When Is Brazilian Valentine's Day

When Is Brazilian Valentine’s Day


When Is Brazilian Valentine’s Day: The Brazilian holiday Dia dos Namorados, which translates to “Sweetheart’s Day” or “Boyfriends’/Girlfriends’ Day,” is similar to Valentine’s Day. Our holiday has nothing to do with Saint Valentine’s Day like the ones in the US and Europe. The holiday is now held on June 12, which is close to June 13, which is Saint Anthony’s Day. In Brazil, people pray to Saint Anthony and believe that he will bless new pairs with a happy marriage. You can celebrate Dia dos Namorados with special feasts, gifts, and flower and chocolate swaps by young couples, either at home or at a catered event. Don’t worry if you’re traveling by yourself; bars, movie theaters, and restaurants often have events just for people who are traveling alone.

We chose to celebrate Valentine’s celebrate Day in June instead of February 14 because that’s when the real holiday falls, which is during Carnival Week, a big national holiday. Because of this scheduling problem, Brazil is a popular place for Western singles who want to skip Valentine’s Day to go on vacation.

Brazil has its own Valentine’s Day every year on June 12. It’s the same as Valentine’s Day on February 14, but it doesn’t happen at the same time as Brazil’s colorful Carnival, which is one of the biggest outdoor events in the country. In the local language, it’s called Dia dos Namorados. This different date was picked because it falls on the same day as Saint Anthony’s Day, which is also a loving holiday. Here are 50 great date ideas that are perfect for this sweet event.

When Is Brazilian Valentine's Day

History Of Valentine’s Day In Brazil

Dia dos Namorados’ has become a name for Saint Anthony’s Day, but it has a very interesting past. A publicist named Joo Doria suggested a unique Valentine’s Day in Brazil in 1948 to help a clothes company make more money. Doria was moved by the parties in Brazil for Mother’s Day to make a special day for couples to show their love and care for each other by giving each other signs of affection. June 12 was chosen, and it became known as “Dia dos Namorados,” or “Day of Love.”

The liturgical customs of June 13’s Saint Anthony’s Day have mixed with the spirit of Brazil’s Valentine’s Day celebrations over time.

In Brazil, Saint Anthony was also called Saint Anthony of Padua. He was an important figure in Brazilian history. He was affectionately called “The Matchmaker Saint” because he was said to be able to help people find compatible partners.

Unique to Brazilian Valentine’s Day

On Dia dos Namorados, women who are not married may pray to St. Anthony to help them find a good match for marriage. As a custom, people put a picture of St. Anthony in water until the right person comes along and asks them to marry them.

Putting a rose in a glass of water with some salt and taking a bath in the water two days later is another Brazilian tradition.

Write a beautiful love letter in a basil plant for someone you care about.

Reasons why Brazilians do not celebrate Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world on February 14 every year. It’s a day all about love and passion. It could be better known in Brazil, though, as it is in other places. There is a clearer reason than Brazilians not being likable or unable to enjoy love.

The Brazilian Carnival is a happy event that happens four days before Ash Wednesday, between February 4 and March 10 each year. Carnival is one event that will happen this year from February 17 to February 25. Being so close to the holiday makes this event even more important, which is why Valentine’s Day is only sometimes celebrated in Brazil.

In Brazil, on June 12, however, people celebrate “Dia dos Namorados,” which means “Lover’s Day” or “Couples Day.”

Things To Do On Valentine’s Day In Brazil 2022

  1. Take back who you are at Iguazu Falls with the Christ the Redeemer statue: Find Out About Beautiful Things
  2. Dancing to the happy beats is fun.
  3. Carnival in Rio: Feel the Cheerfulness
  4. Copacabana Beach is a nice place to relax on the beach.
  5. Take a historical walk to learn about the past, or go scuba diving in Bonito to experience the thrill of the deep. Start an Exciting Adventure Hang Gliding Over Rio: Going from bar to bar: You can enjoy, indulge, and move on with your purchase until you’re satisfied in Retail Rehab.

Valentine’s Day In Brazil Activities

Show your family members respect.

In many places, it’s common for friends to give each other gifts on Valentine’s Day. But in Brazil, on Valentine’s Day, people only celebrate with their significant others. For this event, there are many gift options, from fancy jewelry to sweets and flowers that are sure to make someone smile.

Take a romantic trip.

In Brazil, Valentine’s Day is usually marked by a romantic dinner with your partner and gifts like flowers, chocolates, and love poems. During the Day, it’s also common to surprise people and give emotional gifts. For people who like calmer places, you could plan a love picnic on the beach or a long-overdue road trip.

Check out Brazil

You can enjoy traditional Brazilian food and beautiful decorations in Rio de Janeiro on “Dia dos Namorados.” You can make a lot of great memories by going to concerts and taking walks in green spaces.

When Is Brazilian Valentine's Day

Why June 12 is Valentine’s day in Brazil?

So instead of having to choose between love and wild partying, Brazilians celebrate their version of Valentine’s Day on June 12; a date chosen because of its proximity to another day of love — Saint Anthony’s Day. Check out these amazing 50 date ideas for this romantic day.

Lover’s Day, or “Dia dos Namorados,” is celebrated in Brazil on June 12, the night before Saint Anthony’s Day. It is a unique take on Valentine’s Day. This party is all about Saint Anthony, who is known for helping young couples get married and have happy, successful lives together.

Dia dos Namorados has more secular roots, even though it is officially linked to Saint Anthony’s Day, which falls on June 13 in the Catholic Church calendar. The first steps toward this one-of-a-kind Day can be traced back to a clever idea from business people in São Paulo in 1949. To get more people to buy, they had the great idea to make a special day to celebrate love.

