What National Day Is June 30

What National Day Is June 30


What National Day Is June 30: National Outfit-of-the-Day Day pushes people to show off their style through their clothing choices. But on National Meteor Watch Day, people who like to watch the sky are told to look up and enjoy the beautiful things in the sky.

Today is Social Media Day, a time to celebrate how social media sites have changed the way people connect and talk to each other online, as well as how they’ve changed how people interact with each other and how they share information around the world. Today is a good lesson on how social media can change things.

What National Day Is June 30

History of Congo Independence Day

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is an African country in the middle. In the north, South Sudan and the Central African Republic are next to it. In the east, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, and Tanzania are next to it. In the southeast, southwest, and north, we find Zambia. To the west are the Atlantic Ocean, Congo (Brazzaville), and the Angolan exclave of Cabinda.

In the 1400s, the “Kongo Empire,” a complex and well-run country, ruled over parts of the Republic of Congo, Angola, and the southwest of modern-day Congo. This is where the Democratic Republic of the Congo got its start in history. In what is now the southern Congo, another state with about the same level of growth sprung up: the “Kuba Federation.” But by the 1800s, the Kongo dynasties were falling apart because of problems within the empires, like greed and slavery.

When the Belgians came, it was the start of a new era in the area, thanks in part to Henry Morton Stanley’s study. The “Congo Free State” was set up and run by King Leopold II of Belgium in 1885. Ten million people died in Leopold’s harsh rule over the “free” state because they were forced to work and had to deal with bad conditions. In 1941, strikes were put down very harshly, and the next year, all Belgian workers were told to do 120 days of forced labor. After a lot of trouble, Congo got its freedom from Belgium in 1960.

How to celebrate Social Media Day

Do you need to figure out how to celebrate Social Media Day? The solution is easy: tell your friends and get the word out. Put up a picture, change your status, and make a phrase to share with everyone! Use the hashtag #socialmediaday to join in the fun, no matter where you are, as social media moves around the world.

A great way to celebrate Social Media Day is to try out new sites. There are a lot of sites out there that are ready to be found, but TikTok has recently become popular. Now is the time to try making a TikTok movie if you haven’t already! There are still hundreds more social media sites to try, even if you think you’ve tried them all. You might find a new favorite if you try them.

Try making a post that goes popular to honor Social Media Day. Instead of doing the same old things all day, try coming up with some new and interesting ideas. A lot of people have made videos and articles that are very famous by accident.

Treat yourself to a day off on Social Media Day if you spend too much time on social media already.

Learn about National Cream Tea Day

National Cream Tea Day is a great time for people all over the world to enjoy the great tradition of cream tea. Fans can talk about stories, traditions, and their own unique cream tea recipes. During British cream tea, creams and jams are often served with tasty scones, cookies, cakes, and sandwiches. In the beginning, these were small snacks eaten during the day or in the evening before the big meal.

These days, afternoon teas are very popular, especially among people who want to do something nice for themselves and their loved ones. There are themed afternoon tea menus at a lot of bars and restaurants in the UK, like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Alice in Wonderland. At these parties, you can get really magical treats, like fruity potion drinks and marshmallow mushrooms.

The cream, especially whipped cream, is the most important part of a cream tea. The name “Devonshire cream” comes from the fact that clotted cream is thicker and creamier than whipped cream. It comes from Devon. Raw, full-cream cow’s milk is treated with a steam bath. The lipid structure of milk is changed by homogenization and processing rules, which means Americans can’t enjoy the taste of real clotted cream.


Remember to plan your outfit for next week around National OOTD Day! It’s suggested that you go shopping, but it’s not required. Go shopping at a thrift store, take money from a friend, or go on a small shopping spree to celebrate. No matter what, feel free to be flawed. Just be yourself, enjoy the day, and show off your style and attitude. Here are some great ways to celebrate:

To make your style stand out, create a signature look that shows off your best features.

This is the outfit you should wear all day.

To finish your design, try out different colors, fabrics, and accessories.

Take a picture and remember to smile to remember the event!

It’s said that “your day is that much better when you have a great outfit on,” and I think you should show that you agree with an OOTD! When someone says, “Show us your OOTD!” you should post your outfit and enjoy how you feel about yourself.

