When Is Manufacturing Day

When Is Manufacturing Day


When Is Manufacturing Day: Manufacturers hope to hire 4 million people for high-skilled, high-tech jobs over the next ten years. Industry leaders get together on Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) to talk about problems they all face. The goal is to get people interested in manufacturing jobs so that neighborhoods and the lives of future generations will be better.

The Manufacturing Institute helps groups all over the country plan and carry out successful MFG Day events by providing a range of tools and points of view. The school is also in charge of a big database of events that are added every year.

Every year, on the first Friday of October, Manufacturing Day is held to teach people, parents, and kids about the main ideas behind modern manufacturing. The fourth industrial revolution is making the world change very quickly. New developments in industrial technology have created completely new job possibilities, but only for people who are motivated and skilled enough to go after them. People from all walks of life work in manufacturing as bioengineers, data analysts, robotics technicians, or in a wide range of other jobs linked to operations.

Manufacturing Day

Businesses can honor the hard work going on in factories across the country on Manufacturing Day, also known as MFG Day. This Day also serves to inspire the next generation of smart workers. Manufacturing Day (MFG Day) is held every year on the first Friday in October. On this Day, manufacturers open their doors to the public to show what modern manufacturing can do and get people interested in working in the industry. MFG Day will be held on Friday, October 6, 2023.

Around 3,000 events are held in all 50 states and Puerto Rico during this event. This gives groups from all over the country a chance to show how production really works. Over 325,000 people, including parents, students, and people from the neighborhood, attend these events. On MFG Day, manufacturers can get together to talk about their problems as a group, which helps their neighborhoods and the next generation.

When Is Manufacturing Day

The cause is getting bigger. Since the beginning of MFG Day, the MEP National NetworkTM has been planning, advertising, and funding events for the Day. This blog post has more information on how the Network played a part in MFG Day’s revolutionary effects.

Manufacturing Month

Manufacturing Day and Month are made possible by SME membership, and we’re glad to help make these events happen. Our goal is to help young artists and industrial companies learn from each other and work together. Manufacturing Day is a great chance to let people in your community, across the country, and around the world know how important manufacturing is.

Companies from all over the manufacturing industry get together on Manufacturing Day to share information and talk with young workers and the next generation of manufacturers. When small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) take part in actions and projects that move the industry forward, manufacturing moves forward. Making Things Day is held every year on the first Friday of October, and we’re happy to be a part of it.

As a participating member, SME, along with thousands of other companies, shows how manufacturing is doing in North America right now. Throughout the month, we will be doing a range of events to honor STEM and industrial careers. Some of these events are regular webinars and Shop Talks, which are online, open-forum conversations led by a supervisor. Experts in the field share their knowledge, opinions, and recommendations in these talks, which are about important or upcoming problems or goods in the industry.

Anyone can attend Shop Talks and events, whether they are a member of SME or not. Check out the links below to learn more about the many events happening during Manufacturing Month. Join us in promoting manufacturing and making more people aware of it.

Importance of Manufacturing Day

It is Manufacturing Day every year on October 1, which is the first Friday. Inspiring the next generation of skilled workers and manufacturers is what this event is all about, along with recognizing and praising the value of modern manufacturing. The main goal is to make more people aware of how important manufacturing is to the American economy. This will lead to more creativity, jobs, and economic growth. 15% of Kansas’s state GDP comes from manufacturing.

Manufacturers have a one-of-a-kind chance to talk to attendees about new technologies, industry breakthroughs, and job opportunities in the manufacturing field at this event. One of the main goals of Manufacturing Day is to clear up misconceptions about the industry and remove the idea that it is dirty or out-of-date. The end goal is to get young people, especially students, interested in working in manufacturing and related fields by showing them how modern factories really work inside and out.

Manufacturers can talk to people in their neighborhoods, at schools, and with people who want to work for them in the future on Manufacturing Day. Making these connections can lead to good things, like partnerships, internships, and apprenticeships, which could help the field find qualified workers.

National Manufacturing Day: October 6, 2023

As a follow-up to Manufacturing Day, which is usually held on the first Friday of October and was started by the Manufacturing Institute in 2011, the U.S. Census Bureau puts together Manufacturing Week. This section has useful manufacturing figures and data products, as well as many other useful things, like news, America Counts stories, data tools, infographics, training materials, and more.

Over the week, all social media sites will show old manufacturing data. The main goal is to show business jobs and give information about manufacturing. Businesses and schools all over the country are being asked by this effort to be more open with kids, parents, teachers, and local officials.

Please send the U.S. Census Bureau a week’s worth of in-depth articles and data to mark the 12th anniversary of Manufacturing Day. The goal is to let people, companies, and policymakers know how important manufacturing is to the U.S. economy.

Every Day is Manufacturing Day in October

Manufacturing Day is held every year on the first Friday in October. But for groups like SMEs, whose goal is to improve skills and capacities and speed up the uptake of new technologies in North America’s manufacturing sector, October is a whole month to celebrate everything manufacturing.

Manufacturing is the key to wealth and economic growth, which is why we are extending this name. SME wants to make production as useful as it can be as a tool for progress, business, and human growth.

In 2012, MFG Day was publicly declared by the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association, which came up with the idea. The goal of the celebration is to honor achievements in manufacturing and technology while also addressing the need for a big workforce over the next ten years to meet industry needs. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that there are currently 550,000 manufacturing jobs open. This is because the manufacturing supply line has moved back to the U.S. after COVID-19.

