What Is Certified Nurses Day

What Is Certified Nurses Day


What Is Certified Nurses Day: Each year, on March 19, Certified Nurses Day is held to honor nurses who have decided to advance their careers by getting certified. More than 3.8 million nurses are working in the United States. This makes nursing one of the most popular and important jobs in society. It’s hard to believe that there are more than 200 nursing fields and subspecialties. This shows how advanced medicine has become. 

In order to give better care to their patients, nurses constantly seek professional excellence and get certified in at least one of these fields. Let us take this chance to thank and honor these men and women for working so hard to get their professional licenses.

What Is Certified Nurses Day

Why is Certification Important for Nurses?

In any business, certification is a reliable sign of skill and efficiency. Certification has made the nursing field much better, and this is one of the most important ways it has done so. Certification is an important goal for people who are constantly looking for ways to improve their careers because it serves as a reward, a motivator, and a way to show appreciation. Getting a nursing degree is good for both the student and the hospital or clinic where they work. A nurse who has a wide range of skills and specialties is better able to give her patients the best care possible.

A number of factors make nursing licensing very important. Increasing your credibility, showing that you are knowledgeable in a certain area, and showing that you have higher levels of clinical skills can all lead to more job chances and even higher pay. Accreditation also helps nurses gain new skills and boosts their confidence, which strengthens the link between nursing practices and better results for patients.

Aside from the financial benefits, getting accredited raises the status and recognition of a job. It shows that a nurse has shown they are skilled and excellent in their chosen specialty or specialty areas, winning the respect of their colleagues, managers, administrators, and patients alike. Additionally, nurses who continue their education and get recertified consistently show that they know about the newest developments in healthcare and practices.

The certification of a nurse often gives them more job possibilities once they get hired and gives them an edge when they are hiring. People often think that a higher salary means more power and duty, which supports the idea that a nursing degree can lead to higher pay. Patient care and results are the most important things to think about. Studies show that hospitals with more trained nurses have lower rates of deaths and failed rescues. This shows how important it is to keep your certification up to date in patient care.

The background of Certified Nurses Day

Certified Nurses Day was created in 2008 by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Nurses Association (ANN). Its goal is to recognize nurses who are certified and who are committed to professionalism and specialized knowledge.

It was March 19 when Dr. Margretta Madden Styles, RN, EdD, FAAN, was born. She is a leader in nursing licensing. In the 1970s, she started to push for stricter certification processes to prove her skills. Because of the important things she did, the American Nurses Credentialing Center was created.

Credentialing boards have proven the knowledge of certified nurses, making them medical professionals. They say they will keep learning throughout their lives and use ongoing classes to stay up to date in their fields.

These trained nurses are very important because they make sure that the skill standards are met. This makes patients feel safe. Research shows that skilled nurses are linked to fewer medical mistakes, happier patients, and care that is more focused on the patient. Ninety percent of nurses think that their credentials are important proof of their skills and help build their image in the field. Most of the people who answered the poll also said that getting specialty certificates is personally satisfying and makes them feel better about their professional skills.

History of Certified Nurses Day

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the American Nurses Association (ANN) worked together to create Certified Nurses Day in 2008. This day honors certification as a sign of skill and deep knowledge in specific areas.

March 19 was picked as a day to honor Dr. Margretta “Gretta” Madden Styles, RN, EdD, FAAN, who was one of the first nurses to get certified. Since the 1970s, Dr. Styles has been a leader in pushing for stronger credentials to prove knowledge and was a key figure in starting the American Nurses Credentialing Center.

Credentialing boards have proven the knowledge of qualified nurses, making them clinical experts. They are committed to learning new things throughout their lives and use continuous classes to stay up to date in their fields of expertise.

For our part as patients, we can trust the skills they have shown. Medical mistakes are less likely to happen when nurses are trained to do their jobs, and patients are happier when they get proper care. Polls show that more than 90% of nurses think their credentials are important proof of their skills that help them get respect on the job. More than 90% of those who answered think that getting a specialty certificate is a well-known, personally satisfying accomplishment that boosts trust in one’s professional skills.

How to Celebrate Certified Nurses Day

Thanks to the nurse.

