When Is National Cat Day 2023

When Is National Cat Day 2023


When Is National Cat Day 2023: In 2023, National Cat Day is a great time to honor our furry friends and promote their health. It emphasizes the importance of valuing the love and company cats give us while also understanding their needs. This is a chance to show your cat extra love, donate to animal rescues, and spread the word about how to be a good cat owner. 

National Cat Day is a time to enjoy all things cat, whether you own a cat or love them. The happy day, which is celebrated every year on October 29 and will be on a Sunday in 2023, is a great chance to show your cats some love and attention.

When Is National Cat Day 2023

How to Celebrate National Cat Day

You can give a cat a loving home by going to a nearby shelter. You can enjoy having a pet at home and make the cat’s life better at the same time. Plan a trip for the kittens with your friends. If you want to make things more exciting, bring them to the park or build an agility course in your garden. Give money to an animal shelter or aid group in your area. 

You can help animals in need get the second chance they deserve by taking care of them. Plan a get-together with your friends who love cats. Please set up a day of cat-related activities and ask everyone to bring their cats to have fun. Make sure you have plenty of toys and drinks on hand. Let your imagination run wild with paper, markers, and crayons as you make art that shows how much you love cats. Show how much you love our four-legged friends by writing or making something.

Why We Love National Cat Day

Cats are so cute and cuddly that no one can say no. They make very cute pets because they purr to calm you down, have unique personalities, and have furry faces. National Cat Day is a great time to enjoy because cats are always happy to cuddle and play, no matter what kind of day you’ve had! One of the best ways to relax after a long day is to spend time with cats. 

Whether you’re petting them, watching them play, or just cuddling on the couch, these things can help you calm down and rest. In honor of National Cat Day, spend more time with your cat! Cats, unlike some other pets, are very independent and don’t need to be watched or cared for all the time. Because of this, they are perfect for people who are busy or have little free time. A cat might be the best choice if you want a friend who doesn’t need much care but still gives you a lot of love and company.


The idea for National Cat Day came from lifestyle writer Colleen Paige in 2005. Her goal was to make more people aware of how many cats need to be saved every year. She also wants to encourage cat owners to value their cats for the love and company they give them no matter what. We fully back Paige’s goal because she seems to care about all cats, whether they are owned or stray. Science magazine says that cats have been kept as pets for 12,000 years. During that time, they have had lots of toys and naps. 

The Middle East, especially Israel, Iraq, and Lebanon, are thought to be where this long process took place. Animals did not go from being wild to friendly pets overnight; they were tamed over time. DNA study, as reported by National Geographic, shows that cats and people lived together for thousands of years before cats were domesticated. At this point, their genes were not very different from those of wildcats, with the exception of a new feature: the tabby cat’s unique stripes and dots.


The goal of National Cat Day is to bring attention to the problem of too many unwanted cats in shelters and to make more people aware of rescue cats. To celebrate National Cat Day in the best way possible, get a cat from a rescue and adopt it. There are things you can do to help rescue cats, even if you can’t adopt one. You could give your local animal shelter or another animal care group toys, blankets, or food. 

These things can make cats’ time in shelters more enjoyable while they look for stable homes. Remember that rescue cats also deserve love. Play with the kittens, clean their rooms, fill their litter boxes, and help with other jobs as a volunteer at your local shelter. Any rescue animal will feel better when you’re there.

Other Holidays Related to National Cat Day

National Cat Day is a day to celebrate our feline friends, but there are many more holidays and events that cat lovers and their furry friends can enjoy. These events that happen at the same time give us more chances to enjoy the wonderful world of cats and learn more about how important they are in our lives. 

This part talks about a number of holidays and celebrations that are tied to National Cat Day. Each one gives us a different way to think about how much we love our cats. National Cat Day is one of many times a year when we honor and love our furry friends. These events make us want to learn more about cat culture in general, like why cats should be adopted and busting myths about black cats. As cat fans, we have a lot of wonderful events planned to honor and show our love for these wonderful animals.

Is there a National Cat Day?

United States and Canada. In the US and Canada, National Cat Day is an awareness day to raise public awareness of cat adoption, taking place on August 8 in Canada and October 29 in the United States.

There is a webpage for National Cat Day that says the holiday started in 2005. The main goal of it is to make people more aware of how many cats need to be saved every year. On this day, cat fans are also encouraged to recognize and value the love and company that these animals bring into their lives. A pet and family living consultant named Colleen Paige created National Cat Day with the help of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, a non-profit group that promotes cat adoption.

