When Is World Smile Day 2022

When Is World Smile Day 2022


When Is World Smile Day 2022: 2022 is World Smile Day! The simple but powerful act of smiling is used in this global effort to spread happiness and positivity. The party this year, which will take place on Friday, October 1, is sure to be a bright spot in a dark world. Harvey Ball started World Smile Day in 1963. It is a worldwide movement that tells people to laugh, smile, and do good things.

In 2022, the holiday will have a new meaning as people come together to help each other and cheer each other up in the face of many problems facing the world. Every year on this day, people are reminded of how powerful a smile can be for everyone, no matter their culture or language. People all over the world want to spread happiness, whether they do it in small or big ways. This supports the idea that a smile is a common language.

For World Smile Day on October 7, 2022, people, groups, and organizations from all over the world will get together. Take the chance to make other people smile, bring them joy, and help make the world a better place by being kind and positive. Allow the contagious power of a smile to lift your mood, make your day better, and remind you of how easy but deeply satisfying it is to smile.

When Is World Smile Day 2022


In 1963, Harvey Ball, a skilled print artist and advertising expert from Worcester, Massachusetts, showed the world the happy face. He had no idea how quickly his idea would become so well-known in pop culture that it would be unheard of. For artists, the ultimate goal is for their work to be admired and copied forever, and Harvey’s happy face has done just that.

Over time, the smiley face has become one of the most well-known symbols in the world. It has been in many forms of media, from famous movies like “Forrest Gump” to graphic novels like “Watchmen.” The phrase “smiley face” probably makes you think of the well-known picture of a yellow circle with black dots for eyes and a straight line that forms a real smile. 

Modern copies, on the other hand, have rounder smiles that look like they were made by hand, and the original took up more space on the face. Its widespread use strayed from its original message of happiness and kindness, which is why it had to be stopped.

Harvey tried to get back in charge by making World Smile Day a holiday in 1999. People all over the world smiled and did small acts of kindness because of the event, which was very subtle but very powerful. Harvey wants to keep the smile’s link to people alive by encouraging a chain reaction of smiles that make other people happy and make their day better.


Allow Giving to Have an Effect on You.

A lot of groups are happy to have people who are willing to help out. No matter if you help the elderly, support veterans, or clean up the environment, everything you do goes toward making the world a better place. Doing volunteer work outside of school gives you a sense of personal accomplishment and helps your community.

Do what you want.

Self-care is often put on hold because of work and other responsibilities. Today is a great day to try again with your long-forgotten dreams. Do things that make you happy and improve your mood, like painting or getting your music out of the closet.

Show surprising kindness.

Being spontaneous can be used to your benefit. Celebrating the day in the best way possible is to stay upbeat all day. Find ways to make someone’s day better, even if you don’t have a plan. It doesn’t matter if you’re complimenting a friend on how they look or thanking them for their hard work. Trust your gut. A small act of kindness can have a big effect on other people, and you’d be amazed at how far a simple thank you can go.


Smiling has biological roots because it releases endorphins, which are chemicals linked to pleasure and make you feel happier. In addition to being beautiful to look at, the color yellow has a deeper meaning. 

The London office of The Smiley Company brings in more than $55 million a year, showing how profitable it can be to make people happy. Also, it’s interesting to see how the smiling has changed in the digital world. In 1999, 470 different emoticons were made, showing how flexible it can be in the digital world. Yellow is a color that stands for happiness, and smiling is a sign of happiness.

The World Smile Foundation is a non-profit charitable trust that supports causes that help children. It started with the idea that a sincere, simple expression could make a big difference and change things for the better for future generations.


Today is “A Day to Show Care”: Even though smiley faces are common in digital talks, it’s important to remember how much real smiles can help our mental health. Putting on a real smile with our real faces can make us feel better and improve our mental health. Real joy has healing effects that go beyond digital exchanges and can make even the darkest times brighter.

Accepting happy times, even if they seem silly, can help you keep a positive outlook on life and become stronger when things go wrong. When things are crazy and unclear, it can be hard to find your smile, but scientists have shown that it can help.

Being more productive: A positive attitude can give you the energy to do hard things, which makes you more productive generally. A positive attitude also spreads to others, giving them more energy and drive. And finally, smiling from the heart is good for you and makes the world a better place to live and work.

How to Celebrate National Smile Day

Do small acts of kindness to make other people happy and improve their happiness.

Send a Greeting Card: If you want to make someone happy, send them a card with a joke or a positive quote on it. You’re being kind, and that will make them happy and make their day.

When you meet someone new, smile:

Be aware of your surroundings at all times and follow social distance rules to make sure the contact is safe and positive. A real smile can make someone feel loved.

Make an amusing video:

Making a funny movie with your friends will make you and them happy. Could you share it on social media? People all over the world can laugh at the same things, which makes them connect in fun ways.

Get yourself some flowers:

Surprise yourself with a bunch of fresh flowers to make your home more colorful and lively. Flowers are very pretty and can help you feel better right away.

Write a note to inspire yourself:

You can write a happy letter to yourself or someone else. It can be a sincere message that makes someone smile or feel less alone. You can even leave it for someone else to find.

When Is World Smile Day 2022

What day is Happy World Smile Day?

