When Is National Kindness Day

When Is National Kindness Day


When Is National Kindness Day: Every year on World Compassion Day, people all over the world try to show kindness to each other. It began as a part of the World Kindness Movement in 1998. On November 13, the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and the United Arab Emirates all have extra days off. It gives us a chance to think about one of the most important and defining concepts of humanity. Let’s actively spread this important virtue that brings people from all walks of life together on this day that honors the benefits of both big and small acts of kindness.

World Kindness Day is held on November 13th every year. Some of the countries that are taking part are the US, Canada, Australia, Italy, and India.

When Is National Kindness Day

History of World Kindness Day

The World Kindness Movement was the first group to want World Kindness Day to be a real holiday. The idea for it came from a gathering in Tokyo in 1997. It was officially recognized as an NGO by Swiss law in 2019. Representatives from many different organizations and groups in Australia, Thailand, the US, and the UK came together at this meeting because they all wanted to make the world a nicer place. The Society’s Kindness Movement began with this important event. Their first written statement promised to “join together to build a kinder and more compassionate world.” In 1998, they kept their promise by creating the first World Kindness Day.

In the past 20 years, the day has become famous around the world, with celebrations bringing together people from every area where people live. Today is World Kindness Day, and the World Kindness Movement says its goal is “to highlight good deeds in the community, focusing on the positive power and the common thread of kindness which binds us.” People celebrate by doing dance mobs, going to concerts, and giving out “kindness cards.”

The World Kindness Movement is being followed informally right now, but it wants to become an official UN event in the future. If this plan goes through, World Kindness Day will be celebrated around the world, along with days for health, human rights, and peace.

World Kindness Day Activities

Today, you should do at least three acts of kindness without being asked. Say something nice, like “smile,” “hold the door open,” or “thank you.” You should give up your seat on a busy train. See what a good chain reaction happens when you promise to do at least three random acts of kindness!

Give someone a long, sincere hug today. Be aware of the close link between connecting and being kind. Take a moment more to hug your family and friends. They will definitely enjoy it, even if it comes as a surprise!

Write a love song for yourself and read it out loud. Today, remember to be nice to yourself. Write a song, long or short, about the things you like about yourself and other people.

5 Facts About Kindness

Start with the kids

Four kids in the United States are bullied at school every day. Teaching kids to treat others with respect, no matter how different they are, and giving them the tools to stop bullying are all ways to promote kindness. People who do these things are more likely to be kind and brave.

A peaceful day

Over 28 countries celebrate World Kindness Day, and it doesn’t matter what religion or political group you belong to.

The Good Things About Being Kind

The stress hormone cortisol drops by 23% in people who are kind on a regular basis. People who are less stressed age more slowly than the general community.

Goodwill grows

Researchers at the Stanford Social Neuroscience Laboratory have found that people are more likely to be kind to others when they see others being kind.

Good for your blood pressure

Doing nice things makes the hormone oxytocin come out, which opens up blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Why We Love World Kindness Day

Being kind brings a lot of happiness. In the daily chaos of life, it’s easy to lose sight of what other people need. Being kind can make you feel good, too, so it’s worth remembering.

It lets artists show themselves through kindness. Even though there are other days to be truly grateful, World Kindness Day gives people the freedom to be creative and come up with unique or extraordinary ways to be kind.

Being kind is very important and cannot be stressed enough. We should recognize and celebrate the worth of kindness itself as well as its good effects. This will help us remember that there is good in the world and that we are not the only ones going through hard times.

9 Ways to Celebrate World Kindness Day (2023)

Since there are so many “Be Kind” T-shirts out there and Harry Styles keeps telling us to “Treat People With Kindness,” it looks like kindness is the new black.

Kindness isn’t just a trend or a one-time thing, though. It’s a way of life and a way of thinking that helps us treat each other and the world with more fairness and understanding.

To be kind, you need to take a more comprehensive approach that includes positive inclusion, doing things that change things, and looking for powerful answers.

Making this choice is a skill that we all work on, and it’s clear that it needs more attention.

In November, we celebrate World Compassion Day. This is a great chance to find new and important ways to talk to each other and strengthen our connection with compassion.

We’ve put together a list of things you can do to honor World Kindness Day and Week.

When Is National Kindness Day

Is there a national kindness day?

This is exactly why National Random Acts of Kindness Day is being celebrated – to encourage everyone to spread kindness. National Random Acts of Kindness is celebrated every February 17. It first originated in 1995 in Denver, Colorado and in 2004, spread to New Zealand.

The goal of World Kindness Day is to spread kindness around the world. This memorial brings to light the terrible effects these acts can have on people, groups, and society as a whole. Being kind is a basic human trait that cuts across racial, religious, political, gender, and geographical lines. The point of the day is to get people to do random acts of kindness on purpose so that we can build a culture of kindness and generosity. If you want to do something special for this event, you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s something as easy as saying “good morning” or praising someone’s clothes. Read on to learn more about this important day in history.

The World Kindness Movement brought together groups from all over the world that believed in the same things in 1997 for its first meeting in Tokyo, Japan. This was the start of World Kindness Day. Since then, many countries, such as Canada, Australia, Nigeria, and the United Arab Emirates, have made it a public holiday. In 1998, the day was officially made a yearly event.

