When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023

When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023


When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023: On September 27, 1821, eleven years after Father Hidalgo issued his call to arms from Dolores in what is now the state of Guanajuato in central Mexico, north of Mexico City, Mexico became its own country.

Today, this event is called the “Grito de Dolores” or the “Cry of Dolores.” It happened on September 16, 1810, just after midnight, when the Catholic priest gave his speech in support of freedom and rang the church bells. This fight was the start of Mexico’s 11-year war of freedom against Spain.

Father Hidalgo got a lot of people to support the cause by putting a flag of the Virgin of Guadalupe, who is Mexico’s patron saint, on a pole that looked like Juan Diego, an indigenous Mexican who was later recognized as a Catholic saint.

The Spanish killed Father Hidalgo and José María Morelos after they asked for freedom. But in 1821, an army led by Agustín de Iturbide took over Mexico City. This made it possible for Mexico to become independent. So, September 16 was chosen as Mexico’s freedom day.

When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023

History of Mexican Independence Day

Mexico, which used to be called New Spain, was under strict colonial rule by the Kingdom of Spain for more than 300 years. Spanish people were the only ones who could hold political power, and the native people were mistreated and had their homes and property taken away. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a priest from the village of Dolores who was Catholic, spoke out against the harsh rule.

Hidalgo gave a stirring speech on September 16, 1810, after ringing the church bell. It was called the “Cry of Dolores,” and it called for an end to Spanish rule. This was the start of the terrible Mexican War of Independence, which went on for over ten years. Spain left Mexico on August 24, 1821, and acknowledged it as a separate country. Father Hidalgo was honored as the “Father of Mexican Independence” on September 16, 1810, which is Mexican Independence Day. This event has been marked every year since it began.

Mexican Independence Day has grown into a major national event over the last 200 years. The celebrations are based on American July 4th parties and include fireworks at night, patriotic speeches, flag waving, parades, live music, and big home-cooked meals. The colors of the Mexican flag are flown everywhere, in Mexico and American towns with a lot of Mexicans. They are red, white, and green.

Two of the best parts of the celebration were when Father Hidalgo rang the 200-year-old bell in 1810 and when the President of Mexico gave the Grito de Dolores speech again in front of 500,000 people. A lot of people in Mexico will be able to watch and listen to this event live on TV and radio on September 15.

Cinco de Mayo and Mexican Independence Day are the same thing. Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that honors a specific event: the Battle of Puebla in 1862, where the outnumbered Mexican army beat the stronger French troops.

How to Celebrate Mexican Independence Day

Many things can be done to celebrate Mexican Independence Day. Some tips in this part will help you remember this important day.

To celebrate the holiday, have a Mexican feast with tacos, enchiladas, and chiles en nogada, among other traditional Mexican foods. For a real touch, serve with guacamole and cocktails.

Celebrate Mexican Independence Day with your family and friends by having a party with dance, music, and decorations that are all Mexican-themed. You can use the bright red, white, and green of the Mexican flag to decorate your home.

Go to a Parade or Fireworks Show: In honor of Mexican Independence Day, many towns hold parades or fireworks shows. Look in the local paper to see what’s going on in your area.

How can I learn more about Mexican history and why Independence Day is important? Read books, watch programs, or visit museums.

Support Mexican-owned Businesses: As a way to say “thank you” for the day, think about shopping at Mexican-owned stores. Your support is important whether you go to restaurants, food stores, bookstores, or clothing stores.

Listen to different kinds of Mexican music, like mariachi, norteño, banda, and pop. Learn about its musical traditions and the rich cultural tapestry they show.

The background of Mexican Independence Day

Mexico, which used to be called New Spain, was a Spanish colony for more than three hundred years. During that time, the native people were mistreated, farms and personal wealth were taken away, and only Spanish people were allowed to hold government power. A Catholic priest from Dolores named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla became very angry about the unfair treatment and decided to speak out.

On September 16, 1810, he rang the church bell and gave an emotional speech calling for the end of Spanish rule. This speech became known as the “Cry of Dolores.” The dangerous Mexican Independence War began with this action and lasted for ten years. When Spain pulled out of Mexico on August 24, 1821, it formally recognized the country’s independence. Mexican Freedom Day is celebrated every year on September 16 to remember Father Hidalgo as the person who made Mexican freedom possible.

