When Is The Islamic New Year

When Is The Islamic New Year


When Is The Islamic New Year: If you speak Arabic, the Islamic New Year is also called the Hijri New Year. It is the beginning of a new lunar Hijri year. Today is the first day of the year. The first day of the month of Muharram is seen as the beginning of the Islamic year by most Muslims. People consider the year of the Hijrah, when Muhammad and his followers moved from Mecca to Medina, to be the beginning of the Islamic era. 

In the Gregorian calendar, this year is the same as 622 CE. The Islamic calendar tells people when to pray, fast during Ramadan, go on pilgrimages, and keep track of important religious events like holy nights and holidays.


In the seventh century CE, Muslims in Mecca and other places were persecuted because of their views. To get to what would become known as Medina, Muhammad and his followers, who were called the Hijra, set out. 

In Medina, Muhammad wrote a Constitution that explained the rights and duties of Muslims. The Islamic New Year celebrates this special time in history, which is very important to Muslims. 

Muslims around the world not only have to observe the first day of Muharram, which is the first month of the Islamic lunar calendar, but they also have to observe the whole month. In the holy month of Muharram, which is second only to Ramadan, Ashura falls on the tenth day. Ashura is a holiday that remembers both Moses’ crossing of the Red Sea and Noah’s escape from the Ark.

When Is The Islamic New Year


The killing of the leader is an important event in Muslim history that happened during a month when bloodshed was usually not allowed. Give yourself some time to grieve the wrong, whether you do it by yourself or with other people at your mosque. 

People can do acts of remembrance by themselves or with close family members, or they can join with other followers in the mosque. Now is the time to think about what life is all about, make plans for the future, and start the new year with purpose. People who are only interested in learning could use the Islamic New Year to look into and record cultural differences that show what they have in common. 

If you fast on certain days, respect prophets, keep the sabbath every week, or live as an atheist or agnostic among people who worship, you are not alone. There are people of every religion and country who have been through the same things you have.


About a quarter of the people in the world are celebrating the Muslim New Year in some way today. Knowing this and a few other important facts will help people talk to each other and understand each other better. 

Because Muhammad and his followers believed in only Allah instead of a group of gods, they were harshly criticized, attacked, and even killed in Mecca. They didn’t give up, just like the Christians in the Bible. Basically, everyone wants freedom and is ready to fight or move to get it. 

Observing this day with respect and seriousness is a good thing to do. Respect and kindness are values that can’t be argued with, and people who live by them should be thankful for them.

Muharram/Islamic New Year

When it comes to Muharram, Shi’a and Sunni Islam and other cultures have their way of doing things. Fasting is different for each type of Muslim. Today, the tenth day of Muharram is the Day of Ashura. Some people fast on this day to remember Husayn ibn Ali, who was the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. From September 9 to November 11, free dinners (nazar) are given at many mosques. 

Many Shi’a Muslims make the trip to the Imam Husayn Shrine in Iraq, which is close to where Husayn bin Ali is buried. In Iran, the Battle of Karbala is often remembered during the month of Muharram with shows called Taziya (ta’zieh) or Condolence Theater.

In South Asia, events like these are called marsiya, noha, soaz, tabuik, or tabut. People from all over the world come to these events, which are called Hosay or Hussay in Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago. Matam, or memory marches, are mostly done by Shi’a Muslims in Afghanistan, Bahrain, India, Iraq, Lebanon, and Pakistan. 

During madam, a lot of men gather in the streets to beat each other on the chest as a ritual. Some people self-flagellate with zanjir, which are metal chains with handles on them. This is considered rude and has been forbidden by many Islamic and civic leaders.

Islamic New Year 2023: All You Need To Know About The Hijri New Year

The Islamic New Year in 2023 is the start of the Hijri period. It is a time for Muslims all over the world to think about their lives, feel better, and make spiritual goals. 

Look at the times that mark the start of the first month in different Islamic calendars around the world and understand what they mean. People in some parts of the world call the Islamic New Year the Hijri New Year. It starts the new lunar Hijri year and adds one more year to the count. The first day of the month of Muharram is the start of the Islamic year for most Muslims around the world. 

Saudi Arabia says that the Islamic New Year starts on July 19, 1445, which is the first day of Muharram. When the crescent moon shows up on July 18, it means that the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah is over. That’s why the first day of Muharram will be Wednesday, July 19. India will mark the start of Muharram on July 20.

When Muslims have new year?

The Islamic New Year starts on the 1st of Muharram, which is the first month in the Islamic calendar, and historically marks the moment the prophet Mohammed [peace be unto him] fled from Mecca to Yathrib (now called Medina) to escape religious persecution.

Most people know about the celebrations that happen on January 1 to mark the start of a new year. Parades, concerts, and other events like the ball’s fall are held all over the world to remember it. But not all societies and countries, like those that celebrate the Islamic New Year, see this date as the beginning of a new year.