The world movement for compassion has grown over time. Following its rise to fame in the UK in 2005, the Kindness Movement spread to Singapore in 2009. At its start in the UK in 2010, the World Kindness Movement had spread to 27 countries by 2019. These included Australia (2012), France (2015), the US (2018), and the UK (2010). The World Kindness Movement worked hard to become an official NGO in Switzerland.

What is the theme for kindness Day 2023?

The theme for the year 2023 is a powerful reminder – “Be Kind Wherever Possible.” The theme for this year underscores the importance of kindness as a universal principle that should be practiced in every corner of the globe and in every aspect of our lives.

Kindness acts are done on World Kindness Day to show how wonderful and caring the relationships that bring us all together. Kindness is a basic human trait that doesn’t depend on race, religion, gender, politics, or where someone lives.

Since it is the largest foreign group, the World Kindness Movement is working hard to get the United Nations to recognize World Kindness Day officially. All of its members have to sign a “Declaration of Support” for World Kindness every month.

An easy but powerful way to make the world a better place is to take part in World Kindness Day. These are some ways to talk:

Kindness Acts: Try to be kind to others throughout the day by doing things like helping a neighbor, complimenting a coworker, or giving money to a good cause.

Spread happiness by posting positive and uplifting things on social media to get other people to be kind and caring.

Give some of your time to a neighborhood or national nonprofit that shares your values.

Give money to a cause that matters to you, like education, health care, or helping people in need.

Teach Kindness: To teach kids and teens how important it is to be kind and understanding, use classroom games or stories.

Why is World Kindness Day celebrated?

World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on November 13 as part of the Global Kindness Movement. This Day gives us the opportunity to reflect on one of the most important and unifying human principles – empathy, compassion and kindness.

Kindness Day is celebrated around the world on November 13 every year. Its goal is to promote acts of kindness that make everyone more empathetic, compassionate, and friendly. People and groups all over the world are encouraged to do acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, on this day to make the world a more caring and peaceful place—giving people a chance to think about the good things that kindness can do for them and for society as a whole.

World Kindness Day is a relatively new event, started in 1998 when the World Kindness Movement (WKM) was founded. This memorial was made possible in large part by the WKM, a global alliance of governments and organizations that work to promote kindness and peace. Most importantly, the goal is to encourage people to do nice things every day.

The movement started at a conference in Tokyo in 1997, where people from many countries talked about how important it is for people to be kind and compassionate. In Japan and Singapore, on November 13, 1998, they held the first World Kindness Day. Other countries have made the day a holiday every year since then.

Is today happy kindness day?

It is a day observed internationally on November 13, but for many, its importance warrants a whole week—so you may experience Kindness Week, starting on the 13th. Established in 1998, the day was intended to highlight positive actions in the community focused on our bonds with each other.


One in four kids in the United States is bullied regularly at school, making it a very big problem. Today is a great time to teach our kids how important it is to be nice to everyone, no matter how they are different. It also gives kids the courage to stand up to bullying when they see it happening, which helps them become brave and caring adults.

Getting rid of stress:

It may come as a surprise, but being compassionate can help you deal with stress. The stress hormone cortisol drops by 23% in people who are kind on a regular basis. This shows that kind people age more slowly than the rest of the population because they are less stressed. Being kind and caring is actually a good thing.

A Peaceful Day:

More than 28 countries have celebrated World Kindness Day, even though it is not directly linked to any political or religious movement. The group hopes that the UN will soon make the day a holiday, which would show how compassion can bring people around the world together.

What can you do on kindness Day 2023?

Small acts can have a big impact.

Surprise a stranger with a kind note, help an elderly neighbor with their groceries, plant a tree, or buy a cup of coffee for the person behind you in line. You can check out the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation for a ton of great ideas and free resources.

On this day, most people are told to do three random acts of kindness for other people.

Giving Compliments: Truly praise others on what they’re doing or what they’ve changed, like a new hairstyle or outfit. Also, smile at strangers as you walk by. You can also help people by leaving your seat on the bus or holding the door open. Being kind to other people is rewarding in even these small ways.

Hugs that mean a lot: If you hug someone today, make sure it’s long and special. Some people need a little extra attention. They are being kind and making connections go hand in hand. Some people may need clarification on your change in behavior, but they will definitely appreciate the gesture.

Write your lover a love letter or poem. This is a great way to show that you care about them and don’t take them for granted. It’s a perfect fit for them. Send your best wishes in the form of a letter or poem from the heart.

The point of World Kindness Day is to make people more aware of how important it is to be kind to others, to the environment, and oneself. The main message of this day is that kindness brings people together and is a unifying force. This information could help people across the country get along better, regardless of race, religion, gender, or other issues. The World Kindness Movement started 21 years ago as an idea at a conference in Tokyo. It has grown into a global movement that reminds people every day of the power of kindness to change and improve lives.

When Is National Kindness Day

In honor of this important day, we’ve put together answers to some of the most common questions people have about World Kindness Day. We’ve also given you easy ways to make the most of your day by doing nice things for other people. Our aim is for you to understand what the event means, why it’s important, and how you can take part in both celebrating and making a difference. On World Kindness Day, people all over the world are celebrating and making a promise to be more kind to each other. We really hope you can join us.

The World Kindness Movement, an organization formed after a meeting in Tokyo in 1997, first called for World Kindness Day in 1998. At this conference, kindness groups from many countries came together, making the need for a global kindness movement even clearer. It was started in Singapore in November 2000, and now more than 28 countries are part of the World Kindness Movement.

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