When Is National Taco Day 2023

When Is National Taco Day 2023


When Is National Taco Day 2023: On October 4, National Taco Day, think of it as a more focused and intensive version of “Taco Tuesdays,” which are famous events that many businesses hold to get people in the door, kind of like Happy Hour. As an interesting fact, Wyoming-based fast food chain Taco John’s filed a national trademark for the phrase “Taco Tuesday” in 1989. 

On the other hand, Gregory’s Restaurant & Bar had already claimed the name in New Jersey in 1982. Thanks to the law, people don’t have to worry about whether or not calling their evening meal is okay. To celebrate National Nachos Day, all you have to do is get some tortillas and add tasty toppings, like the classic mix. 

When Is National Taco Day 2023

There are a lot of different “meat component” choices, from traditional favorites like carne asada, cheese, tomato, lettuce, and sour cream to bold ones like fish, chorizo, and even tongue. Many people think the word “taco” comes from the Spanish word “taco,” which means “to stuff.” This makes the word “stuff” make sense.

When is National Taco Day 2023?

National Taco Day is held every year on October 4. In 2023, this holiday comes on a Wednesday, which makes the middle of the workweek extra special. The day is defined by the delicious smell of tacos and the happy meeting of taco lovers.

Want to know how to celebrate 2023’s National Taco Day? You can make things as simple or complicated as you want. Take a look at these fun ideas:

1. Visit Your Favorite Taco Shop: To help out your local businesses, visit your favorite taco shop and order a taco or three!

2. Throw a taco party: And ask family and friends to help you make tacos. You can make a custom taco buffet by giving people a choice of different fillings and toppings.

3.Third, try out different taco recipes: Take your taste buds on a culinary trip by trying out different recipes and learning about the many different kinds of tacos that are out there, including vegetarian, vegan, and specialty meat options.

4. Post your tacos on social media: Use the phrase #NationalTacoDay to show off your favorite taco shops or the tacos you’ve made yourself.

5. Look into different kinds: Tacos from around the world to see how they have been accepted and changed by other cultures. At home, try your hand at making a few different kinds of tacos from around the world.

6. Give to food charities: If you want to show your kindness, think about giving to food banks or other groups that work to end hunger in your area.

7. Learn About Taco History: Learn about where the taco came from and how it has changed over time. Also, learn about the rich cultural history that surrounds this famous treat.

How to Celebrate National Taco Day

Try a new taco dish.

Find a new taco dish and give it a try. If you’re feeling really brave, change the recipe to make it your own!

Have a taco party.

Get your family and friends together for a taco party! Bring the shells and toppings that everyone likes, or try to make something that tastes and feels like a real Mexican taco.

Look at this taco truck.

Find a taco truck near you and go on a road trip to eat some tasty tacos. There’s no doubt that the trip will be fun.

Create Your Own Taco Sets

Put together taco kits from scratch for your family and friends. Give them all the tools they need to make the tacos and instructions on how to put them together.

Put together a taco-eating competition.

Ask people to join a fun race to eat tacos! Give prizes to the winner to make things more interesting.

Celebrate National Taco Day 

The history of the taco, which is a very popular food today, is not very clear. Jeffrey M. Pilcher, an expert on tacos, says that the term comes from the silver mines in Mexico in the 18th century. Back then, “taco” meant the small explosives that workers used to get minerals out of the ground. For the most part, these were pieces of paper that had been sprayed with explosives and put into rock holes. Pilcher uses an interesting comparison when he says that a stick of dynamite is like a chicken taco with good hot sauce.

Dictionary and library records say that tacos have been around since the late 1800s. One of the first types of tacos that people talk about is “tacos de minero,” which means “miner’s tacos.” Pilcher claims that tacos are not a dish with a long past, even though they seem like a traditional way to show culture.

But some people say that tacos were around before the Spanish took over Mexico in the 1600s. Anthropologists use data to show that people who lived near lakes in the Valley of Mexico ate tacos filled with small fish.

Social Media Post Ideas for National Taco Day

In this digital age, where anything can go viral at any time, National Taco Day gives companies a great chance to interact with their audience and start important online conversations.

This part shows a variety of creative and interesting social media post ideas that businesses can use to make a mark on this holiday by combining the deliciousness of tacos with the power of social media.

Today, social media is like a town hall, and on National Taco Day, businesses can get more taco lovers around the world to connect with them and spread the word. These social media post ideas, one taco-themed post at a time, help your business enjoy the deliciousness of tacos while also building long-lasting relationships with your audience through dynamic content, tasty pictures, and real participation.


On National Taco Day, there are a lot of great ways to get free stuff and great deals. Please find below a list of some great deals for you to think about:

Pizza Hut

Happy birthday if you love Taco Bell! Today, October 4, is the day that the National Taco Day gift set is being sold. The set comes with two crispy tacos and two Nacho Cheese Doritos Locos Tacos.

Stormy Grill and Wings

Get a free taco when you buy one taco and two beers at Hurricane Grill & Wings. This deal is great for two people.

Chuy’s Chuy’s tacos are back for $1 

If you want to eat in, you can get a crispy beef taco for just $1 when you buy any main dish. There are also tempting deals on high-end tequila, like $5 shots and $1 floaters that let you add more tequila to your favorite drink.