Tell any qualified nurses you know how much you appreciate their hard work and commitment. This could be done with simple things like sharing polite cards or having a short chat.

Give your time to a medical center.

You can help more people if you volunteer at a hospital or senior living center in your area. You can help by, among other things, doing chores, visiting patients, and being there for them emotionally.

Send care gifts to people.

Say nice things about the qualified nurses in your life and put snacks and small gifts in a care box. This thoughtful act will definitely make them smile.

Help groups that need it.

Give money to groups that help train nurses, like the American Nurses Association or a nearby nursing school. Your help could help them get ahead in their field.

Send positive words.

Send supportive messages on social media or make an online card with inspiring words for all registered nurses around the world. You could make a big difference with the positive things you say.

How can we observe National Certified Nurses Day?

Take the day off.

Since nurses work long hours, giving them a day off to rest and take care of themselves might make them feel more energized and ready to work.

Use social media to thank the nurses.

Use hashtags on social media like #NationalcertifiednursesDay, #certifiednursesDay, #nurseday, and #certified to get more people to know about nurses and respect and admire them. Being recognized in the digital world not only makes them feel good about what they’ve done but also makes more people aware of how important it is to use new technology to improve working conditions and keep workers safe.

Give them something enjoyable.

Giving nurses gifts that mean a lot to you is a great way to show your thanks and support. This kind of behavior from bosses or senior patients in a nursing home shows that they care about their jobs. One easy way to show appreciation for their work is to point out what they’ve done.

Massage people.

Because their jobs are physically demanding and can cause them to have body aches during long shifts, let nurses take care of and love themselves. Give them aromatherapy oils and massage chairs or massagers to improve their health and make them more energetic and active at work.

Listen to what they have to say.

Know that working with difficult cases and the thought of losing patients they become close to can have an emotional effect on nurses. It is very important for their emotional health that you listen to them without judging them. These strategies will help nurses feel supported and respected, which will make their days more meaningful and show how important they are in the healthcare industry.

What Is Certified Nurses Day

What is the meaning of Certified Nurses Day?

According to the American Nurses Credentialing Center, “Certified Nurses Day™ is an annual day of recognition for and by healthcare leaders dedicated to nursing professionalism, excellence, recognition, and service.

Every year on April 8, Certified Nurses Day is held to honor nurses’ professionalism, success, recognition, and service by healthcare authorities. Educators, healthcare providers, and groups that certify nurses get together every March 19 to honor and congratulate nurses who have earned and keep the highest credentials in their fields. On Certified Nurses DayTM, nurses all over the world are honored for their national board certification, which has a big impact on how well their patients do.

Over 70 groups showed their support for the proclamation by paying for annual events and taking part in the first Certified Nurses Day. These companies are made up of:

ABNCC stands for the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certification.

It’s called the National Center for Competency Assurance.

Board of Nursing Credentialing for the United States

The Association of Canadian Nurses

On Certified Nurses Day, there is a great chance to encourage all nurses to get certified as a way to move up in their jobs.

What is the theme for Nurses Day 2023?

International Nurses Day 2023 Theme

The theme for 2023 is “Our Nurses. Our Future.” According to the International Council of Nurses, the theme will be a global campaign that sets out what how nursing in the future should address global health challenges and improve global health for everyone.

The theme for this year’s International Nurses Day is “Our Nurses. Our Future.” This global campaign is an exciting attempt to show what nursing wants to do in the future to solve global health problems and make everyone healthier around the world.

The topic stresses how important nurses will be in shaping the future of healthcare around the world. People are being told through the ad how important nurses are to making the future healthier and more fair for everyone around the world. As the first line of defense when it comes to health problems, nurses have long been at the front of the pack.

The “Our Nurses. Our Future.” campaign wants to bring attention to the fact that nursing is an important part of the healthcare system that needs more support. The movement wants to make sure that nurses have more support, recognition, and power so that they can meet the changing needs of different and dynamic global health situations in the future.

This international project aims to build a common vision that recognizes nurses’ important role in promoting a healthy future across national borders. The theme for this year’s International Nurses Day is a call to action for communities, healthcare organizations, and governments around the world to put nurses’ well-being, professional development, and empowerment at the top of their lists. This will make sure that nurses continue to be the driving force behind better health outcomes around the world.

