When Is Children's Day In Japan

When Is Children’s Day In Japan


When Is Children’s Day In Japan: Children’s Day, a beloved Japanese holiday, is marked on May 5 each year. The event is committed to celebrating children’s uniqueness and joy. Although the celebrations date back further, the Japanese government declared Kodomo no Hi a public holiday in 1948.

Families raise ‘koinobori,’ or carp-shaped windsocks, as part of a Children’s Day custom. These carps, which are often displayed in a variety of colors, represent different family members. The holiday was originally celebrated on the fifth Day of the fifth moon in the Chinese calendar before transitioning to the Gregorian calendar. In Japanese society, the Day is set aside to recognize and celebrate children’s uniqueness and contentment.

When Is Children's Day In Japan

How to Celebrate Children’s Day in Japan

Children’s Day, they are also known as “Kodomo no Hi,” is deeply religious and culturally important in Japan. Based on Japan’s native religion, Shintoism, the holiday was first held for boys to coincide with Hinamatsuri, which celebrates girls’ well-being. Children’s Day was originally celebrated as a way to ward off evil spirits.

The festival, held on May 5 in modern Japan, honors and promotes the happiness and well-being of all children while also representing a broader viewpoint. Families practice a variety of customs, including the prominent display of Koinobori, bright streamers shaped like carp that represent tenacity and strength. These bright decorations flutter in the wind, creating a beautiful scene.

Families can show the traditional warrior doll known as “Gogatsu Ningyo,” which represents bravery and protection. During this time, kashiwa-mochi, a type of rice cake with sweet bean paste, is a favorite snack.

Children’s Day is a famous Japanese holiday that combines traditional customs with modern expressions of affection and worry for the next generation. It is a complete celebration of children’s well-being, prosperity, and health.

Children’s Day Traditions in Japan

Every year on May 5, Japan marks Children’s Day, which is a global event with significance even outside of Japan. Children’s Day customs and traditions vary by country, representing a diverse range of cultural practices.

Children’s Day is honored with unique customs and traditions throughout Japan. Businesses, educational institutions, and government buildings will all close briefly on this public holiday to promote a sense of community and respect for children. Despite the temporary closure of some establishments, many public places such as shops, supermarkets, restaurants, amusement parks, resorts, and tourist sites remain open.

This year’s global Children’s Day celebration emphasizes the importance of people of all backgrounds and nationalities recognizing and appreciating children’s potential, happiness, and general well-being. The celebration represents a shared commitment to raising the next generation with love and care.

History Of Children’s Day In Japan

Children’s Day is marked on May 5 in Japan. It is a public holiday that celebrates children’s joy and promotes their welfare.

Children’s Day originated in ancient China when the tradition of commemorating the birth of a firstborn son gained popularity. This ritual, known as Tango no Sekku, spread to Japan. The celebration was originally held on the fifth Day of the fifth month of the Chinese lunar calendar; however, with the acceptance of the Gregorian calendar in 1873, the date was set for May 5.

In 1948, Japan celebrated “National Children’s Day” (Zenkoku Kodomo no Hi) in response to the United Nations’ designation of June 1 as International Children’s Day. However, in 1966, the holiday’s name was changed to simply “Children’s Day.”

Parents and guardians use Children’s Day to show their children how much they care and how happy they are. Families frequently visit shrines and churches to pray for the happiness and well-being of their children.


Explore Kodomo no Hi’s Traditions and History: Discover the cultural significance and customs connected with this incredible festival by delving into Kodomo no Hi’s rich history and vibrant traditions.

Enjoy Children’s Media: If you’re looking for a relaxing and heartwarming way to spend an afternoon, watch a children’s movie. Studio Ghibli films are a great choice.

Spending Quality Time with Children: On this special occasion, consider spending time with your children, brothers, cousins, nieces, and nephews. Your appearance will result in treasured memories.

What is Children’s Day in Japan 

Children are the next generation of social leaders, and they are critical to any country’s growth and well-being. Recognizing this importance, many cultures around the world designate a special day to honor the spirit and life of children. This holiday, known as Kodomo no Hi, or Children’s Day, is held on May 5 every year in Japan.

Children’s Day offers a heartfelt opportunity for families to come together and express gratitude for the part that children play in their lives. The rich cultural importance and long history of this Japanese custom add meaning to the celebrations. Examining the origins, traditions, and ceremonies associated with Children’s Day shows a fascinating mosaic of customs that celebrate Japan’s rich cultural heritage.

Families mark this special Day by joining in activities that promote their children’s prosperity and well-being, thereby strengthening the bonds of love and togetherness in their homes. Children’s Day in Japan is not only a celebration but also a glimpse into the deeply ingrained cultural values that permeate society, as proven by activities such as flying carp-shaped windsocks and participating in traditional shrine rituals.

When Is Children's Day In Japan

What is the fish in Japanese children’s day?

At present, the koinobori are commonly flown above the roofs of houses with children, with the biggest (black) koinobori for the father, next biggest (red or pink) for the mother, and additional smaller carps of a different color for each child in decreasing order by age.

In Japan, May 5 is Children’s Day, a special day for families to celebrate their children’s healthy growth and contentment. Although it was declared a national holiday in 1948, the Japanese practice of celebrating children predates today’s custom.

Tango no Sekku, a festival mainly for boys, was traditionally held on the fifth Day of the fifth month. On the third Day of the third month, however, girls celebrated their holiday known as Hina Matsuri or the Doll Holiday.

Families with boys celebrate Children’s Day by releasing big carp-shaped streamers, known as koinobori, outside their homes. They also have dolls inside that depict great fighters and heroes. The carp was picked as a symbol of strength and success. According to folklore, a carp turns into a dragon after swimming upstream.

