When Is Christian Aid Week 2023

When Is Christian Aid Week 2023


When Is Christian Aid Week 2023: Every year, the U.K. marks Christian Aid Week in the second week of May. This year, it happens from May 12 to May 18. The non-profit group Christian Relief is spearheading this project, which aims to give sustainable growth and humanitarian relief to poor communities across the world. Reducing suffering, combating injustice, and supporting human rights are the major goals. 

Every year, hundreds of volunteers participate in Christian Aid’s door-to-door fundraising drive in the United Kingdom, which goes back to 1957. Red collection bags are given to homes throughout the United Kingdom as part of this effort. Christian Aid Week, viewed as the longest-running fundraising week in Britain, is a big humanitarian endeavor in which all Britons are invited to take part.


To become what it is now, Christian Aid Week has experienced a variety of adjustments throughout the years. A large number of people were homeless and displaced during World War II. In response, the churches in Britain and Ireland joined forces to form Christian Reconstruction in Europe (C.R.E.), the main objective of which was to raise money for the relocation of millions of people who had been made homeless by the conflict. The organization became a vital component of the British Council of Churches in 1948 when its name was changed to the Inter-Church Aid and Refugee Service. The group changed its attention to work on global development during the subsequent ten years.

To improve public awareness, the organization’s then-director Janet Lacey led the decision to create Christian Aid Week in 1957. Through the effective cooperation of 200 towns and villages throughout Britain, this effort raised £26,000 for foreign development projects. In 1964, the group changed its name once more and became Christian Aid.

The impending hazards of famine and starvation in the 1960s underlined the significance of agricultural development, especially in the world’s poorest regions—Africa and Asia, in particular. Christian Relief started educating churchgoers and educational institutions about the underlying causes of poverty in addition to providing relief abroad. In addition, the group had a part in the creation of the World Development Movement.

When Is Christian Aid Week 2023


Donate to Christian Help so that they can help people all over the world. Check out their website to discover how you may assist their work financially. Raise knowledge as you take part in the celebration of Christian Aid Week. This not only teaches people about the organization’s charity initiatives but also about ways that they may actively support the cause on a worldwide basis.

While it’s excellent to donate to the cause, it’s equally crucial to offer support to those in need around you during Christian Aid Week. In recent times, a convenient method involves employing delivery-only envelopes for collecting donations. These envelopes can be given to residences, avoiding the demand for personal collecting by local volunteers. They can be posted to Christian Aid or turned in at pre-arranged sites. Additionally, online gifts have gained popularity in recent times.


It ranks as California’s largest foreign humanitarian non-profit organization, giving medical support to promote the well-being of those afflicted by poverty and tragedies, both within the United States and overseas. Functioning as a worldwide Christian health organization, it partners with those surviving in impoverished conditions to maintain lives and create healthier families and communities.

As an international charity, it links a global network of volunteers volunteering their time and knowledge to solve the most important humanitarian problems worldwide. Operating as an emergency response organization, it plays a critical role in saving lives and establishing healthy futures for those in distress, whether in the United States or across the world. Rooted in faith, it works as a healthcare provider for the poor globe.

Christian Aid week 2023

Christian Aid Week is set from May 14 to May 20 this year. Collections will be done at Cathedral Square from Monday, May 15, to Friday, May 19, between 0800 and 1800 and also throughout the day on Saturday, May 21. On Thursday, May 18, a unique truck will bring ‘Pigeon Peas’ to Cathedral Square. These peas, recognized for their drought resistance and good nutritional content, are especially well-suited for locations facing reduced rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa.

In support of this year’s campaign, we will be offering marmalade in return for donations after our 1100 Choral Eucharist on both Sunday, May 14, and Sunday, May 21. In 2022, we gave approximately £3500 to Christian Aid, a large and increasingly crucial gift in practical aid and in raising awareness for the causes it supports.

