When Is Valentines Day In France

When Is Valentines Day In France


When Is Valentines Day In France: Even though it’s less commercialized than it is in the US, Canada, or Japan, Valentine’s Day is still important in France, especially in a small town in the middle of the country.

Romantics and lovers from all over France come to this town, which is called Saint-Valentin, to celebrate love and Saint Valentine’s Day.

This romantic French resort is loved by a huge number of Japanese couples, which makes it even more appealing. People come here because the town has been turned into the cutest, most beautiful, and fun place for couples. Both Japanese and French couples come here to renew their vows.

When Is Valentines Day In France

Valentine’s Day in France for lovers

As a sweet holiday for showing love, especially between adults, Valentine’s Day is very important in France. Couples in their teens may also go, but there are few kids at the party. Some kids in other countries make Valentine’s Day projects and give their parents, friends, or teachers gifts and cards. But kids in France don’t do those things. It’s also rare for parents to give their kids gifts or cards in trade for something in return.

Making plans for a romantic dinner or a weekend trip, sharing flowers or small gifts, and setting out a variety of mini pastries can all be romantic acts between two people. France, on the other hand, is different because they don’t stress sending gifts. In some parts of the world, cards are an important part of events. In France, however, this is less common. Texting is better than sending gifts in the mail, especially on Valentine’s Day, because it’s easier.

Valentine’s Day in France in person

Studies show that the French would rather celebrate Valentine’s Day in person than by sending cards. Some of the most popular things to do on this Day are the French custom of giving flowers, going on a romantic dinner date, and going on a weekend trip.

France’s restaurants really go all out for Valentine’s Day, which is only on February 14 and not any other day. They have special meals and deals just for couples. This approach is shown on the menu at my favorite restaurant in Roquefort les Pins.

France, which is known as the “country of love,” doesn’t do as much for Valentine’s Day as some other countries do. However, there are two charming exceptions to this modest holiday that I’d like to point out.

Parisians have a one-of-a-kind chance on Valentine’s Day to publicly declare their love on the city’s huge LED signs. If people want their message to be shown on all 170 signs across Paris, they must fill out an online form on the Paris city website by February 9. The form has a 160-character limit.

Does France celebrate Valentine’s Day?

People all over the world are getting more and more excited about February 14, which is a day just for showing love. Today is the Day when you can both give and receive things from people you care about.

In France, which is known as one of the most romantic places in the world, Valentine’s Day is often seen as important.

In France, only a few people enjoy Valentine’s Day as many people think. People from France are known for having a unique view of life. One example is Valentine’s Day, which they call “Jour de la Saint Valentin” in French. Keep an eye on this space to find out about French Valentine’s Day customs and what to expect during this time.

Valentine’s Day in France: Origins and Traditions

Every year on February 14, lovers all over the world celebrate their love on Valentine’s Day. Many people enjoy Valentine’s Day every year, but most need to find out where the holiday came from. Over the years, many stories have been told, some of which are true and some of which are not, about how Valentine’s Day came to be. This is the best way to say it.

In the third century, when the story takes place, the Roman Empire has lost a lot of power, especially in its armed forces, because of years of war. Fewer young men were ready to join the military, and more and more were leaving.

Valentine, who was a priest, spoke out strongly against the law as it was being put into place. He kept secretly marrying people and told new couples to ask for his blessings on the holy bond of marriage. When Claude II finds out about Valentine’s work, he quickly gives the order for his arrest.

Valentine was finally given the death penalty. A story says that he suddenly gave sight to a blind woman right before he died on February 14, 270 AD. He also gave her a card in the shape of a heart that said, “From your Valentine.”


People call Paris the “City of Love,” and France is one of the best places to go on a honeymoon. Valentine’s Day, which is also called “La Saint Valentin,” is a holiday to celebrate love. It’s mostly for couples, not families or kids. Here are some interesting facts about the Day’s past, traditions, and how we celebrate it.

Valentine’s Day’s Past

A lot of different ideas try to explain why February 14 is Valentine’s Day and how the holiday got its start in France.

