When Is National Pharmacist Day

When Is National Pharmacist Day


When Is National Pharmacist Day: People over the age of 18 get two to four colds a year, but kids can get up to twelve. We’re grateful to pharmacists for being so important to our health care. On January 12, which is National Pharmacist Day, let’s take a moment to thank these nice people who work in health care and make a big difference in our lives. Today is a celebration of and tribute to the important role pharmacies play in keeping us healthy.

Just two years ago, the #APharmacistIs campaign started. It lets people share photos and words of thanks to pharmacists who help them with prescription drugs and other services. The day of the week that honors pharmacists makes us remember how important they are in our lives. Pharmacists can help you with anything from getting over a drunk to refilling your asthma inhaler to treating a cold or cough. A lot of the time, they deal with people who are at their weakest and help people all over the world feel better.

Let’s take a moment to learn about National Pharmacist Day and recognize the important work that these hardworking people do.

When Is National Pharmacist Day

How to Observe National Pharmacist Day

Tell a chemist how much you appreciate them in person. The next time you see your pharmacist, remember to thank them for their help and reliability.

Please show your thanks. Tweet to let everyone know how grateful you are. Remember to add the phrase #NationalPharmacistDay to your post.

Send a picture. Use the word #APharmacistIs to show a picture online. Then, you can look at the overall picture of pharmacists that we are making by clicking on the hashtag.

Why National Pharmacist Day is Important

Recognizing more than 300,000 workers

There were about 316,500 pharmacists in the US in 2016. Less than 224,000 people worked in this field fifteen years ago, but now there are more than 274,000.

A job that is very important to our business

This is why pharmacists are so important: they keep people healthy and businesses running smoothly. For every year that someone is sick or hurt and can’t work, American companies lose more than $260 billion.

Pharmacists do more than hand out prescription drugs. Their health advice is smart, and it includes ways to deal with different drugs. They know a lot more than just teaching us how to use medical tools correctly at home and knowing how drugs work.

History of National Pharmacist Day

Pharmacy has roots in ancient times when plants were used as medicines. People who worked with plants as medicines may have been called herbalists. In addition, pharmacy has something to do with the Greek myth of Asclepius, who was the god of healing.

In Bruges, Belgium, a law in 1683 said that doctors could not make medicines for their patients. This was the first time that medicine and pharmacy were kept separate. In 1751, the first drugstore in the country opened at the same time as the first hospital in the country, Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadelphia. Benjamin Franklin paid for both of them.

After World War II, there were big changes in the jobs of pharmacists that were caused by how quickly drug research grew.

These days, pharmacies don’t make pills and potions themselves. Instead, they are responsible for storing drugs, giving out the right doses, coaching patients, closely checking for mistakes or drug interactions, and other important tasks that have an impact on the health of billions of people around the world.

Learn Some Important Facts About Pharmacists

Would you like to know what the person in the white coat does? To get a better idea, think about these facts:

People with a doctorate are pharmacists. Since 2000, all certified pharmacists in the US have had to have a Pharm. D., which stands for “Doctor of Pharmacy Degree.” They also get training for a residency and internship that lasts one to three years.

Chemists can give vaccines. In all 50 states, pharmacists are allowed to give at least some vaccinations. Most of the time, pharmacists and pharmacy techs give annual flu shots as vaccines.

Pharmacists help with managing medications. It can be hard to keep track of all the medicines you get from different doctors, especially if you have a long-term illness. Medication Therapy Management (MTM) is a service that pharmacists provide to patients to help them get better benefits from their drug therapy.

It is easy to get in touch with pharmacists. It can be hard to get to the doctor, but 90% of Americans live within five miles of a drugstore, which means that most people can easily talk to a chemist.

How To Celebrate National Pharmacist Day

Are you looking for something to do to honor National Pharmacists Day? Here are some great ideas to get you going:

Visit a pharmacist to show your appreciation. Tell pharmacists and pharmacy students you know how much you appreciate them on this special day.

On National Pharmacists Day, you should walk into a shop with a smile on your face and a good attitude. They’ll be surprised by you! Go up to the counter even though you don’t want to buy cough syrup or refill a prescription. Just let them know you want to thank them on National Pharmacists Day!

When Is National Pharmacist Day

Why is 25 September Pharmacist Day?

Why is it celebrated on September 25? The Turkish members of FIP suggested the Date because the FIP was established on the same day in 1912.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) chose March 8 as World Pharmacists Day. The council of the group chose to start this event at a meeting in Istanbul, Turkey, in the late 2000s. The main goal of this day is to get more people to know about how pharmacists can help their health. The FIP wants all of its members to be involved in the event so that it goes well.

World Pharmacists Day is September 25. This is because the International Pharmaceutical Federation was founded that year. This makes the day even more important. This day has been celebrated every year since 2009.

As it became more important to recognize pharmacists’ work, the FIP started World Pharmacy Week in 2020. Since this increase has been made, there will be more chances to honor pharmacists and teach people about prescription drugs.

Its main goal is to “advance pharmacy practice on a global level.” To reach this goal, the group wants to bring attention to the important job that pharmacists do. One way it does this is by celebrating World Pharmacists Day.

Many things are done by the FIP to “advance pharmacy practice on a global level,” which is one of its main goals. World Pharmacists Day is one of them.

