When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year

When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year


When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year: For Eastern Orthodox Christians, Easter starts with Great Lent, which lasts forty days and includes Sundays. During this time, people pray and fast. This important part starts on Clean Monday and ends on Lazarus Saturday.

Greek Orthodox Easter, a significant and joyous celebration in the Christian calendar, varies in date each year. In 2024, this sacred observance will be marked by the Greek Orthodox community, but determining its exact date involves adhering to a different calendar than the commonly used Gregorian calendar. Greek Orthodox Easter follows the Julian calendar, leading to a distinctive timing compared to Western Christian Easter. The date is typically determined through complex calculations related to lunar cycles and the spring equinox. As the faithful anticipate this spiritual occasion, the exact date of Greek Orthodox Easter in 2024 holds particular importance for believers.

Seven weeks before Easter Sunday, on “Clean Monday,” you should get rid of all bad ideas. This is how Christians’ hearts get clean during the Lenten fast—ten days of fasting ended on Lazarus Saturday, eight days before Easter Sunday.

One week before Easter, on the Sunday after Lazarus, Saturday is Palm Sunday. Palm Sunday celebrates the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. This ceremony leads up to Easter Sunday, or Pascha, and gets ready for Holy Week.

When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year

When is Greek Orthodox Easter

Greek Orthodox Easter, or Pascha, is the most important religious holiday of the year. It has its roots in Christianity and has been celebrated for over 2,000 years. For many years, people have loved the customs of Greek Easter 2023.

For Greeks, Easter 2023 is all about the celebration of the Resurrection, which is unique to the Greek Orthodox Church and has its symbols and traditions. The holy day comes on a different date for each Christian group, but it’s usually on or around April 16 every year.

The Greek Orthodox Easter holiday, which takes place on April 20, 2023, is different from other Christian holidays because it includes very deep symbols of the Resurrection. People who need to learn more about Greek culture or religious rituals might find it hard to decide when to join the party because it only happens on certain days.

Who celebrates Orthodox Easter?

For Easter 2023, the Orthodox Church will put a lot of stress on self-denial and reflection. Joy fills the air during the services, as shown by the bright decorations that remember how Jesus beat death for Christians. The holiday spirit is helped by traditions like the “antzourgia” game, in which scarves are used as doors. On these holy days, people who want to honor Christ’s memory eat foie gras, terrine, and other traditional treats, which shows how wrong people are about their economic impact.

In 2023, Christians in Greece, Russia, and Eastern Europe will enjoy Easter in different ways all over the world. During Pascha (Orthodox Easter 2023), people in Greece decorate eggs, have parties, and eat traditional foods like lamb chops. These differences in culture lead to a wide range of traditions and practices for the worldwide celebration of Easter in the Orthodox Christian community.

Greek Orthodox Easter: Everything You Need to Know

In the Greek Orthodox faith, Easter, also known as Pascha, is the most important holy day. It has practices that go back 2,000 years and are deeply rooted in Christianity.

Because of the 40-day Lenten period (απχα-Pascha), the solemnity of Holy Week, the rich symbolism, and the unique rituals, Orthodox Easter is different from Roman Catholic, Protestant, and other Western Christian celebrations.

For Greek Orthodox Christians, Easter is celebrated in a special way, with symbols that honor the Resurrection. Some Christian groups enjoy this holiday on a different day than Easter because it has its traditions.

Greeks thank and admire Jesus Christ for dying on the cross to pay for their sins every Easter. The amazing Resurrection is the main event of the holiday. It shows that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and promised eternal life.

Orthodox Easter timeline

The Julian calendar was made by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C.

The Gregorian calendar was set up by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.


Because some churches use the Julian calendar while others use the Gregorian calendar, the World Council of Churches is thinking about changing the date of Easter.

Orthodox Easter Day will be on April 24, 2022, a Sunday.

When is Greek Orthodox Easter and Dates Leading Up to It

What does the time called Sarakosti mean? It counts down to Greek Orthodox Easter, also known as Pascha, which is the biggest holiday of the year.

Also, the grand Carnival celebrations that came before this age come to an end. On Monday, February 27, it starts with “Kathara Deftera,” which means “Clean Monday” in Greek. 

Orthodox Christians are told on Clean Monday to avoid the bad habits that come with Carnival events, like eating too many non-fasting foods that were popular during the three weeks of the carnival.

When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year

Why is Greek Orthodox Easter on a different day?

Orthodox Christians in Europe, Africa and the Middle East celebrate Easter later than most in the western world. It’s because they use a different calendar to work out what day Easter should fall on.

Orthodox Easter and Easter Sunday are important Christian holidays that remember the rising of Jesus, which is the most important event in the Christian calendar.

The 40-day period of reflection and fasting called “Great Lent” in Eastern Orthodox Christianity starts on Clean Monday and ends on Lazarus Saturday.

On Clean Monday, Christians remember that Lent is a time to wash away their sins. On Lazarus Saturday, eight days before Easter Sunday, Great Lent ends, though fasting continues through Holy Week.

