When Is Cape Verde Independence Day

When Is Cape Verde Independence Day


When Is Cape Verde Independence Day: The small island country of the Republic of Cabo Verde, also known as Cape Verde (meaning “green cape”), is in the Atlantic Ocean, 570 kilometers from the coast of Northwest Africa. In the 1400s, the Portuguese found and settled the previously empty archipelago, which did not have any local people living there.

The Cape Verde Islands were found between 1460 and 1462 by António de Noli, Diogo Gomes, and Diogo Afonso. The first European village was set up on the island of Santiago. It used to be called Ribeira Grande, but now it’s called Cidade Velha. This small town quickly became a major trade hub linking mainland Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, the Caribbean, and Brazil. Portuguese Jews who had been forced to leave Europe were among the first people to settle there.

In the 1600s, the Portuguese brought enslaved people from West Africa to the group. The transatlantic slave trade made the islands richer. Unfortunately, pirates like Jacques Cassard and Francis Drake became interested in the growing wealth. Pirate attacks, famine, droughts, and the end of the rich slave trade had all done a lot of damage to Cape Verde’s economy by the late 1800s.

When Is Cape Verde Independence Day

History of Independence Day

The African country of Cape Verde is off the northwest coast of the Atlantic Ocean. It is made up of ten volcanic islands.

In the middle of the 15th century, Portuguese explorers found these empty islands. In 1462, Europeans built the first stable settlement in the tropics.

Along with being a big stop for ships going to the Americas, the islands were also an important part of the Atlantic slave trade.

As people became more unhappy with colonial rule, Portugal changed Cape Verde’s position from a colony to an overseas province in 1951. This was done in response to a rise in nationalism after World War II.

Another Portuguese country in the area, Portuguese Guinea, was close to the separatist movement in Cape Verde. Amílcar Cabral, who is from Guinea, started the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) in 1956. The PAIGC tried to improve the political, social, and economic situations in both Cape Verde and Portuguese Guinea so that their independence movements could get off the ground.


Independence Day is widely remembered and happily marked in Cape Verde. This event remembers the country’s historic freedom from Portuguese colonial rule on July 5, 1975. Parades, cultural shows, and sports events are all part of the celebrations and help to show off Cape Verde’s rich culture. 

People in the city of Praia are very proud to fly the Cape Verdean flag and wear traditional clothes. The parties are better with traditional music and dance that show off the country’s rich history. Families and groups of friends get together to enjoy the tasty food from the area and do different activities. 

Though Cape Verde’s Independence Day is a happy event, it is also a sad reminder of how hard and expensive it is to fight for freedom and independence.

Why did Cape Verde gain independence?

The African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) was a rebel group that was very important in the war for independence in Cape Verde and Portuguese Guinea. It also talks about how it started and what it does.

The PAIGC’s first job was to look into and make things better in Portuguese Guinea and Cape Verde’s political, social, and economic situations. It was because of the hard lives that native people had to live in these Portuguese colonial lands that the PAIGC was made. Freedom and better living conditions were at the heart of the efforts for independence in both countries.

In 1960, the PAIGC moved its offices to Conakry, Guinea, so that it could run its business better. The next year, in 1961, the PAIGC began an armed revolt against Portuguese colonial rule. This was the start of a long and terrible fight for freedom in the area.

The PAIGC chose to fight back violently against Portuguese colonial rule. Guerrilla warfare was used by the movement, which had backing from a wide range of people. Along with getting freedom, the armed resistance wanted to fix the unfair social conditions that colonial authorities caused.

Why is July 5 significant in the history of Cape Verde?

The Portuguese found Cape Verde in 1446. It is a deserted group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Ribeira Grande was the name the Portuguese gave to the area around Santiago where they lived. This beautiful group of islands became a slave outpost when enslaved people were brought inland to work in cotton fields.

The island was officially made a Portuguese colony in 1495. It became an overseas territory in 1951, around the same time that African nationalist groups were growing. People from Guinea (then called Portuguese Guinea) and the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde (PAIGC) started it in 1961. Nationalist thinker Amilcar Cabral led it.

After having a lot of political success in the 1960s, the PAIGC moved its base to Conakry, Guinea, and began an armed rebellion against the Portuguese government. Over time, these attacks happened more often until Portuguese Guinea got its freedom in 1975. After being freed, PAIGC became a strong force in Cape Verde. At the end of 1974, the Portuguese government chose to set up a transitional administration. Cape Verde became its own country on July 5, 1975.

Observing Independence Day In Cabo Verde

Independence Day is celebrated in Cabo Verde, as it is in other countries that do the same. There will be parades, street parties, music acts, and political speeches that stress the importance of independence.

Independence Day is also a time for people to get together with their families and eat delicious food. The phrase #CaboVerdeIndependenceDay is used in the digital world to get the word out about this event to a lot of people.

When Is Cape Verde Independence Day

When did Cape Verde get its independence?