What is the aim of Nurses Day celebration?

Raising Awareness: The day aims to raise awareness about the importance of nursing as a profession and the need for continued support and investment in nursing education, research, and resources. It serves as an opportunity to address nursing challenges and promote the value of nursing in healthcare systems.

International Nurses’ Day is celebrated every year on May 12 to remember Florence Nightingale, who was very important in the Crimean War and is often seen as the founder of modern nursing. The event was put together by the International Council of Nurses (ICN), which is made up of more than 130 National Nurses Associations and speaks for more than 13 million nurses around the world. The ICN is unique because it was the first world group of doctors to work together. It was created in 1899.

International Nurses’ Day was officially named by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953. The International Council of Nurses (ICN) first celebrated it in 1965, when Dorothy Sutherland asked them to do so in 1953. The date of Florence Nightingale’s birth, May 12, was made an official day in January 1974.

During a ceremony held every year at Westminster Abbey in London, a symbolic lamp is moved from the nurses’ church to the dean by handing it off to different nurses. The ritual giving of the lamp shows how nurses respect each other and share their knowledge across generations.

Once a year, the International Council of Nurses tries to pick a subject for the International Nurses Day talk. They put together and handed out a packet of information with links to educational and public tools. The chosen theme, which is about nurses and the places they work, is meant to help reach the Millennium Development Goals and deal with a number of problems nurses face. The main goal of the event is to demonstrate how important nurses are to society and to honor their contributions and dedication to giving excellent healthcare services to the public.

Who founded Nurses Day?

1953 Dorothy Sutherland of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare sent a proposal to President Eisenhower to proclaim a “Nurse Day” in October of the following year. The proclamation was never made. 1954 National Nurse Week was observed from October 11 – 16.

Representative Frances P. Bolton introduced a bill to make every week nurse week. Even though a bill for National Nurse Week was presented in 1955, national weeks are no longer celebrated by Congress. Because of this, nothing was done.

On February 14, 1972, the House of Representatives tried to get the President to declare it “National Registered Nurse Day,” but the bill did not pass.

It was named “International Nurse Day” by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) on May 12, 1974, which was Florence Nightingale’s birthday. “International Nurse Day” has been held by the ICN since 1965.

After President Nixon’s speech, the White House chose a week in February of that year to be National Nurse Week.

Edward Scanlan, who lived in Red Bank, New Jersey, started an independent movement in 1978 to keep the state’s celebration of nurses going. The date was added to Chase’s Calendar of Annual Events. It was May 6, and New Jersey Governor Brendon Byrne had made it “Nurses Day.”

What is the symbol of Nurses Day?

The caduceus: the most recognized nursing symbol

The caduceus is an odd-looking staff that is entwined by two serpents. Some versions also include a pair of wings at the top of the staff. If you are wondering what a snake has to do with medicine, you’re not alone

People immediately know the caduceus, a unique symbol made up of two snakes wrapping around a strange staff with wings on top. You are not the only one who has thought of the link between a snake and medicine. In ancient Greek society, the snake stood for longevity and immortality. Medicine can make you live longer, but it can’t give you eternal life. Another theory connects the snake’s history to religion by saying that it looks like Moses, who used a stick with a bronze snake on it to heal people who had been bitten by snakes around 1400 BC. In both cases, the snake stands for health.

In 1902, the caduceus was officially made the sign of the U.S. Medical Department, and all medical officers had to wear it on their gowns. Several U.S. medical offices, like the U.S. There are USMC nurses, the Navy Pharmacy Division, and the U.S. The Public Health Service is another name for the caduceus.

What Is Certified Nurses Day

Join HealthCareTalentLink HCTL on National Certified Nurses Day (2023) to honor, thank, and appreciate our nurses who work hard. This is a great chance to thank and honor the skilled nurses who always go the extra mile to provide the best care for their patients. Any small act, like a thank you, a small gift, or a nice word, can make a big difference in showing appreciation for the great work that registered nurses do.

Let’s all honor and thank these amazing people who have dedicated their lives to the health and safety of others on National Certified Nurses Day 2023. Thank them and let them know how much you value their knowledge and hard work. We can make this day special and memorable for everyone by recognizing the important work that licensed nurses do in healthcare.

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