Fuzzy’s Taco Shop

Should you be lucky enough to live near Fuzzy’s Tacos, get ready for a taco feast! There are tacos at Fuzzy’s all day for $1.50 because it’s National Taco Day. With this great deal, you can eat in or take out. Yes, please!

When Is National Taco Day 2023

What national day is Taco Day?

National Taco Day is celebrated on October 4 every year in the U.S. There are some previous mentions of Taco Day being celebrated on May 3, but that is no longer the case. In Mexico, Día del Taco (Day of the Taco) is celebrated on March 31.

The exact date that explorer Hernando Cortez wrote in his letter to King Charles V of Spain as October 4 is still unknown. In 1520, Cortez and his crew called the native flatbread “tlaxcalli,” but later changed the name to “tortilla.”

Later, as technology and cooking skills improved, tacos started showing up on dinner tables all over the world. By 1914, taco recipes were being printed in California cookbooks. Over the next few decades, the taco has almost completely taken on its new meaning, similar to how the word “sandwich” has become common. Many people like it, which makes us all very happy.

Why is today National Taco Day?

October 4th is celebrated under the misnomer “National Taco Day.” This has led to some confusion as this does not reference any country or correspond to any country’s National Taco Day. This holiday was created as part of a 2009 advertisement campaign by the taco chain Del Taco.

No one knows for sure where this tasty food came from, but tacos have been a favorite for a long time. The official first use of the word “taco” was in the late 1800s. However, Cortez the Conquistador talked about food made with tortillas as early as 1520!

It might have been a reference to corn or soft wheat tacos from that time. Making taco shells out of hard plastic is a fairly new idea. This salty treat changed as more Americans ate it. It stopped being just a dish and turned into a tradition. Because of this, National Taco Day was made to celebrate the great institution that is the taco.

For some, National Taco Day is a once-a-year event, even though some people might eat this tasty Mexican food every Tuesday on Taco Tuesday. So get ready to enjoy and admire the taste and look of the taco!

Who made Taco Day?

United States. Gregory’s Restaurant & Bar of Somers Point began a Taco Tuesday promotion on February 6, 1979, and trademarked the term in 1982. Individual franchises of Wyoming-based fast food restaurant Taco John’s first started using the term in late 1979 and the early 1980s, with an Indiana franchise being the first .

National Taco Day is easy to celebrate because there are many things you can do that involve making, eating, and having a good time with sandwiches. Here are some ideas that might help you stay motivated:

Eat dinner at a real Mexican place

Don’t think about Taco Bell for a while. On this special day, your first goal should be to find the best Mexican restaurant you can. The best thing to do is pick a place that is owned and run by people in your area, and if possible, have a chef who is Mexican!

A real Mexican restaurant serves tacos that aren’t like those you’d find at an Americanized place. Instead of being baked or deep-fried, these tacos are made with soft corn tortillas that are stuffed full of meat.

“Pastor” means pork, “Barbacoa” means beef, and “Pollo” means chicken when it comes to meat. Not a single piece of ground beef! Every bite of the beef is full of flavor because it is slow-cooked and spiced by experts.

Fresh things like cucumber or radish slices, onions, cilantro, and pico de gallo are great to put on top of your tacos. They must be served with lime for that perfect, just-squeezed zing right before you eat them. Enjoy the taste!

How often is National Taco Day?

Around once a year

While some people may find themselves celebrating this tasty Mexican dish every week on Taco Tuesday, this is a special National Taco Day that only comes around once a year. So get ready to celebrate and enjoy the beauty and flavor of the taco!

In the 1800s and 1900s, Mexican immigrants brought the idea of tacos to the United States, along with all the items needed to make this famous dish. In the 1920s, taco trucks first showed up in the western and southwestern parts of the United States.

A lot of Mexican restaurants run by families opened up all over the country. Each one brought its unique taco to the American food scene. The whole country of Americans eats more than 5 billion tacos every year.

You can count tacos from Taco Bell and other Mexican restaurants, tacos you make at home, and tacos from other places. Americans eat 5 billion tacos every year, and Taco Bell alone sells 2 billion.

Where did Taco Day come from?

This holiday was created as part of a 2009 advertisement campaign by the taco chain Del Taco.

These bombs were mostly just pieces of paper wrapped around explosive powder. Then, these small explosives were put into holes that had been cut in the rock face. This may help explain the dish’s name, but a lot of people think it goes back even further, to the Aztecs.

Records from the past show that the Aztec Mexicas made tacos in this area as early as the 1600s. They used tlaxcalli, which is flat cornmeal, and put different things inside it.

In his book “Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva Espana” (General History of the Things of New Spain), written in 1529, Franciscan monk Bernardino de Sahagun wrote about what the people of the area ate. This book talks about the food that these people eat, which includes tamales, corn, chiles, and tortillas.

No one knows where National Taco Day came from, but the taco has a long past that goes back to Mexico in the 18th century. Over the years, this delicious dish spread across national borders and became a global favorite, often changing to fit local tastes and ingredients.

When Is National Taco Day 2023

It’s not very old that National Taco Day was created. It probably started in the United States as a way to recognize and market how tasty and versatile this food is. As time goes on, more and more restaurants have started to offer special deals, and families have started to party. Today is a day to respect and enjoy the simple taco in all of its wonderful and unique forms.

In honor of National Taco Day, some Mexican-themed places may offer special deals in different areas. The following businesses have given discounts on National Taco Day in the past, though these deals may change from year to year.

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