World Smile Day – October 4, 2024. U.S. The first Friday of October is World Smile Day (October 4), a relatively new holiday with a fascinating story. Created by a commercial artist named Harvey Ball, this day came about as a response to his creation of the smiley face.

World Smile Day is October 4, and the story of how it came to be is very interesting. Harvey Ball, a commercial artist, came up with the idea for the holiday because he was afraid that marketing would dilute the “smiley face.” Ball had good reason to be worried because the happy face is on a lot of different things, like comic books, clothes, coffee mugs, and pins.

Harvey Ball, a graphic artist and advertising guy from Worcester, Massachusetts, made the famous smiley face in 1963. What started as a work of art quickly became a part of popular culture, getting the attention and copies that artists often wanted. Despite its business journey, Harvey’s creation has stood the test of time and shown how powerful a genuine smile can be.

Who created World Smile Day?

Harvey Ball

In 1999, Harvey Ball declared the first Friday in October each year to be World Smile Day®. He believed that we could and should devote at least one day each year to smiles and kind acts. Thus, the theme for the day is Do an act of kindness.

We follow Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501(c)(3) because we are a non-profit and a Massachusetts Charitable Trust. The Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation was started in 2001, and its goal is to honor the work of artist Harvey Ball, who made the famous happy face in 1963. In order to do this, we follow Ball’s advice and focus on small-scale charity projects that might get little attention otherwise. 

Our main office is in Massachusetts, and we also have a branch in Tokyo. We get money from smiley licenses and gifts from people. You can subtract the cost of your licenses from your taxes, and we want stores to put our smiley logos on their goods. Ball started the World Smile Corporation in 1999. The company gives its after-tax profits to good causes through its charity. 

We fully support World Smile Day®, an idea that was created by Ball in 1999 and makes the first Friday of October a day for people all over the world to be kind. We keep spreading happiness and kindness around the world with the help of Honorary Smile Ambassadors, who are well-known people from North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa, among other places.

Where is World Smile Day celebrated?

Worcester, MA

Ever since that first World Smile Day® held in 1999, it has continued every year in Smiley’s hometown of Worcester, MA and around the world.

The smiley face was created in Massachusetts in 1963 and is now known all over the world as a sign of happiness and peace. Harvey Ball, who made the symbol, became worried over time that it was being used for business purposes and losing its original meaning. That’s why he came up with the idea of World Smile Day®, a day when people all over the world are encouraged to smile and be kind. 

World Smile Day® was created in 1999 to mark the first Friday in October. The goal was to bring people together around the world by bringing them together across political, geographical, and religious lines on at least one day a year. 

Since Harvey Ball died in 2001, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation has been the official sponsor of World Smile Day® every year to carry on his work. You can find out about World Smile Day®, Harvey Ball, and the cute Smiley on this page. Search the records to find out more about World Smile Day® and Harvey Ball, the person who made it happen.

Which is the happiest state in India?


Mizoram has been declared as the happiest state in India. This is as per a study carried out by Rajesh K Pillania, a professor of strategy at the Management Development Institute in Gurugram. In his study, he also shared several factors that have been the driving factor to make this place the happiest.

He found that Mizoram is the happiest state in India. Rajesh K Pillania is a strategy professor at the Management Development Institute in Gurugram. 

To find out what makes people happy, the study looks at six main factors: personality traits linked to the job, family ties, social interactions, and charitable giving, the effect of COVID-19 on health, religious influences, and physical and mental health issues.

Surprisingly, Mizoram’s happiness is boosted by great accomplishments, like becoming the second state in India to have 100% literacy. 

Mizoram is a great example of a community that takes a whole-person approach to health and happiness, including nontraditional practices that help people get along and be happy. The state makes a big difference in the general health and happiness of its citizens by putting an emphasis on education and giving people chances to improve their skills even when things are tough.

Who is the real smile?

Genuine smiles use the eyes.

A genuine (Duchenne) smile engages both the muscles that control the corners of the mouth and the muscles that cause the eyes to crinkle. A forced smile only engages the mouth muscles.

To understand the power of a smile, you need to be able to tell the difference between real and fake smiles. It takes work from both the eyes and the facial muscles to make a real smile, called a Duchenne smile. 

There are crow’s feet, squinted eyes, raised cheekbones, and a slight lowering of the brows in this real face. 

A fake smile, which isn’t even and only covers the mouth, doesn’t have the love and sincerity of a real Duchenne smile. On the other hand, forced smiles are just lip service; they don’t show sincerity through eye and mouth contact. 

Recognizing the truth behind a simple smile can help people get along better with others.

This year, October 7, 2022, is World Smile Day, a time to honor how a genuine smile can change people and groups all over the world. This is a powerful lesson on how we can all spread joy and happiness.

When Is World Smile Day 2022

Throughout the day, there are many ways to share happiness, such as sending cards and funny videos, writing each other notes of support, and enjoying the beauty of fresh flowers. Accepting these actions not only makes other people happy but also makes us feel better, which shows the link between shared smiles.

World Smile Day is more than just a day on the calendar; it’s a movement to make the world a better place by spreading kindness and happiness. By being kind to others and making them smile, we can help start a chain reaction that goes beyond national and cultural borders. 

World Smile Day 2022 should be a reminder that a smile really can make a difference in people’s lives and make the world a better, more united place. A smile, which seems so simple, can be a source of hope and a language that people of all backgrounds can understand.

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