This year’s campaign focuses on aiding the people of Malawi, where the cost of important commodities such as food, petrol, fertilizers, and school fees has doubled in the past 12 months. Hardworking farmers are fighting with bad crops due to the climate disaster, causing increasingly unpredictable weather. The donations produced during Christian Aid Week will be utilized to support Malawian farmers in planting improved seeds, getting fairer pricing for their crops, and building brighter futures for their children.

Christian Aid Week 2023 – Giving peas a chance in Malawi

Malawi boasts the honor of being Africa’s top producer of pigeon peas. Despite its flexibility, low cost, protein-rich content, and drought resistance, this crop has been historically characterized as ‘desperation’ food in Malawi, utilized only when no option is available. However, with the help of Christian help’s local partner, a widowed grandmother is improving the prospects of her family with this basic pulse.

Meet Esther Saizi, a lively, outspoken, and laughter-filled 54-year-old grandma. At our initial meeting, Esther was busy baking bread using pigeon pea flour. She joyfully displays the bread oven, unfolding rolls inside and displaying the compartment for firewood at the back. Through cultivating pigeon peas and selling bread created from pigeon pea flour, Esther is not only making revenue but also supporting her elder daughter’s carpentry company and funding her younger daughter’s education. She keeps optimism that her younger daughter will finally become a nurse. The funds also help to fund nursery school fees for her 4-year-old grandson.

Behind Esther’s broad smile, however, is a backdrop of pain and suffering. Two years ago, her spouse went abruptly, and she fought with the emotional challenges that accompanied his mourning.

What happens during Christian Aid Week?

What’s Christian Aid Week? Christian Aid Week is seven amazing days of fundraising, prayer and action against global poverty. During the week, we ask our supporters to give their time, money and voices to help bring lasting change to some of the world’s poorest communities.

Unsure about how to respond when queried about additional details regarding Christian Aid and its operational approach? We have thorough replies to address the most often-asked questions made during outreach activities. Christian Aid envisions a world without poverty and actively works with local partners in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Latin America, and the Caribbean to bring about sustainable change for anyone facing poverty, irrespective of their faith, gender, or race. Established by the churches in Britain and Ireland, Christian Aid works as an agency committed to combatting poverty on a global scale.

In partnership with organizations like Church Action on Poverty, Christian Aid tries to highlight the interconnectedness between domestic and foreign poverty, covering themes such as taxation. Our basic idea is the equality of all individuals. We are committed to supporting people based on their needs rather than considerations of religion, race, ethnicity, or nationality. Our project funding applies to projects that support members of all religions and those with no religious affiliation.

What religion does Christian Aid belong to?

Christian Aid is the relief and development agency of 41 Christian (Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox) churches in the UK and Ireland, and works to support sustainable development, eradicate poverty, support civil society and provide disaster relief in South America, the Caribbean, Africa and Asia.

Christian Aid gets funds from several sources, including institutional grants, regular contributions, the Christian Aid Week appeal, public gifts, legacies, and emergency appeals. In 2013, institutional income, which includes money from the Department for International Development and the European Commission, produced 41% of the overall income.

The leftover substantial percentage of income is received by countless individuals in churches and communities. Key fundraising dates span Christmas, Harvest, and Christian Aid Week, during which £12.6 million (equivalent to 13% of the overall income) was raised in 2013. Supporters give frequently throughout the year via direct debit, cash donations, and Will Aid.

Various activities, including walks, soup lunches, and quizzes, are part of the yearly calendar of events in which churches and community groups actively participate. Christian Aid interacts with hundreds of local partner groups, providing its help to some of the world’s most needy populations throughout 24 countries. The group maintains a vital role in the Disasters Emergency Committee. It plays a major role in projects done by The Climate Coalition, The Fairtrade Foundation, and the Trade Justice Movement.

When Is Christian Aid Week 2023

What is the prayer for Christian Aid Week 2023?

Creator God, you have planted the seed of love in our hearts, in our souls, in our lives. We long for the brightness of your presence drawing ever closer to you and to one another, as we join with your people at all times in all places to worship and to serve.

