When Is Ascension Thursday This Year

When Is Ascension Thursday This Year


When Is Ascension Thursday This Year: According to Christian custom, Ascension Day is a time to remember Jesus Christ’s Ascension to heaven, which is the most important belief in Christianity. The event this year is scheduled for May 9 and will be held on a Thursday, forty days after Easter Sunday. For two reasons, this important day is important: it is a religious celebration and a public holiday in many countries around the world, such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, France, and others. It is also known as The Feast of the Ascension, The Ascension of Jesus, Ascension Thursday, Holy Thursday, or Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord.

Around the world, Christians and communities celebrate Ascension Day in big ways that go beyond its holy meaning. On this day, Christians remember when Jesus left this world and went to heaven. This is a very important event in the Christian faith. Every year on this day, Christians get together to remember how important Christ’s Ascension was and how it promises salvation and endless life.

It is a big deal in many countries that businesses are closed on Ascension Day, which is a holy day that people gather to celebrate. Religious services, processions, and family get-togethers are just a few of the ways that people from all walks of life mark the important event of Christ’s Ascension. Overcoming national and geographical barriers creates a sense of unity and respect.

When Is Ascension Thursday This Year

When Is Ascension Thursday in the Eastern Orthodox Churches?

According to the sources given, Ascension Thursday, one of the most important Christian holidays, falls on the following times in the West. When figuring out Easter, Catholics and Protestants use the Gregorian Calendar, while Eastern Orthodox Christians use the Julian date. When Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter, it is often different from when Christians in the West celebrate it. This means that different groups celebrate Ascension Thursday in different ways. When talking about moving the Ascension celebration to the next Sunday, it’s important to remember that Orthodox Christians have their own way of doing things.

It’s possible to find out what day Eastern Orthodox Christians celebrate Ascension Thursday by looking at resources like “When Greek Orthodox Easter Is Celebrated” from About Greece Travel. More than five weeks and four days should be added to the Eastern Orthodox Easter date to get the exact date of Ascension Thursday. By using this method, people can remember this important day in the same way that Eastern Orthodox Christians do and make their celebrations more coordinated.

Ascension Thursday to Ascension Sunday?

In the Bible story found in Acts, Jesus stayed with his disciples for forty days before going to heaven. This is where the custom of celebrating the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord after Easter comes from. However, the Ascension is always marked on a Thursday because Easter doesn’t always happen on that day. But for real pastoral reasons, the Church lets the celebration be moved to the seventh Sunday of Easter. This way, more people can join in and honor the completion of Christ’s mission to save the world.

Religious regions, which are made up of several dioceses, make decisions for some governments, like New Jersey. Someone has said that the celebration of the Ascension will be different in a big way. The Solemnity of the Ascension was forever moved from its usual Thursday date to the following Sunday after talks between the Latin-rite Diocesan Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Newark. Following this choice, the liturgical program that was supposed to happen on the Seventh Sunday of Easter will now happen on Sunday, May 29, 2022, in all Latin-rite churches in New Jersey. This will happen during the current Easter Season in 2022.


On Ascension Day, one of the longest Christian holidays, the Easter season comes to an end. That being said, most Catholic and Anglican churches still do this, even though many Protestant churches have stopped. There are different times around the world when people celebrate Ascension Day. As for which Calendar to use, most Western churches use the Gregorian Calendar, but some Eastern Orthodox churches still use the Julian calendar. So their celebration times fall on different days.

The holiday honors the time after Easter Sunday when Jesus Christ rose from the dead, based on stories from the New Testament. Once that was over, Christ stayed with his Apostles for 40 days and taught and led them. Christ and his friends go to heaven from Mount Olivet, which is close to Jerusalem, at the end of this time. Jesus’ disciples saw this important event, which marked the end of his work on earth and the beginning of his role as a god alongside God. The Ascension means two things to Christians: it means that Christ’s work on earth is over and that his disciples will one day live in heaven.


You can attend church events with an Ascension Day theme. One way to see how people in your local congregation enjoy this holiday is to go to a Christian service or Mass. For example, because Protestant and Catholic traditions are different, you need to make sure you know all the facts ahead of time.

Experience the usual part of Ascension Day celebrations: taking part in church processions. In many years, this celebration ends with a spectacular feast after a three-day march. Flags and candles are used to decorate the march to show how Christ rose from the dead and went to heaven. Check to see if your Church has a parade to celebrate the event, even if the other events aren’t especially exciting.