In order to support Mexican freedom and educational opportunities, a number of groups and companies have given scholarships to Hispanic students. The celebrations in the United States on July 4 gave Mexican Independence Day ideas. Over the last 200 years, it has grown into a big national holiday.

There will be fireworks at night, talks about patriotism, flag waving, parades, live music, and home-cooked dinners. The red, white, and green colors of the Mexican flag are flown proudly all over Mexico and in American cities with big Mexican populations.

When giving the Grito de Dolores speech, the Mexican President rang the 200-year-old bell that Father Hidalgo rang in front of 500,000 people in 1810. This is a big deal. A lot of Mexicans watch and listen to this ceremony on September 15, which is one of the most important parts of Mexican Independence Day.


Some people say that Chiles en Nogada is the best way to show all three colors of the Mexican flag: white (walnut cream sauce), red (pomegranate seeds), and green (fresh parsley). Poblano chilis are full of tasty meat inside.

For the best Frijoles de la Olla, use fresh pinto or black beans. The dish is a pot of beans cooked with onion, garlic, and sour cream. You can enjoy a normal Mexican dish in this great way.

If you want to make a traditional Mexican shawl, you could use sugarcane, apples, pears, guavas, figs, and spices like cinnamon and clove.

Queso Fundido is a Mexican fondue made of melted white cheese cooked with garlic, lime juice, and hot sauce. It’s a great way to enjoy cheese.

Menudo is a tasty stew made with stew meat, hominy (corn kernels), and tripe (the lining of a cow’s stomach). It is boiled with onion, garlic, lime, and cilantro. Menudo is a classic dish that helps people who may have had too many beers on September 16 get over their hangover.

Why Mexican Independence Day is Important

On July 4, in the United States and on July 14, in France, people celebrate freedom. In Mexico, July 14 is also an independence day. What could be better than being free? Now, let’s look at Mazapán, a tasty Mexican candy that tastes like peanuts.

The real game starts on September 16 and goes on for two days. Banks, schools, and businesses will be closed to get ready for the big event on September 15. At 11 p.m., the President will read El Grito de Dolores live on TV.

Today is not only a time to celebrate freedom but also a great time to eat some delicious Mexican food. There is so much tasty Mexican food available now that it’s one of the best times of the year to eat a big meal. An event celebrating food is about to start!

When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023

What is Mexico’s true Independence Day?

His El Grito de Dolores, or Cry of Dolores, which was spoken—not written—is commemorated on September 16 as Mexican Independence Day.

Cinco de Mayo is not a holiday in Mexico to honor its freedom. The country’s Independence Day is September 16, which is the date of the Grito de Dolores, a speech and rallying cry given by Roman Catholic priest Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla in 1810. This important event sparked the movement that led to Mexico’s freedom from Spain.

It is, on the other hand, May 5, which marks the anniversary of Mexico’s important win over France at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. After more than 50 years, this happened on May 5, 1862. Benito Juárez, who was President of Mexico at the time, was against Napoleon III’s plans to make his country a French satellite state.

The French tried to take over the city, but Puebla’s defenses stood in their way. The French lost badly when they tried a stupid frontal attack on General Ignacio Zaragoza’s well-positioned Mexican men. Around 1,000 French troops were killed, so they had to leave for the coast, which was safer.

Does Mexico have 2 independence days?

The Country’s Real Independence: Mexican Independence Day is celebrated annually on September 16th, but its roots trace back to the late night hours of September 15th and the early morning of September 16, 1810.

“Guerra de Independencia de México,” which took place from September 16, 1810, to September 27, 1821, was both a military and a political war that helped Mexico break away from the Spanish Empire. It was more like the American Revolutionary War, with many fights going on at the same time in different places. It wasn’t a single, unified event. The end of these attempts was marked by the writing of the Mexican Empire’s Declaration of Independence on September 28, 1821, in Mexico City. This happened when the people who wanted freedom won the war, and the royal government fell apart.