Christian Aid supporters are set for a week dedicated to focused action and prayer, with this year’s attention on aiding families in Malawi. These families suffer the burden of the global difficulties forced by the expense of living and climatic crises. From May 14-20, a variety of events will unfold to collect funds and provide good change to families and communities devastated by crop devastation and the exploitation of hard-earned earnings by intermediaries in places dealing with extreme weather.

In Malawi, farmers face the dilemma of making suitable prices for their produce while contending with the challenges of climate change, including rising temperatures and regular floods that make crop cultivation difficult. Esther Saizi, a 54-year-old grandmother, is one such farmer. She cultivates pigeon peas, utilizing them for baking bread and selling them. The income supports her daughters’ nursing training, adds to a carpentry business, and covers nursery expenses for her grandchildren.

When was the first Christian Aid Week?


Andy was involved in the first-ever Christian Aid Week in 1957. Over the last 66 years, he’s raised tens of thousands of pounds, supported by his late wife Edna and their daughter Heather.

Throughout May, you participated in different activities such as baking, planting, speaking, participating in the Big Pea Challenge, cycling, organizing events, praying, walking, running, quizzing, and much more. Your stories have brought us immense joy, and we deeply value your incredible support. Christian Aid Week comes to life due to your united efforts, and we express a heartfelt thank you to everyone who contributed to helping more of our international friends better their lives.

We’ve been commemorating the number of wonderful stories we’ve heard over this time. While we’d love to put all of them here, it might take until next May for you to read through them all! So, here’s a taste of some extraordinary events that took place during Christian Aid Week…

In Birmingham, Arthur played a big part in planning an afternoon tea in his garden. Along with his family, they received guests from adjacent churches, the Quaker meeting house, neighbors, and acquaintances. The celebration featured handcrafted cakes, sandwiches, scones with jam & cream, a contribution table, and quizzes suited for all ages. The event successfully earned £771.17. Arthur has been a passionate Christian Aid supporter throughout his entire youth, eagerly participating in fundraisers since the age of two. Thank you, Arthur!

What is the main aim of Christianity?

The core Christian belief is that through belief in and acceptance of the death and resurrection of Jesus, sinful humans can be reconciled to God, and thereby are offered salvation and the promise of eternal life.

Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion focused on the life and teachings of Jesus. As the world’s largest and most famous religion, it has over 2.4 billion followers, constituting nearly one-third of the global population. Adherents of Christianity, known as Christians, are expected to comprise the majority in 157 countries and territories. The core idea is around Jesus being the Son of God, whose entry as the Messiah was foretold in the Hebrew Bible (referred to as the Old Testament in Christianity) and described in the New Testament.

When Is Christian Aid Week 2023

Christianity includes cultural variance in its Western and Eastern branches and also shows doctrinal diversity in areas such as justification, the nature of salvation, ecclesiology, ordination, and Christology. The creeds maintained by many Christian faiths typically accept Jesus as the incarnated Son of God—the Logos—who ministered, suffered, died on the cross, and rose from the dead for the salvation of humanity. This major message is usually referred to as the “good news” or the gospel. The four canonical gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—provide an account of Jesus’s life and teachings, with the Old Testament acting as the fundamental background for these stories.

Nevertheless, Christian Aid partners in Malawi are aiding farmers in altering their lives by harnessing the tough and versatile pigeon pea. This crop has proven to be drought-resistant, adds to soil regeneration, is rich in protein, is cost-effective, and boasts a wonderful taste. Working in partnership with Christian Aid, farmers, and communities are creating cooperatives to secure a fairer price, improve seed quality, and create value by producing and selling bread fashioned from pea flour.

Additionally, attempts are underway to build facilities that keep peas from unfavorable weather conditions. Inspired by the impactful pigeon pea transformation, The Big Pea Challenge inspires you to start your pea-themed fundraiser in May. Whether you’re a gardener, a cook, or just seeking a little of leisure, you’ll discover important tools to help your effort.

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