5th of July 1975

After the collapse of the dictatorship in Portugal in 1974 (carnation revolution), which brought independency for Guinea-Bissau, the PAIGCV (today’s PAICV) became more public. Finally, due to omnipresent pressure, the Cape Verde Islands finally became an independent country on 5th of July 1975.

In 1456, European sailors found the islands. This was a turning point in history. The Portuguese kings and queens quickly took control of the islands. In 1461, they set up Cidade da Ribeira Grande, also known as Cidade Velha, as a settlement in Santiago. Cape Verde was the first country outside of Europe to become a colony.

Cidade da Ribeira Grande quickly grew into a busy seaport and a major hub for the transatlantic slave trade. Enslaved West Africans were in high demand on cotton and sugarcane farms. Once people found America, the city became a major trade hub. This helped Portugal quickly become one of the richest countries in the Old World.

How does Cape Verde celebrate Independence Day?

The day is marked with parades, fireworks, music, dance, and speeches in every city and town across the country. The celebrations are a reflection of Cape Verdean culture, history, and freedom since 1975. Many people proudly wear clothing or accessories in the national colors of blue, white, and red.

Cape Verdeans are very proud of their country and love their country on Independence Day, which is marked every year on July 5. To celebrate this day, people all over the country hold parades, fireworks shows, music, dance, and motivational talks. Powerfully, these lively parties show Cape Verde’s rich history, culture, and much-needed freedom in 1975.

You can often see a lot of people dressed in national colors like red, white, and blue during the celebrations. Even though Cape Verde’s Independence Day is similar to a Brazilian carnival in style, only a few people know about it. This makes it a secret gem among festivals around the world. The big, beautiful parade lasts for hours and gives people a chance to meet new people, take part in unplanned processions, and enjoy street events. Everyone who goes to the event is changed forever by how amazing it is.

Is Cape Verde a rich or poor country?

Worldwide gross domestic product in 2022 was at about 12,703 USD per capita. GDP in Cape Verde, on the other hand, reached USD 3,754 per capita, or 2.23 billion USD for the whole country. Cape Verde is currently at number 185 among the international economies and is therefore one of the less significant.

People know that the Cape Verde or Cabo Verde islands are politically and economically stable, even though they have few natural resources and problems like drought and not much land that can be used for farming.

This area was once a Portuguese colony. It has ten islands and five islets, and all but three of them are hilly. The island, which is about 500 kilometers off the west coast of Africa, has gotten around its physical limits.

In the 20th century, the islands were hit by terrible storms that killed 200,000 people and caused a lot of people to leave. There are now more islanders living outside of the country than inside it. The money they send back to their home country is very important to the business of the country because it is foreign currency that is needed.

How did Cape Verde gain independence from Portugal?

The catalyst for independence was the PAIGC branch in Guinea-Bissau, which began an ultimately-successful war against the Portuguese there; this eventually compelled Portugal to accept independence for Cape Verde as well.

Cabo Verde and Guinea-Bissau used to be colonized together, but that stopped in 1879 when they became their separate Portuguese territories. As part of the process of African independence, their position was changed to “overseas provinces” in 1951. In 1961, the people who lived there were given full Portuguese citizenship. Some colonial citizens didn’t think these changes were important, so they started pushing for Guinea-Bissau and Cabo Verde to be completely free from Portugal.

The African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cabo Verde (PAIGC) was founded in Bissau in 1956. Amílcar Cabral, a famous rebel leader and thinker, was in charge of it. PAIGC’s main goal was to get independence through peaceful protests, showing their support for peaceful self-determination campaigns.

What country won independence from Portugal in 1975?

Angola independence

Portugal granted Angola independence on November 11, 1975, at a time when multiple Angolan nationalist forces were fighting among themselves to establish control over the newly liberated state.

The Cape Verde Islands got their freedom on July 5, ending 515 years of Portuguese rule. This came after years of poverty and drought.

When the clock hit midnight, thousands of guests, locals, and Portuguese soldiers were happy because Africa’s 44th independent country was born. Throughout the day and night, people celebrated.

Aristedes Pereira and Pedro Pires became leaders in Cape Verde after being praised as heroes for their work in the rebel war against Portugal in Guinea-Bissau. The new leader was Mr. Pires, and the old leader was Mr. Pereira.

Mr. Pereira was a major figure in the fight for independence. He helped start the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde. At the same time, Mr. Pires oversaw the party’s rise to power across the archipelago. He had already arranged for Guinea-Bissau to be free from Portugal.

When Is Cape Verde Independence Day

Cape Verde marked its Independence Day, which marks the beginning of the country’s journey toward independence from colonial rule. During the celebrations, we recognized the country’s rich cultural history and praised its progress in education, the economy, and government. 

People were encouraged to work together for a better future by the event, which stressed the importance of being loyal and friendly to one another. We remembered this important event by thinking about the hard times and sacrifices the people of Cape Verde had to go through. Independence Day was a moving reminder of how strong and determined our country is, as well as how great its people are.

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