In many other countries, Valentine’s Day is also known as Dia dos Namorados. On this Day, lovers give each other chocolates or flowers and have a special “date night.” Some businesses, like shops, malls, and hotels, usually take advantage of the event by running special deals and giving huge discounts.

How do single people in Brazil celebrate Valentine’s day?

Simpatias: Unique to Brazilian Valentine’s Day

On Dia dos Namorados, single women may seek the guidance of St. Anthony so that they can find a suitable husband. One such custom involves dipping an image of St. Anthony in water until the right partner walks into the woman’s life to propose.

On June 12, Brazil has its version of Valentine’s Day. It’s called “Dia dos Namorados,” which means “Lovers’ Day.” On this Day, people celebrate St. Anthony, who is the patron saint of marriage. The choice to celebrate Lovers’ Day in June instead of February 14 was made because February 14 is so close to the countrywide Carnival events.

As a way to honor St. Anthony’s Day in Brazil, people share and receive gifts with friends, family, and romantic partners on Lovers’ Day.

Many names are used in Latin America for Valentine’s Day, such as “El Dia de los Enamorados,” which means “The Day of Lovers or Those in Love,” and “El Dia del Amor y la Amistad,” which means “The Day of Love and Friendship.” Aside from the usual chocolates and flowers, people can show their appreciation for close friends in a number of ways. For example, they can do small acts of kindness or play the “Amigo Secreto” (Secret Friend) game, which is based on the Christmas tradition of “Secret Santa” in North America.

How does Brazil celebrate Valentine’s day?

Celebrations for Dia dos Namorados in Brazil and those for Valentine’s Day in most other countries are similar. Typically, couples exchange romantic gifts, such as chocolates or flowers, and they may also share a “date night”. Additionally, beautifying home decorations are common as a part of the celebration.

In Brazil, on Dia dos Namorados, people don’t give or receive cards or gifts from friends, family, and neighbors. Instead, the focus is on showing our love for those we care about—couples who are married and couples who are just dating enjoy this event.

Couples have a romantic dinner and swap gifts to mark the occasion. These gifts aren’t just flowers and candies; they’re also more fancy and expensive things like jewelry and brand-name clothes.

When planning where to eat, make sure you can make a reservation because places can get very busy on Dia dos Namorados.

V-Day is celebrated all over the world on February 14 every year. But on June 12, Brazil celebrates “Dia dos Namorados,” a public holiday. This event, which draws people of all ages, is an important part of the local festival schedule. People, families, and friends get together to enjoy the event with big dinners, planned parties, and shared moments of happiness.

Do they celebrate Valentine’s day in Brazil?

But in Brazil, things are a little different. You see, unlike in the United States or other European countries, Valentine’s Day isn’t celebrated in Brazil.

People celebrate Dia dos Namorados, which is like Valentine’s Day. Couples give each other gifts like flowers, chocolate, and sweets. They trade cards with each other all the time. They usually drink champagne while traveling together. But some people choose to decorate their homes on the inside. In different parts of Brazil, people celebrate this important Day with parades, fairs, and street decorations.

On February 14, Valentine’s Day is marked to honor Saint Valentine, a Roman saint who died on this Day in the third century. It’s all about love this time of year. While Valentine’s Day is one way to show love, there are many other times and places around the world where love is honored.

Brazil celebrates Valentine’s Day in a different way than people in the United States do on February 14. Instead, Brazilians celebrate Dia dos Namorados in June, which is a one-of-a-kind event. The tour company Brazilian Experience says that June 12, which is the evening of Saint Anthony’s Day, is the chosen Day.

Is Valentine’s Day only about couples?

In fact, it can be celebrated by anyone who wants to express their affection for someone special, regardless of their relationship status. Valentine’s Day is a day for celebrating love, not just romantic love between couples. It’s a day to celebrate the love we have for our friends, family members, and even ourselves.

It’s okay to feel down this week, especially if you’re single and can’t talk to someone about how you feel. There are many days when people celebrate with their partners, such as Rose Day, Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day, and Valentine’s Day. So, you might wonder if Valentine’s Day is only for pairs. Since Valentine’s Day is all about love, there’s no reason why single people can’t enjoy and celebrate it too.

Contrary to what most people think, Valentine’s Day doesn’t always have to be about love. You don’t have to be with someone to enjoy Valentine’s Day events. Today is a great day to show your parents, siblings, other family members, friends, coworkers, and even your pets how much you love them.

When Is Brazilian Valentine's Day

If you want to celebrate Brazilian Valentine’s Day, you need to know the exact date. When does Brazilian Valentine’s Day happen? Knowing this helps people plan and show their love on time, making the celebration memorable and important. Knowing the exact date makes the celebrations more meaningful, whether you’re planning a surprise gift for your partner or doing something out of the ordinary. In other words, the best way to enjoy this lovely and sweet holiday is to remember the date of Brazilian Valentine’s Day.

Like many other places, Brazil celebrates Valentine’s Day the way it’s always been done. People in a relationship give and receive gifts, spend time together, and decorate their homes with hearts and flowers. People usually go on dates, eat dinner at nice restaurants, and watch movies on this Day. Many countries, including Brazil, celebrate Valentine’s Day in a way that has been done for a long time. People in a relationship outfit their homes with hearts and roses, give and receive gifts, and spend time together. 

What does Brazilian Lovers’ Day really mean? We usually have dinner with our loved ones on Lovers’ Day and give each other gifts, like flowers, chocolate, romantic words, or other mementos. Even during the Day, we like to send our loved ones something special and unique, and at night, we like to make something special and personal for us as a couple.

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