For several days, our area was under excessive wind warnings. When the weather forecasts came true, and the trees started dropping their leaves, the kids couldn’t wait to get outside. They took full advantage of the windy days by riding a skateboard and carrying a plastic shopping bag.
Living in the Midwest, we are accustomed to the windy, varied weather patterns that accompany the spring and fall months. Despite being hundreds of miles from the nearest ocean, this week’s wind was exceptionally strong, with persistent speeds of 30-40 mph and gusts of 50-60 mph, reaching tropical storm status. I mentioned this unusual weather occurrence in my introduction to The GeekDads Episode #79.
The building of a wind tunnel between our house and our neighbor increased the force of the wind and exacerbated the already powerful gusts. Taking advantage of the strange weather, my youngest son loved playing outside in the wind.
There needed to be more time to explore the influence of different types and sizes of bags before dinnertime arrived. It would have been fascinating to watch how the medium/large bag he used in the top photo compares to smaller grocery shop bags.
Things To Do With Kids On Windy Days
Children are more likely to be restless and excited on windy days, so this is an excellent time to interest them in a variety of outside activities. Although kite flying is a classic hobby, children can benefit from a number of other artistic and educational activities that promote a deeper awareness of their surroundings and improve their observational skills.
Outdoor activities that make use of the windy conditions can ignite children’s curiosity and improve their problem-solving abilities. These activities allow children to interact with nature while learning via practical experiences, such as researching the science behind wind patterns or making crafts that harness the power of the wind.
By using windy days as a teaching chance, caregivers and teachers can create an environment that piques children’s curiosity about their surroundings. These activities change seemingly mundane days into opportunities for exhilarating and gratifying adventures by harnessing the power of the wind.
Staying warm on windy days
Walking outside on windy days might be nice, but you should constantly consider how the wind affects the temperature and your level of comfort. Before going outside, make sure to check the wind speed and “feels like” or “wind chill” temperature, as even a light breeze can make the air feel colder than it is.
When planning outside activities, it is important to dress appropriately for the surrounding temperature and wind speed. Wearing layers that insulate against the cooling effects of the breeze is important because the wind tends to take body heat.
When preparing for outdoor activities on windy days, it is critical to choose clothing that strikes the right balance between staying warm and enjoying the fresh air. You may ensure a nice and happy day in the great outdoors by evaluating the wind speed and adjusting your attire properly.
What happens to the lovely bunch on a windy day?
A gorgeous bunch of balloons performs a lively dance on a windy day, swaying and pulling with each gust of wind. The sight of these colored balloons flying high in the sky is pretty appealing. As seen below, the balloons spring to life, putting on a fantastic show.
A high wind, as defined in meteorology, is a very strong wind that has the potential to alter the weather greatly. On days like this, there are numerous ways to feel and study the wind’s force, which influences how objects move, including balloons.
There have been talks about how meteorological conditions, such as dry winds and changes in atmospheric pressure, can have subtle effects on people in addition to their visual impact. Certain hypotheses suggest that dry winds may generate positively charged electrons, which may affect behavior and mood. The idea depicts the complex interrelationship between weather patterns and human experiences despite the fact that empirical proof for such effects is limited.
12 windy day activities
Children can learn a lot by exploring the different components of a windy day. These activities promote a better understanding of the environment by stimulating their senses, creativity, and curiosity. Here are some exciting things to do on a windy day:
Pay attention and take notes:
Pay attention as the wind rustles and rattles around the school.
Observe how the wind causes the leaves to scatter and the trees to swing.
Sensational Power:
Run against the wind while holding a big piece of card to feel its power. Evaluate the experience of using and not using the card.
Nature Hike:
Take a walk and notice how the wind affects the environment, including any fallen leaves or twigs.
Create wind-powered crafts:
Create pinwheels or kites and fly them in the wind.
Discuss wind energy and ask children what they think about wind towers.
Weather-related devices:
Examine weather vanes and discuss their design and function. Create your own or create one.
Fabric art showing wind chimes:
Create wind chimes out of bells, conkers, or buttons. Hang them from trees for maximum visual and audible effect.
Tie ribbons or scarves around hoops and watch them sway in the breeze.
Musical instruments and wind socks:
Put on wind socks and watch how they move.
Create music outside with simple tools such as maracas and tambourines. Experiment with how sound moves through the wind.
Grass Artwork:
Gather fallen leaves for threading, printing, or making natural collages, among other creative projects.
Examining literature:
Read wind-related poetry, such as Robert Louis Stevenson’s “The Wind,” and encourage children to create their windy rhymes or artwork using wind images.
Refrain Often:
Examine the poem’s recurring refrain and work it into sketches, paintings, or musical pieces.
These exercises improve children’s enjoyment of wind education as well as their knowledge of nature’s dynamic forces.
What should you not do on a windy day?
It is best to avoid certain tasks in windy conditions because they may be impeded or dangerous. Competitions to see who can spew the most watermelon seeds are entertaining, but the wind can have unexpected effects. It is difficult to play sports such as golf, tennis, boomerang throwing, disc golf, and soccer when the wind is uncertain, which affects trajectory and accuracy.
Decorations such as balloons, tablecloths, and candles should be reviewed for outdoor events such as birthday parties. The wind may blow tablecloths and flowers away, resulting in a mess and garbage. The risk of candle extinguishment makes it tough to light candles outdoors.
To ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience, plan activities that are less affected by windy weather. Consider indoor choices or activities that are less affected by wind.
What happens on windy day?