An important part of the events on Ascension Day is listening to hymns, which have uplifting tunes. When people listen to these inspirational songs, they feel changed in a big way, and those changes last for a long time. Hitherto, singers like John Legend with “Preach,” Carrie Underwood with “Something in the Water,” and U2 with “Where the Streets Have No Name” have used hymns in their new songs. This shows that hymns will always be important.

What is Ascension Day?

This is a very important day in the Christian liturgical schedule. It is called the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, or Ascension Thursday or Ascension Day. During this time, people remember the moment when Jesus literally went to heaven. Following Easter Sunday, on Thursday, people usually celebrate this forty-day holiday. A number of Roman Catholic countries have moved the celebration to the following Sunday so that it is easier to plan.

A very important event in Christian history is seen as Ascension Day, which marks the end of Jesus Christ’s earthly life. He fulfills a divine prophecy by returning to the celestial realm after finishing his work on Earth. This promises endless life. Many Christians think about what Christ’s Ascension means for their spiritual journey and how important it is spiritually as a whole as they celebrate this day.

Christians from all over the world have been gathering to worship and remember Ascension Day for a long time. It asks Christians to think about the supernatural power of Christ’s resurrection and the secrets of how to be saved. On Ascension Day, Christians celebrate their faith in the risen Lord and look forward to his guaranteed return in glory, no matter what day it is.

When Is Ascension Thursday This Year

Can Ascension Thursday be moved to Sunday?

In the United States, there is typically one ecclesiastical province per state (in the Latin Rite). In the U.S., all ecclesiastical provinces have transferred the celebration of the Ascension to Sunday except Boston, Hartford, Philadelphia, and Omaha. Why?

In the dioceses of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and New York, Thursday is a “holy day of obligation” for Catholics because it is the commemoration of the Ascension. As a way to honor this important day in the liturgical cycle, they must go to Mass on Thursday. Around the country, Catholics will celebrate the Ascension on Sunday. These people don’t have to go to Mass on Thursday like people in the other states do because it has been moved to the following Sunday.

In the United States, different areas have different Catholic religious traditions, and so do the different ways people celebrate the Ascension. It’s more convenient for some churches to celebrate the feast on the following Sunday, while others keep it on Thursday. Because of this difference, more faithful people will be involved, and people will have more options for when they can go to Mass.

And for Catholics all over the world, the ceremony of the Ascension is very important, no matter what day they celebrate it. That’s when it was said that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead, showing that he was truly God. A powerful memory of Christ’s death on the cross and his promise of salvation to all who believe, the feast is held every Thursday and Sunday.

Is Ascension Day on Thursday 18 May?

Ascension Day has been a public holiday throughout Germany for almost 90 years. Since this day is celebrated 39 days after Easter Sunday, it always falls on a Thursday and is therefore ideal for a long May weekend with a bridge day on Friday. This year it will be celebrated on 18 May.

According to tradition, Ascension Day is celebrated every year on a Thursday, 40 days after Easter Sunday. And that means it’s been 39 days since Easter. Along with being a public holiday in some places, Ascension Day gives many workers the chance to take the day off. A lot of people choose to extend their vacation to make it a full weekend because the holiday comes on a Thursday. So, the Friday before the weekend, especially in stores and businesses, is usually a lot calmer than the Thursday before.

An important state holiday in Indonesia is Ascension Day, even though Christianity is a minority religion there. At this important time in Christian history, churches all over the country hold special services to remember it. Ascension Day is celebrated by everyone in Indonesia, no matter what faith is most popular. This shows how culturally diverse the country is. Thus, the holiday brings people together to honor their shared religious history and traditions, which supports unity.

People from all walks of life can learn about and take part in Indonesia’s many religious events on Ascension Day, which is a religious and cultural holiday. There is a lot of diversity in Indonesia’s society, and the event brings people of all religions together to show respect and unity.

Is Ascension Day always on a Thursday?

Following the account of Acts 1:3 that the risen Jesus appeared for 40 days prior to his Ascension, Ascension Day is traditionally celebrated on a Thursday, the fortieth day of Easter, although some Christian denominations have moved the observance to the following Sunday, sometimes called Ascension Sunday.

An average celebration of Ascension Day takes place on a Thursday forty days after Easter Sunday, in the sixth week of Easter. A lot of American churches have changed the date of this memorial, though. It is now usually held on the seventh Sunday of Easter. But now it’s more generally called “Ascension Sunday.” In 2023, the exact day of celebration—whether it’s a Thursday or a Sunday—seems to vary between countries and dioceses.