Mexico’s freedom from Spain was planned out of time. It happened because of a lot of different things, many of which were affected by what was happening in Spain. Napoleon Bonaparte’s attack on Spain in 1808 made it hard for the crown to keep its power. When King Charles IV was forced to step down, he crowned his brother Joseph as king of Spain. This had a direct effect on the start of the armed revolt in 1810 and changed the course of the war until it ended.

Which country ruled Mexico?

The indigenous populations had few rights and were often exploited. Mexico was greatly influenced by the Spanish way of life and culture. The combining of Indian with Spanish traditions gave birth to a new country. While Mexico remained a colony, rulers that governed Mexico came from mainland Spain.

In Mexico, almost half of the people live in poverty, and about 5% live in extreme poverty. Not nearly as much as one might think from a developmental lag in the past. Many people are poor because of improvement and development projects that have been funded by the US, the World Bank, the Mexican government, and the International Monetary Fund over the last 20 years. Common underlying reasons include unemployment, low pay, or wages that don’t buy as much as they used to.

Children’s falling height is a very clear sign that they are poor. Mexican kids in some age groups and states have lost height and weight because they aren’t getting enough food. Interestingly, kids who were seven years old in 1990 were bigger than kids who were seven years old in 1998. Unfortunately, Mexico’s involvement in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has hurt the country’s people financially. Children are especially at risk of stunted growth because of problems caused by poverty.

Why is September 16 important in Mexico?

It commemorates the early morning of September 16, 1810, when the Catholic priest Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla urged the people to take up arms against the Spanish authorities. He rang the bell of his church to call the people. The Mexican liberation war began that day and it was fought for 11 years.

On September 16, Mexico claimed its independence from Spain after more than 300 years of colonial rule. This day is celebrated as Mexican Independence Day. For Mexicans, this day is very important because it stands for happiness, freedom, unity, and persistence.

Many lively events, such as parades, parties, family reunions, fireworks, music, and traditional folk dances, mark Mexico’s Independence Day. Holiday foods like chiles en nogada, menudo, pozole, birria de borrego, and queso fundido are very popular. El Grito de Dolores is an important event because it is when the President of Mexico made the same declaration that Miguel Hidalgo did in Dolores in September 1810, which started the War of Independence. 

El Grito de Dolores honors the people who fought so that Mexico could be free. This time, the President waves the Mexican flag and rings the same bell that Hidalgo did more than 300 years ago. YouTube now has the 2019 El Grito de Dolores event that you can watch.

Many countries celebrate Independence Day, and some even have more than one. For our California community, Mexico’s Independence Day is especially important. In 1810, Alta California was still a part of New Spain. In 1848, it became a part of Mexico.

What is Mexico’s cry for independence called?

The Cry of Dolores

The Cry of Dolores is most commonly known by the locals as “El Grito de Independencia” (The Independence Cry). Every year on the eve of Independence Day, the President of Mexico re-enacts the cry from the balcony of the National Palace in Mexico City, while ringing the same bell Hidalgo used in 1810.

The fervent Grito de Dolores, or “cry of Dolores,” has been celebrated for more than 200 years. It is named after the small town of Dolores, México, which is near Guanajuato. The word “dolores” also means “pain,” which is very important because the people who lived in what was then called the Viceroyalty of New Spain had a very hard time because they were under foreign occupation and colonial rule.

Around 2:30 a.m. on September 16, 1810, a loud cry came from Our Lady of Sorrows Parish. The Roman Catholic priest of the parish, Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo y Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseñor (also known as Hidalgo), rang the church bells to call his people. He spoke out against the Spanish government in power and called for a public uprising in a very angry speech. His moving and inspiring speech, which became known as the “cry of Dolores,” started a ten-year fight for freedom.

When Is Mexican Independence Day 2023

People heard the cry that marked the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence for eleven years, one week, and four days. An uprising against colonial powers led to strange alliances and a rough start for the country. In the beginning, Mexico was supposed to grow into a kingdom with a constitutional monarchy. However, this system didn’t work, and in 1823, the country was changed to a federal republic.

In Mexico, activities for Independence Day usually start on the night of September 15. Celebrations include get-togethers, fairs, parties, and many other events that go on all day. The flags of Mexico are made up of the bright colors green, white, and red. These colors are used to decorate roads and public spaces. On the night before the holiday, there might be fireworks and a reading of the Grito de Dolores.

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