During the windy day, the speed of the wind will be high and hence evaporation also increases. When the speed of wind increases, the water molecules are scattered and decrease the amount of water vapor in the surrounding. Therefore, clothes dry faster on a windy day.
On windy days, the interaction of evaporation and wind speed becomes important to drying. The increased speed of the wind has a significant effect on evaporation rates. The rising speed of the wind causes water molecules to disperse, reducing the amount of water vapor in the surrounding air.
Wet clothing dries faster due to the drop in water vapor. Wind speed causes water molecules to disperse more easily, enabling evaporation and speeding up the drying process. As a result, hanging laundry on a windy day is an effective method for increasing the rate of evaporation.
The science behind the phenomenon of clothes drying faster on windy days can be better understood by studying the relationship between wind speed and evaporation.
What is considered a windy day?
“Windy” conditions. Sustained wind speeds of 21 to 25 mph, or frequent wind gusts of 30 to 35 mph. ” A Very Low Threat to Life and Property from High Wind.” “Breezy” to “Windy” conditions.
Wind speed classification provides a scale for evaluating possible risks to life and property. On the scale, conditions run from “Very Low Threat” to “Damaging High Wind.” In “Very Low Threat,” conditions run from breezy to windy, with frequent gusts of 25 to 30 mph and consistent wind speeds of around 20 mph. There is no clear danger to life or property at this level.
As you move up the scale, “Low Threat,” conditions include regular gusts of 30 to 35 mph or consistent wind speeds of 21 to 25 mph. There are “Breezy” to “Windy” conditions, but nothing particularly dangerous.
Tiny branch breaking, wind-blown loose debris, and rare occurrences of structural damage are all possible risks as the scale moves toward “High Wind” conditions. Boaters and high-profile vehicles should be aware of the hazardous situations.
When wind speeds hit “Damaging High Wind” levels, more severe effects occur, such as significant damage to unanchored buildings, falling trees, and widespread power outages. The chance of hazardous missiles emphasizes the enormous risk to life and property. In this group, situations for boaters and high-profile vehicles are especially hazardous. The classification is a useful tool for determining and communicating the amount of risk associated with different wind conditions.
What are wind days?
Global Wind Day – 15 June
Global Wind Day is a worldwide event that occurs annually on 15 June. It is a day for discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth.
On June 15, a major annual celebration of global wind takes place. On this day, we can explore and celebrate wind energy, recognizing its potential to change energy systems, reduce carbon emissions, and boost the economy. The goal of the event is to raise general awareness about wind energy’s potential to solve the world’s energy problems.
On November 9, the world observes Global Wind Day, a day dedicated to raising public knowledge about the benefits of wind energy, especially its potential to generate sustainable and renewable energy sources. The focus is also on how wind energy may impact the shift to cleaner energy systems, economic growth, and job creation.
Global Wind Day is an important platform for raising knowledge about the benefits and potential of wind energy in building a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. The event brings together people from all over the world for talks, events, and projects that advance the larger goals of using wind energy to create a more environmentally friendly and cleaner world.
What do you enjoy on a windy day?
Take a walk and spot the effects of the wind on the environment – fallen leaves, twigs etc. Make kites or pinwheels and try them out. Talk about harnessing wind power.
On windy days, participating in outdoor activities provides a unique opportunity to investigate and understand how wind affects the environment. Here are some tips for enjoying windy days:
Experiment with the Wind: Run into the wind while carrying a big piece of card to experience its power. To feel the difference in wind strength, repeat the exercise with and without the card.
Observational Walk: Take a stroll and watch how the wind affects the environment. Seek out things carried by the wind, such as twigs and fallen leaves, to help children connect with the kinetic energy of nature.
Kites and Pinwheels:
- Make kites or pinwheels to enjoy the wind.
- Play with different sizes and patterns to see how they react to the wind.
- Launch them and examine how they behave.
Start a talk about using wind power. Explain the concept of wind turbines and discuss the different perspectives on their beauty. Invite kids to talk about how they see the harmony between environmental impact and value.
Investigate Weather Vanes:
- Learn about the purposes of weather vanes.
- Please talk about the frequent locations for weather vanes and their dual purposes as ornamental and useful pieces.
- As a creative project, think of making a weather vane.
By participating in these activities, kids can develop a stronger bond with nature and a respect for the wind’s strength and effect on the environment, in addition to having fun while learning.
Who started world wind Day?
Global Wind Day is an annual event since 2007 to promote wind energy as a clean and renewable source of power. It was started by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and later joined by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).
Since its founding in 2007, Global Wind Day has been an annual occasion to support wind energy as a clean, sustainable energy source. The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) led the effort, which was later adopted by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). Serving as a membership-based organization, the GWEC serves the whole wind energy industry.
This internationally observed day aims to raise general awareness of wind energy’s potential to support the transition to cleaner, renewable energy sources. Global Wind Day is an effort by strong organizations that work together to promote the advantages of wind energy, encourage teamwork, and raise awareness of the critical role wind energy can play in changing our energy systems to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.
Windy days present a special chance to take part in a variety of entertaining, informative, and exploratory activities. A comprehensive understanding of the environment is helped by these activities, which can include observing the strength and direction of the wind, playing with improvised kites, or creating crafts inspired by the wind.
Windy days give you chances to spend time in nature; you can hear the leaves rustling, see the trees swing, and feel the breeze on your skin.
Furthermore, the versatility of indoor activities ensures that the good times continue even in inclement weather. Taking advantage of windy days to explore and have fun both indoors and outside allows us to make the most of these weather patterns and construct enduring memories.