The Hijra, which means “Islamic New Year,” marks the beginning of the Islamic cycle. Before the Hijra, Muslims in Mecca were hurt because they believed in one God. It was in the year 622 CE that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought his people to Medina. 

In Medina, which became known as the “City of the Prophet,” the first Islamic community was set up. Over the next few years, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) wrote the Medina Constitution, which supported everyone’s right to religious freedom.

What is the year of Islam today?

1445 AH

Since 19 July 2023 CE, the current Islamic year is 1445 AH. In the Gregorian calendar reckoning, 1445 AH runs from 19 July 2023 to approximately 7 July 2024. 

The Hijri calendar keeps track of the months of the moon and has 354 or 355 days in a year. It is also called the Muslim calendar or the Islamic calendar. Its main job is to make sure that Islamic holidays and rituals happen at the right times. For example, it sets the dates for the annual fasting period and the important pilgrimage season. 

Most Islamic-majority countries use the Gregorian calendar as their civil calendar. In the Levant and Mesopotamia (Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, and Palestine), month names are written in Syriac. On the other hand, the religious calendar is built on the Hijri calendar. 

Not much is known about the history of central Arabia, especially Mecca. However, information can be gleaned from the writings of Muslim scholars from the Abbasid era. Inscriptions on calendars found in South Arabia show that many local calendars were used in the past. Some of these calendars used the lunisolar system.

When Is The Islamic New Year

Which Islamic year is 2023?

Islamic Calendar 2023 – Hijri Calendar 1444-1445.

The Hijri cycle is based on the moon and has twelve months and thirty-five days. Because dates are based on the moon, they repeat every 33 years. This causes a yearly drift of 10 days and a lack of seasonal alignment. 

The Islamic calendar below can be used to figure out the days of Eid and when each month is likely to start. In 2023, Muslims will use the Islamic calendar, which is also called the Hijri calendar or the Muslim calendar, to plan their holy events. 

With more than 1.8 billion followers, Islam is the second most popular faith in the world, after Christianity. Islam is not as old as the other religions; it began in the seventh century. During the time of Prophet Muhammad, the Islamic faith began in Mecca, which is now called Saudi Arabia.

What is New Year called in Islam?

Al Hijri

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and holds significant importance for Muslims globally. The first day of this holy month is known as the Islamic New Year, Al Hijri or Arabic New Year.

The Indian month of Muharram will start on July 20. In public, Saudi Arabia called it the Islamic New Year, or Muharram, on July 19, the first day of the Islamic year 1445. This was said after the crescent moon was seen on July 18, which is the last day of the month of Dhul Hijjah. Because of this, July 19 has been named the first day of Muharram… 

On the Gregorian calendar, the date of Muharram changes every year because the Islamic calendar is based on the moon. In a strange twist, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Morocco usually see the crescent moon one day earlier than Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and other Gulf countries.

What is Islamic month?

It is based on a year of 12 months: Muḥarram, Ṣafar, Rabīʿ al-Awwal, Rabīʿ al-Thānī, Jumādā al-Awwal, Jumādā al-Thānī, Rajab, Shaʿbān, Ramaḍān (the month of fasting), Shawwāl, Dhū al-Qaʿdah, and Dhū al-Ḥijjah. Each month begins approximately at the time of the new moon.

Most countries now use the Gregorian calendar for official business. In the Islamic world, however, the Islamic calendar is still used for religious reasons. In this schedule, a year is made up of twelve months: Muharam, afar, Rab al-Awwal, Rab al-Thn, Rajab, Shabn, Ramadan (the month of fasting), Shawwl, Dh al-Qadah, and Dh al-ijjah. 

Every month has 30 or 29 days, except for the twelfth month, Dh al-ijjah, which starts around the new moon. Dh al-ijjah lasts for thirty years, and the schedule is changed every so often to keep up with the moon’s phases. Every eleven years, Dh al-ijjah lasts 30 days. The next 19 years, it lasts 29 days.

When Is The Islamic New Year

Before the Hijra, there weren’t many Muslims living in Mecca, and the city’s powerful leaders would sometimes treat them badly. These people in power didn’t agree with Muhammad’s role as a prophet or with the idea that God is one. A very small number of Muslims had sought safety in Christian Abyssinia in the past. In the year 622 CE, Muhammad and about 200 of his followers moved to Yathrib, which was close by. Medinat an-Nabi, which means “City of the Prophet,” was the name of Yathrib before it was shortened to Medina.

Medina was where the first Islamic group lived. In Medina, Muhammad wrote down everyone’s rights and duties in what is called the “Constitution of Medina.” Muslims’ rights were protected by this agreement, which talked about how Muslims and people of other faiths should associate with each other.

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