As people’s living arrangements change, the carp streaming tradition has changed. Smaller versions, such as miniature ones for interior decoration, have recently gained popularity, ensuring that the Children’s Day spirit is taken forward in a variety of settings.

What is the carp for children’s day in Japan?

On Children’s Day, families with boys fly huge carp-shaped streamers (koinobori) outside the house and display dolls of famous warriors and other heroes inside. The carp was chosen because it symbolizes strength and success; according to a legend, a carp swam upstream to become a dragon.

Kids mark the event by flying kites and koinobori flags, particularly outside boys’ houses. The carp-like forms of these flags make them appear to be swimming as they flap in the breeze. A carp that can swim upstream is a sign of bravery and tenacity. Have conversations with children about times when they showed courage or tenacity, such as when they learned to hop.

Koinobori flags are usually large and cylindrical, made of colorfully painted cotton. Children should be shown images of these flags on the internet and urged to construct their simple kite replicas. Show children pictures of real carp and ask them to name the features of their bodies, tail fins, and skin scale patterns. Encourage the kids to draw carp shapes on colored tissue paper, then add details with colored felt-tipped pens, cut them out, and secure them with sticky tape to a 20-cm piece of wool. Allow the children to run around outside and catch the essence of the celebration by holding up their “kites” to flutter behind them.

What is children’s day for in Japan?

The Children’s Day Festival is celebrated on May 5th in Japan every year during the Golden Week holiday. On this day, families pray for the health and happiness of their children. It is called Kodomo no Hi in Japanese.

On May 5, Japan celebrates Children’s Day, also known as Kodomo no Hi, which marks the end of the country’s Golden Week holiday season. During Golden Week, a number of holidays, Japanese people can take advantage of an extended break to travel, visit family, and engage in leisure activities.

Children’s Day provides a chance to thank mothers, highlight the importance of children’s well-being, and celebrate the character of children. The Koi Nobori, or carp streamers, which can be seen in local parks, shopping malls, and homes, are a well-known symbol of the Day.

These vibrant streamers reflect the tenacity, vigor, and well-being of young Japanese boys. Despite its name, Children’s Day is usually associated with boys. It compares with the Dolls Festival (Hina Matsuri), which takes place in March and celebrates girls’ health and well-being.

What food is eaten on children’s day Japan?

On Children’s Day, we enjoy eating “Kashiwa-mochi,” a rice cake filled with sweet red bean paste wrapped in an oak leaf, and “Chimaki,” steamed glutinous mochi rice wrapped in a bamboo leaf. You can learn these traditional Japanese sweets in JCI’s Wagashi course!

Savoring “Kashiwa-mochi,” a rice cake filled with sweet red bean paste wrapped in an oak leaf, and “Chimaki,” steamed sticky mochi rice wrapped in a bamboo leaf, is a delightful Children’s Day ritual. Take JCI’s Wagashi course to learn how to make these classic Japanese sweets!

Glutinous mochi rice is carefully crafted into chemicals by wrapping it in a “chaya” leaf before steaming. Modern forms frequently include wagashi coated in Uiro (rice flour cake) or Kuzu (arrowroot starch jelly) instead of mochi rice. Kashiwa Mochi originated in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) and gained popularity during the Edo (samurai) period; however, Chimaki remains popular in the Kansai area, where imperial court customs are important.

Japanese sweet treats known as Kashiwa-mochi are made by wrapping an oak leaf around a rice cake filled with sweet red bean paste. The belief that eating Kashiwa-mochi on Tango-no Sekku ensures the continuation of the family line and prosperity for future generations goes back to the Edo period (1603-1868). Its delicious variations are complemented by a range of fillings, including miso paste, white bean paste, and azuki bean paste. During this festive occasion, Kashiwa-mochi is preferred over Chimaki in eastern Japan, especially in Tokyo.

Why do we celebrate the children’s day?

Children’s Day is celebrated in India to raise awareness about the rights, education, and welfare of children. It is celebrated on 14 November every year on the birthday of the first prime minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru, who was known to have been fond of children.

Children’s Day originated in the early twentieth century as a global movement to support children’s welfare and rights. The UN General Assembly created Universal Children’s Day in 1954 to raise awareness about the importance of global peace and harmony for children’s safety, well-being, and quality of life. November 20 marks the official adoption of the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child and the 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

In India, Children’s Day serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of protecting and fostering children’s potential and innocence. It stresses the importance of providing them with a safe and healthy upbringing that includes instruction, a nutritious diet, and a safe environment. This celebration tries to raise public awareness of children’s rights and the global issues they face, such as child labor, limited access to healthcare and education, and poverty.

When Is Children's Day In Japan

Tango no Sekku was named on the fifth Day of the fifth month after the Nara period in Japanese history. It is thought to have originated during the reign of Japan’s 33rd monarch, Empress Suiko. It was marked as Boys’ Day until 1948, when March 3 was designated as Girls’ Day. However, on March 3, 1948, the Japanese government declared it a national holiday and changed the name to Kodomo no Hi, resulting in a major change. This update was made with the aim of thanking moms and celebrating the joy that all children, regardless of gender, bring.

Families perform their tradition of raising koinobori, or windsocks shaped like carps, during Kodomo no Hi. The meaning behind this is that the mother is represented by a purple or pink carp, the father by a black carp, and each child in the family is represented via a green, orange, or blue carp. This tradition stems from a Chinese tale that describes a carp swimming upstream and converting into a dragon. The depth of the historical and familial significance of Children’s Day in Japan is mirrored in the cultural variety of these customs.

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