The 22nd of February is National Cat Day in Japan. In 1978, this day was chosen by a vote set by the Executive Cat Day Committee. The choice was inspired by how closely the date sounds to the sound “nyan nyan nyan” (meow, meow, meow). As part of the Japanese celebrations, restaurants serve meals with cats as the theme. People also like to take pictures with their cats.

Is Feb 17 National Cat Day?

17th February is official National Cat Day in Italy – 3 days after Valentine’s – and it was introduced in 1990 to celebrate our beloved and charming feline friends. National Cat Day is a further opportunity for pampering our small, great life companion. But why was National Cat Day introduced and why on 17th February?

The first National Cat Day was held in Italy in 1990. Let’s look at the history of this day and some fun facts about cats. The idea to honor these little animals for a day came from journalist Claudia Angeletti. To choose the date of the event, she held a real vote among fans of Tuttogatto magazine. Many people said what they thought and why they would choose the dates they did.

Ms. Oriella Del Col’s idea from February 17 was the most believable of all the ones that were sent in. Following Ms. Del Col’s strong reasons in support of her petition, February 17th was officially named National Cat Day. One important reason was that Aquarius, the sign of February, is linked to a free-spirited and unconventional attitude. This fits with cats’ independent and rule-breaking personalities, which like to live their lives on their terms.

When Is National Cat Day 2023

Why is February 22 Cat Day?

As some of you must remember it, we started celebrating Japanese National Cat Day at Maido last year. The Cat Day is celebrated on February 22nd, as the date’s numerals, 2/22 (ni ni ni), are pronounced fairly closely to the sound a cat makes in Japan – nyan nyan nyan (meow meow meow).

Japan’s cat lovers get together every year on February 22 to celebrate National Cat Day. Not only does Japan celebrate Cat Day, but many other countries do, too, though they pick different dates. In the United States, National Cat Day is on October 29, and in Canada, it is on August 9. In Japan, the decision was made by the Executive Cat Day Committee on February 22, 1987, more than 30 years ago, after more than 9,000 cat lovers voted.

The numbers 2-22 are interesting because they should be said as “ni-ni-ni,” which sounds like the Japanese word for “cat’s meow” or “nyan-nyan-nyan.” Hundreds of cat lovers attend the events, where they think about the wonderful things about cats and pray that their furry friends will live long lives. The funny way that 2022 was described as “nyao-nyan-nyan,” or cat-like, makes it stand out. This adds a bit of cat-like charm to such a significant day.

What is the theme for International Cat Day 2023?

Purrfect Play Every Day

In recognition of the importance of playtime for cats, to mark this year’s International Cat Day, feline wellbeing charity International Cat Care’s (ICC) theme for 2023 is ‘Purrfect Play Every Day’.

Play is an important part of your cat’s daily life, from the exploratory days when it’s a baby to the confident years when it’s an adult. Not only does playing together make the bond between people and cats stronger, but it also helps cats of all ages stay healthy and fit. Also, it helps keep their minds active and alert.

International Cat Care (ICC) recognized how important play was in cats’ lives when it picked “Purrfect Play Every Day” as the theme for this year’s International Cat Day. The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) has marked August 8 as International Cat Day for eight years running. This day gives us a chance to teach people about cats and how to care for and protect these four-legged friends.

Is today global cat day?

Global Cat Day (October 16th) | Days Of The Year.

The relationship between humans and cats has been lengthy and at times intricate. Across various historical periods, from the veneration of cats in ancient Egypt to the apprehension of them during the Middle Ages, people have maintained a connection with these small creatures spanning thousands of years. 

In 2001, Alley Cat Allies created National Feral Cat Day to bring attention to the issue of stray cats and to push for more spay and neuter programs. In 2017, the day was changed to Global Cat Day, but the original goal of saving animals that can’t protect themselves is still in place.

Spaying and neutering your cats is one of the best things pet owners can do to help reduce the number of homeless cats. This simple surgery is cheap and can be performed at a vet’s office with little recovery time. Through this drug action, the number of cats can be controlled, which can help solve the problem of stray cats.

When Is National Cat Day 2023

National Cat Day was created to encourage more people to adopt cats and raise awareness of the fact that millions of cats need loving homes. On this day in 2005, animal rights activist Colleen Paige started her organization to promote awareness of the special bond between people and cats and to fight for their care. This event is very important for supporting responsible cat ownership and the health and happiness of cats worldwide. 

On National Cat Day, people learn about cats’ health, food, and care needs. This helps to promote safe cat ownership. It also stresses how important it is to spay or neuter cats to avoid health problems. People are being encouraged by the event to get cats from rescue groups and animal shelters instead of pet shops. Cats that are in shelters and need loving homes can get a second chance at life by being adopted.

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