In the Middle Ages, both the French and the English thought that birds began breeding in the middle of February. At this time, young women would try to guess who their future husbands would be. On Valentine’s Day, seeing a sparrow meant you would get married to a poor person happily, seeing a robin meant you would get married to a sailor, and seeing a goldfinch meant you would marry a wealthy guy.

People who live in Lorraine, a historically and artistically important area in northeastern France, tell another story. “La Saudée,” a custom in which young men would get together on February 14 to form couples and make their engagement public, is thought to have started Valentine’s Day. To properly remember this, they made a list of the names of the women they liked and wanted to make their “Valentine.” For the next year, they would send gifts to these women, usually cards and paper or fabric images of the person. When a girl had more than one admirer, each man would have to present his case to a special court and convince the people there that they should be able to give the woman they wanted gifts.

When Is Valentines Day In France

Do they celebrate Valentines day in France?

Valentine’s Day in France (La Saint Valentin) is celebrated pretty much the same as everywhere else in the world. It falls on the 14th February (le quatorze février). Chocolates, flowers, jewellery and a special, romantic meal are traditional.

In France, Valentine’s Day is mostly celebrated by adults who are in relationships. In other countries, people of all ages enjoy the holiday. French people don’t usually give gifts to their friends on this Day, and kids don’t usually trade cards.

Even though Valentine’s Day isn’t advertised as much in Paris as it is in the U.S., there are still a lot of pink and red displays in stores that serve as subtle reminders that La Saint-Valentin is coming up.

In many places, Valentine’s Day comes right after Christmas. But the French like to spread out their celebrations, beginning with holiday decorations in early February.

In France, as in other places and cultures, lovers give each other gifts like flowers, chocolate, jewelry, and time together. Parisians can enjoy this holiday in more ways than just giving gifts.

Why is Valentine’s day important in France?

Valentine’s Day began as a Catholic holiday, and since France remains heavily influenced by its Catholic past (or present, for those who are practicing Catholics), the day is an official feast day, which is why it’s feminine in French: la Saint-Valentin, short for la fête de Saint Valentin (the feast day of Saint

Valentine’s Day started as a Catholic holiday and is now an official feast day in France, where many people are still Catholic. The French name for the holiday, “la Saint-Valentin,” which is short for “la fête de Saint Valentin” (Valentine’s Day), shows this.

Even though Valentine’s Day is a legal holiday in France, it is not marked as widely or extravagantly as it is in many other countries. This calm view is mainly because of two things:

French people usually need to show their love clearly.

As was already said, the French try not to show their feelings too much, even when they are happy. People usually look askance at these overt displays of feeling or dismiss them as silly and fake. Most French people don’t like to be too direct about how they feel, but there are some exceptions. Since this is the case, few French people associate holidays with actions that show loyalty, like holding a card or chocolate in your hand. People in the United States who celebrate Valentine’s Day tend to do it in a less over-the-top way than people in other countries.

When it comes to Valentine’s Day gifts, this dislike of overt displays of feeling also applies.

Most people in France don’t give Valentine’s Day flowers, chocolates, or expensive gifts. Early in 2020, a study showed that only 56% of French people planned to spend money on Valentine’s Day—people who spend money almost always go pretty close. For instance, the normal amount of money a Frenchman spends is often half that of an American man.

Is Valentine’s day given the same importance in France as in USA?

Unlike the United States where people celebrate the love between friends, colleagues and even pets, France dedicates the holiday exclusively to lovers. Just in case you would like to send a French colleague a friendly Valentine’s Day card this year, refrain.

Chocolates in the shape of a heart are a traditional and sweet gift in many places. In France, giving sweets is a very nice thing to do. People usually give chocolates to family, friends, coworkers, and teachers as a way to show thanks and celebrate special events or the winter holidays.

Making or trading Valentine’s Day cards is something other than what French kids usually do.

Today, February 14, is a big holiday for kids in elementary school in many countries, including the U.S. They either make or buy Valentine’s Day gifts for every student in the class, with one card set aside for their crush. The kids could even make their own Valentine’s Day gifts for their parents.

In France, on the other hand, Valentine’s Day is not for families or kids; it’s a holiday for lovers. It’s the same with friends; telling a French friend “Joyeuse Saint-Valentin” (Happy Valentine’s Day) would sound strange.

