularly.

World Blood Donors Day 2016

One blood donation could save the lives of three people who desperately need medical care. The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) meets the need for transfusions well by ensuring a steady supply of safe blood and encouraging people to donate blood often.

192 Member States agreed at the 58th World Health Assembly in May 2005 that World Blood Donor Day should be held. It was created by the World Health Organization (WHO). This shows that people all over the world are committed to recognizing and thanking blood donors for their important work.

The groundbreaking discovery of the ABO blood type system earned Karl Landsteiner the Nobel Prize. This ceremony is a meaningful way for donors to honor him on his birthday.

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