What is National Pharmacy Education Day?

Pharmacy Council of India has decided to recognize the contribution of Prof. Mahadeva Lal Schroff for establishing the Pharmacy Education in India by declaring. his ‘Birth Anniversary’ 6 March as “National Pharmacy Education Day”

At the 2009 International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, the idea for World Pharmacist Day was born. The point of this important day is to make more people aware of how important pharmacy workers, especially pharmacists, are to the healthcare industry.

The FIP Bureau decides every year what the theme of the World Pharmacists Day campaign will be. It came as a surprise that FIP created World Pharmacy Week in 2020. The celebrations were expanded to include all aspects of the pharmacy industry and the whole profession of pharmacy.

World Pharmacist Day is a big event around the world because it shows appreciation for the important job that pharmacists do in our society. Pharmacists are very important because they teach people about medications, make sure that drugs and medical equipment are used safely, and make people more aware of health problems.

The organization gives pharmaceutical industry groups and pros a new topic every year so that they can run national campaigns or local projects that show off their great work in improving global health. In order to do this, the pharmacy may hold seminars, art shows, or an exercise day for both kids and adults to show the many ways it can help people.

Who invented pharmacist day?

At the 2009 International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Congress in Istanbul, Turkey, the notion of a global pharmacist day was created. The FIP Council selected pharmacy leaders from across the world and endorsed World Pharmacists Day on September 25.

According to the FIP website, World Pharmacists Day is a celebration of the day the International Pharmaceutical Federation was founded in 1912. The theme of the World Pharmacists Day campaign is picked by the FIP Bureau every year. In 2020, FIP also created World Pharmacy Week, which meant that all areas of pharmacy and the industry as a whole would be celebrated.

The theme for World Pharmacists Day this year is “Harmonizing Health Systems through Pharmacy.” The FIP says that this year’s World Pharmacists Day campaign is a great chance to raise pharmacists’ profiles at a time when global health systems are still recovering from the COVID-19 crisis, and everyone agrees that quick action is needed to meet future healthcare needs.

The Netherlands is home to the International Pharmaceutical Federation’s main office. Over four million pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, and pharmaceutical educators around the world are members of the group, which is made up of 152 national organizations, university institutions, and individual members.

Which year Pharmacist Day started?


In 2009, at World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Istanbul, Turkey, World Pharmacists Day was announced to be celebrated by The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Council. The same day in 1912, The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) Council was established.

As very informed healthcare professionals, pharmacists are very important when it comes to choosing the right drugs and giving advice on how to take them. When we’re sick, their company makes us feel better because we know that someone with their knowledge is close by.

These healthcare professionals have made an even bigger difference during the difficulties of the coronavirus epidemic. World Pharmacists Day is celebrated every year on September 25. This is a time to recognize and thank pharmacists around the world for their important services to global health. There are educational events planned for today, like displays and talks.

The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) created World Pharmacists Day in 2009 to honor the FIP’s starting date of September 25, 1912, at the World Congress of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Istanbul, Turkey. FIP is the world organization for pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and pharmaceutical education. Its main office is in the Netherlands. FIP is a non-governmental organization that works to support pharmacy development through partnerships and networks. It is made up of millions of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, and pharmaceutical educators from around the world.

Who celebrates pharmacist Day?

Hence the PCI has decided to celebrate “Pharmacists Day” in order to make the public and health care professionals aware that pharmacists are important members of the health care team, and there is a need to make the best use of their services in order to improve patient’s quality of life. and the society.

It is the International Pharmaceutical Federation’s (FIP) job to promote pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and pharmaceutical education around the world. It also created World Pharmacists Day. FIP speaks for millions of pharmacists, pharmaceutical scientists, and pharmaceutical educators around the world through its 144 national groups, academic institutions, and individual members. The FIP is a non-governmental group with its main office in the Netherlands. Its goal is to improve the field of pharmacy by using its many connections and networks in the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences. This means promoting practice, welcoming new scientific findings, and preparing pharmacists to meet the needs and standards of the world’s healthcare system.

Egyptian records from around 2900 B.C. are some of the oldest records of medicines that we know of. The “Papyrus Ebers,” a well-known artifact from around 1500 B.C., lists 800 different medicines and makes references to another 700. Aelius Galenius, who was also known as Galen of Pergamon, was a Greek doctor, surgeon, and philosopher who did very well in the Roman Empire. People call him the “Father of Pharmacy,” and coins are made in his honor.

Every year on January 12, National Pharmacist Day is held to praise and thank pharmacists all over the country.

When Is National Pharmacist Day

The jobs of pharmacists have changed a lot over the years. Before, pharmacists only did the usual “lick, stick, and pour” tasks of giving out medicines. Now, they are an important part of the medical team. They take an active role in caring for people and are very important in helping them get better.

Pharmacists were mostly in charge of checking prescription drugs and giving them out to people who needed them. In today’s healthcare system, they are also responsible for advising patients and other medical workers about which drugs to take, how much to take, possible interactions, and side effects. In addition, pharmacists act as informed go-betweens for patients and doctors who write prescriptions. Pharmacists make sure that medicines are used safely and effectively by keeping an eye on their patient’s health and growth.

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