Because SMEs are big supporters of workforce development and industrial technologies, they take part in and plan a lot of Industrial Day events. It would help if you got involved as much as possible to help our business.

What is the theme of the manufacturing day 2023?

Under the theme “Green is the new black – From Smokestacks to Sustainability”, more than 200 people came to the Austrian capital for panel discussions, matchmaking and keynotes.

Manufacturing Day took place in Vienna as part of ViennaUP’23 this year. The EIT Manufacturing ecosystem event, which is now in its third year, gives European manufacturing workers a chance to meet each other and make connections. Getting foreign funding and helping local businesses were the main goals. Over 200 people came to the capital of Austria for the theme “Green is the new black: From Smokestacks to Sustainability.” There were thought-provoking keynote speeches, networking events, and lively group discussions.

Mariana Mazzucato, an economist, and Gerd Leonhard, a futurist, both gave important major speeches. In his inaugural speech, Leonhard said that the next ten years will have more revolutionary changes than the last one hundred years. This event had something to do with the modern revolutions in purpose, sustainability, and digital technology. He stressed that these revolutions have big effects on society and the manufacturing business in particular, with a focus on how manufacturing technologies are changing.

What is the meaning of manufacturing Day?

Manufacturing Day is an opportunity for manufacturers to highlight their work and their workers and to energize a future pipeline of skilled workers.

On MFG DAY, which takes place every year on the first Friday of October, factories all over the country open their doors to the public to show off the newest innovations in modern production and get people interested in working in the field. Across the country, in all 50 states and Puerto Rico, groups held almost 2,600 open houses and other events. There were plans for over 400,000 people to attend, including students, parents, and people from the neighborhood.

On National Manufacturing Day, the White House released the National Strategy for Advanced Manufacturing. They did this because they knew how important manufacturing was to the economy and national security. The Biden-Harris government is committed to policies that will boost the manufacturing sector and make the United States a stronger leader in the world.

What is manufacturing week?

Manufacturing Week is a celebration by the U.S. Census Bureau that expands upon the traditional Manufacturing Day launched by the Manufacturing Institute in 2011 on the first Friday of October.

News, training materials, data tools, infographics, and America Counts stories can all be found on this page. It also has manufacturing data products and figures that are useful. This week, we’ll be posting historical facts about manufacturing on all of our social media sites.

By bringing attention to manufacturing jobs, we also encourage hundreds of companies and schools across the country to make themselves open to students, parents, teachers, and community leaders. As a way to celebrate the 12th anniversary of Manufacturing Day, the U.S. Census Bureau is giving communities, businesses, and lawmakers a week’s worth of educational material and data.

As of September, the 2022 Annual Integrated Economic Poll (AIES), the most recent poll from the Census Bureau, started collecting limited-scope data. This study will give us important yearly signs of how the economy is doing, like the most complete yearly national and subnational data on business income, employment, costs, and assets. Please read our 2022 Annual Integrated Economic Survey tip sheet to learn more about the AIES.

When Is Manufacturing Day

Is there a manufacturing month?

Manufacturing Month. In October, federal agencies celebrate the export success of U.S. manufacturers with events, information, and promotions.

The International Trade Administration and business and government partners in the United States celebrate Manufacturing Month every October. The goal is to bring attention to how important creativity and innovation in American manufacturing have been in shaping our way of life. In the United States, the manufacturing business is strong and busy. It generates $2.65 trillion in economic output, 13 million jobs, and 10.3 percent of GDP.

Find out more about this business and the ITA’s programs that help American companies compete and do well overseas. A big part of the U.S. government’s National Export Strategy (NES) for 2023 is industry. This study shows ways to make the industry’s supply chain more reliable, get more help with trade financing, and push for the adoption of global standards.

What is the hashtag for manufacturing day 2023?

We encourage you to share your manufacturing story and use our hashtags, #MFGDay23 and #CreatorsWanted.

The Manufacturing Institute, a national group, puts on MFG Day every year, which is the most important event in the manufacturing sector to inspire the next generation, change negative views of our industry, and train the workers of the future. With this project’s help, manufacturers will be able to work together to solve problems they all face and make their communities and the lives of future generations better.

With more manufacturing jobs coming up lately, it’s more important than ever that we work together. It has always been a flexible event, with plant tours, school seminars, manufacturing expos, and other creative ways to show students, recent graduates, teachers, and parents what modern manufacturing jobs are available. The official MFG Day logo shows the progress, potential, and stability of the industry by showing the different events that happen across the country.

The Manufacturing Institute (MI) puts on Manufacturing Day (MFG Day). The MI constantly works to develop, diversify, and improve the modern manufacturing workforce. This is done to improve people’s chances, make communities wealthier, and make the manufacturing industry more competitive.

When Is Manufacturing Day

The institute wants to involve underrepresented groups, change people’s ideas about modern manufacturing jobs, lead professional development and skilled training programs, do research and think leadership on how the workforce is changing, and build partnerships to have a bigger impact on the U.S. manufacturing industry.

The MI is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that works to educate and grow the workforce. It is the National Association of Manufacturers’ trusted advisor and gives them the tools they need to deal with the toughest problems in the sector.

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