While different religious groups and places celebrate Ascension Day at different times, the dates of the celebrations show the different customs and practices that are observed. Others mark the historical event on the Sunday after Easter, on the Thursday that is 40 days after Easter. The reason for this change in schedule could be practical, religious, or cultural, which are unique to each region or country.

No matter which date is picked, Ascension Day is a big deal in the Christian Calendar because it marks the day that Jesus Christ physically went to heaven. Christians hold this day in high regard because it marks the end of Christ’s mission on earth and the promise of his second coming. The holiday is celebrated on either a Thursday or a Sunday. Therefore, even though different traditions and groups celebrate the Ascension at different times, it always has the same basic meaning as a central part of Christian faith and teaching.

Is Ascension Thursday 2023 a holy day of obligation?

Thursday, May 18, 2023 – The Ascension of Jesus. Tuesday, August 15, 2023 – The Assumption of Mary, Solemnity. Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – All Saints’ Day.

Because of this, the Liturgical Calendar is not static. Some Catholic Church celebrations and observances happen at the same times every year, but others change based on many factors. We have put together a full list of all the important days and changes that will happen in 2023 to help you keep up. The list includes holy days of obligation, liturgical seasons, major events, and important feast days. Our goal with this resource is to keep people aware and involved in their spiritual community by making information easier to find and encouraging people to share it.

Fixed and changeable dates are used together in the Catholic Church’s religious Calendar to show how important certain religious events are. There are reliable tools that can help you keep track of these changes because the rotation of times becomes clear as the Calendar goes on. Giving everyone access to this complete list means that people can plan and look forward to celebrating these important days.

To be mentally ready for the new year, it makes sense to get the things you need now. People can learn more about the Liturgical Calendar and how important it is in the Catholic faith by reading this short paper. In the spirit of our shared religion and customs, let us start the new year with renewed resolve and zeal.

Is Ascension Thursday still a holy day?

Note: In the archdioceses and dioceses within the Ecclesiastical Provinces of Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Omaha, and Philadelphia, the Ascension of the Lord always falls on Thursday of the Sixth Week of Easter and is a Holyday of Obligation.

What a special day the Ascension is in the Christian faith; it happens exactly 40 days after Easter Sunday. According to the book of Acts, Jesus showed up to his friends for 40 days after he rose from the dead. This timeline is based on that story. After that, he took his followers to the top of Mount Olivet, where he came down from heaven to end his ministry on earth.

The Ascension site became important to history when the Church of the Disciples, also called the Church of the Olive Grove, was finished in the fourth century. Emperor Constantine and his mother Helen paid for this Church to be built near the area where people believe Christ’s Ascension happened. The Church was built to honor this important time in Christian history, and Helen was in charge of everything. When the Persians attacked in the seventh century, they destroyed the Church. This shows that holy places often have a rough past.

The Ascension still has a spiritual meaning in the Christian faith, even though the Church of the Disciples was destroyed. Today, people still respect the Mount of Olives as a reminder of Jesus’ victory over death and return to God. It is there that he went to heaven. Remembering the basic beliefs of Christianity and the never-ending hope that comes from Jesus Christ’s death, rising, and Ascension is easy, thanks to this lasting memory.

When Is Ascension Thursday This Year

Jesus Christ went to heaven and gave his people the Great Commission to spread the message of salvation all over the world. This is what the Ascension of the Lord Year A is all about. For this celebration, the readings paint a vivid picture of Jesus’ Ascension and the promise the Holy Spirit made to his Apostles. “Jesus Ascended into Heaven” and “The Promise of the Coming of the Holy Spirit” are both in the first reading. What happened at this important event shows how Christ gave the disciples the power to do their tasks.

As it says again in the second reading, Jesus Christ is in charge of both heaven and earth, which shows how powerful and powerfully comprehensive he is. This verse draws attention to the fact that Christ’s Ascension is of cosmic importance by showing him as the ultimate master of all worlds. When Christ rose from the dead, it was a turning point in the history of grace. It shows how great and powerful he is.

Jesus tells his friends again in the gospel reading to spread the Good News to every part of the world, just like he did before he went to heaven. To show how global the Christian purpose is, this commandment stresses how important it is to share the good news of salvation with people from all cultures and countries. Thoughts on these readings during the Ascension of the Lord Year A remind Christians of their duty to share the gospel’s power to change lives with everyone and advance God’s kingdom.

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