Most French people don’t show their love in public, but there is one notable exception. Parisians can send short texts to their loved ones every year. These days, most people do this online through the City of Paris’ official website. For a short time on Valentine’s Day, thousands of these words are shown on electronic billboards across the city. The custom is sweet and makes people feel better, even if they’re not very romantic. The colorful plates have positive sayings on them.

What tradition got banned in France that used to be a part of Valentine’s Day?

There’s a now-banned tradition called une loterie d’amour, or “the love lottery.” If someone were single, they would go to a window that faced their neighbors. They would then call out the name of someone they hoped would love them back. The person could either reciprocate the feelings or deny their potential lover.

We will look at how one city has made the most of this love holiday by planning a four-day Valentine’s party that brings in thousands of tourists every year, many of them from Japan. Let us look at the details.

The Eiffel Tower stands out against a sky of soft colors because of the warm sun—a soft light lights up the farmland around Paris. The wisps of clouds in the sky make the beautiful scene seem almost like a dream.

In 1980, the town’s visionary mayor, Pierre Rousseau, came up with the idea of holding a yearly festival to make the most of the village’s name.

The festival usually starts on February 11th or 12th and goes on for three or four days, ending on February 14. It draws a lot of people in with its beautiful setting and many activities that are related to love.

The front of the Mairie in Saint Valentin, France, is decorated with a flower arrangement in the shape of a heart. This makes the village’s name stand out and shows that it is the “Village of Love.”

The Tree of Vows is one of a kind in Saint-Valentin. It’s a place where couples can hang heart-shaped metal pieces with their names etched on them to show their love and commitment.

What is Valentine’s day in France?

How do they celebrate Valentine’s Day in France? Valentine’s Day in France (La Saint Valentin) is celebrated pretty much the same as everywhere else in the world. It falls on the 14th February (le quatorze février). Chocolates, flowers, jewellery and a special, romantic meal are traditional.

Even though French Valentine’s Day might not follow the usual rules, the country looks forward to many traditions every year.

Festival of Saint Valentine

Just 257 kilometers (160 miles) away is the beautiful town of Saint-Valentin. Paris is known as the “City of Love.” As the name suggests, it was named after the holy Saint Valentine.

This place, called “Le Village Des Amoureux” (Lovers’ Village), is a popular Valentine’s Day holiday spot for couples from all over the country. A three-day live event is held in the village every year on the weekend before Valentine’s Day.

The whole town is decorated with flowers, mostly red roses and hearts, on Valentine’s Day, making it look like a beautiful haven where people can celebrate the holiday.

During those three days, different chocolatiers in Saint-Valentin get together to show off their delicious heart-shaped creations filled with a variety of tempting flavors.

With the Saint-Valentin fair going on, it’s fun to look for the perfect gift for your partner. There will be chocolate-making lessons, tastings, and a gift shop with a wide range of items at the event.

During the holiday, Saint-Valentin sees a lot of marriages, proposals, and vow renewals. The happy atmosphere grows as people say they love each other deeply.

Some people like to do things the old-fashioned way, like waiting in line at the post office to have their love letters signed. Once they have the permission stamp, they put their love letters in Cupid’s mailbox so that they can be sent to their special someone.

When Is Valentines Day In France

On Valentine’s Day in France, especially in Paris, you can use the huge electronic signs to tell your partner how much you love them. People who want their message to be shown must fill out an online form on the Paris city website by February 9 and include at most 160 characters. If the option is chosen, the message will be shown on all 170 signs in Paris.

The town of St. Valentin is in the middle of France. It has made a name for itself as the capital of love, or “le village des amoureux.” People from all over the world come to this village to renew their vows, express their love, and even get married in St. Valentin’s.

On February 14, there will be events, including a special post office with a unique stamp for people who still send cards. There will be shows on how to make chocolate, jewelry and wedding dresses on display, and romantic things for sale.

In the hamlet, there is a blessing in the church, a rite to give lovers’ certificates, fancy lunches for two, and a ball in the evening. A town in Japan is twinned with St. Valentine’s Day, which makes this holiday very popular with Japanese tourists.

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