The week before Easter, on Palm Sunday, people remember when Jesus Christ came into Jerusalem. Then Holy Week starts, and it ends on Easter Sunday.

Easter is a moving feast day that changes every year, no matter where in the world you are. Christmas has a set date.

What is Greek Orthodox Easter called?

Known as Pascha, the Greek word for “passover,” Easter in the Orthodox Church celebrates “the eternal Passover from death to life from earth heaven.”

As the forty-day Lenten season comes to an end on Easter Sunday every year, Christians celebrate the Resurrection. Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends with Holy Week, which includes important days like Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday.

The Greek word “Passover,” which means the endless journey from life to death and from earth to heaven, is where the Orthodox Church gets its name for Easter. Great Lent lasts for forty days and is marked by strict fasting. It ends on Lazarus Saturday, which celebrates the return of Lazarus. After Palm Sunday and Holy Week, people usually fast until Easter. In Orthodoxy, Easter is always marked around the time that the Jewish Passover is over.

Many people think that Easter comes from Eostre, the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and wealth. Hares are often seen on her at pagan gatherings. Eostre-month was a casual word that the Anglo-Saxons used for April. An 8th-century scholar and monk named Venerable Bede often talks about this link in his work “The Reckoning of Time.”

Why did the Orthodox Church split from Catholic church?

Great Schism

The Great Schism came about due to a complex mix of religious disagreements and political conflicts. One of the many religious disagreements between the western (Roman) and eastern (Byzantine) branches of the church had to do with whether or not it was acceptable to use unleavened bread for the sacrament of communion.

There were a lot of different political and religious factors that led to the Great Schism. In religious arguments between the Roman (western) and Byzantine (eastern) branches of the church, the use of unleavened bread for communion was a big point of disagreement. The West supported the practice, while the east did not. The real words of the Nicene Creed and the Western idea of priestly celibacy were used as examples.

Many government fights, especially ones over Rome’s power, made religious tensions worse. Rome acknowledged that the pope had power over the patriarch, who was in charge of the eastern church. In contrast, Constantinople had a different view. When the Western church kicked out Michael Cerularius and the whole Eastern church, tensions rose. To get back at Pope Leo III and the Roman Church, the Eastern Church banned them. When both groups were excommunicated in 1054, it was clear that the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church had split.

What do Greek Orthodox believe?

The teachings of Orthodoxy are described in the Nicene Creed, adopted in AD 325 by an ecumenical council: belief in one God, creator of all things, and his Son, Jesus Christ, who was crucified for the world’s salvation and was resurrected on the third day, and who will come again in glory to judge the living and the .

The Greek Orthodox Church (GOC), which is a part of Eastern Orthodoxy, broke away from the Roman Catholic Church in 1054. The GOC and Catholicism share some practices, like honoring saints, even though they are different. “Orthodox” means that they think they have the right view of real Christianity. The “Mother Church of Christendom,” as the GOC calls itself, says it came from the saints and early church fathers. The GOC has accepted behaviors and attitudes that are not in line with biblical Christianity, even though they believe in important Christian ideas like the Trinity.

Sunday services at many Greek Orthodox churches are called Divine Liturgy, and they are held in Greek, which people who are not Greek may find hard to understand. With choir music and an order similar to Catholicism, their services are more official and ritualistic than Protestant services. Every 75 minutes, many things happen during a service. People light candles, bow as a group, kiss icons, and make the “sign of the cross.” Taking part in the Eucharist is a big part of their mission and the process of redemption that never ends.

What do Greek Orthodox eat on Good Friday?

On Good Friday, there is no cooking or work as it is the day that Jesus is crucified. For this reason all food preparation should happen on Holy Thursday or Easter Saturday. We also eat fakes (Greek lentil soup) or other boiled food with vinegar on Good Friday. This is because Jesus was given vinegar to drink.

Greek Orthodox Christians believe that Easter is the best day of the year. Many Greek traditions and customs are connected to Easter. Several local traditions reach their peak during the week, running up to Easter, also known as Holy Week, between Palm Sunday and Easter.

On Holy Thursday, she also called Great Thursday, the work to get ready for Easter starts. Today is the day that the traditional Easter bread, tsoureki, is made, and eggs are painted red to represent Christ’s blood. Red eggs have deep roots in old mythology, where they stood for victory over death and the start of a new life.

When Is Greek Orthodox Easter This Year

Traditions have grown out of old beliefs. For instance, putting the first red egg in the home’s iconostasis (which shows icons) is thought to protect against evil. In another tradition, baby lambs are protected by having red dye put on their heads and backs. Symbolic pictures of the crucifixion are shown in church services on Holy Thursday night, which is the start of the grief season. Many towns and cities have practices where women who are grieving spend the whole night in church.

Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter as a special day and a big event. The event takes place on the Sunday after the first full moon after Passover.

Every year at Easter, Greeks honor and thank Jesus Christ for his death on the cross, which means that sins are forgiven. The main reasons for the celebrations are to honor the promise of a life after death, honor the wonder of the Resurrection, and show that Jesus Christ rose from the dead and won the victory.

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