Why We Love Log Cabin Day

On National Log Cabin Day, we remember how our ancestors lived in the country in peace and simplicity. We can see how important log huts were to their life.

For fun events like parades and parties that happen all over Michigan on this particular day, the holiday draws people together to celebrate.

Log Cabin Day also pushes people to learn about the history of log cabins and how important it is to keep our cultural heritage alive. Today is a day for tasks that help keep log cabins in good shape so that they can continue to be historically important.

What National Day Is June 30

What is celebrated on 30th June?

World Asteroid Day – June 30

World Asteroid Day is an annual global event held on June 30th to raise awareness about asteroids and the potential risks they pose to our planet.

People all over the world remember the Tunguska accident every year on June 30 as World Asteroid Day. A meteor air burst hit a big part of central Siberia, Russia, during this event, destroying 2,000 square kilometers (500,000 acres) of pine forest. The biggest known asteroid impact on Earth took place during the Tunguska accident.

The point of World Asteroid Day is to make people more aware of how dangerous it is for asteroids to hit Earth. These guidelines are meant to teach people how to talk to each other in a crisis if a near-Earth object (NEO) really is a threat and could cause a lot of damage. Comets and asteroids that get close to Earth’s orbit are called NEOs. NASA’s Center for Near Earth Object Studies says that about 16,000 Near-Earth asteroids have been found so far.

What special day is July 30?

30 July – International Friendship Day

International Friendship Day is celebrated on 30 July to mark the importance of friends and friendship in life. The day also advocates the role that friendship plays in promoting peace in several cultures across the world.

On July 30, we celebrate International Friendship Day, which shows how important friendship is in our lives. This day honors the value of friendship and the role it plays in promoting peace around the world among different nations. Being with our friends is a good thing for our health and the world, and this shows how these interactions have a positive effect on our surroundings. 

On International Friendship Day, people do many different things to show their friends how much they appreciate them, improve friendships that are already there, and promote the ideas of unity and understanding. Today is Friendship Day, a time to recognize how important friendship is and how it can help people and groups.

What happened June 30 2023?

The News Roundup For June 30, 2023 : 1A In a 6-3 ruling, the court struck down race-conscious admissions at two universities, setting the stage for other college and university admissions policies.

After a long wait, the US Supreme Court’s ruling on the Affirmative Action lawsuits is finally out. The court threw out two schools’ race-based admissions policies with a vote of 6-3. This will affect other college and university admissions policies. President Biden said that he strongly disagreed with the ruling made by the court.

The discovery of a recording of Donald Trump has made his legal fights over the removal of private information while he was president even worse.

Canada’s wildfires are causing a lot of problems in the Upper Midwest of the United States. These fires are also making the air quality in big American cities very bad. At the same time, Florida and Texas have seen their first new cases of malaria in 20 years. This led the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to issue a new warning.

When did Congo get its independence?

30 June 1960

The first such confrontation occurred in the former Belgian Congo, which gained its independence on June 30, 1960. In the months leading up to independence, the Congolese elected a president, Joseph Kasavubu, prime minister, Patrice Lumumba, a senate and assembly, and similar bodies in the Congo’s numerous provinces.

The first meeting was held in the Republic of the Congo, which had just become independent on June 30, 1960. Before that, it was called the Belgian Congo.

Before they got their freedom, the Congolese held elections to choose Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, President Joseph Kasavubu, a senate and assembly, and other bodies in other provinces that did similar things. The Republic of the Congo was supposed to set up a strong central government that followed Western values, according to the Eisenhower administration. Still, these hopes were quickly dashed when the newly independent country fell into chaos.

On July 5, Congolese Force Publique workers at the Thysville military base rose against their Belgian white bosses because they wanted more money, chances, and power. The uprising quickly spread to other places, starting a war across the whole country.

What is the theme of the World Social Media Day 2023?

The theme for World Social Media Day 2023 is “Uniting the Digital World.” This year’s theme focuses on the power of social media to connect people from all over the world.

This year, World Social Media Day will be about “Uniting the Digital World.” The theme for this year is how social media can bring people from all over the world together.

Social media sites are very important for getting past problems like language, location, and cultural differences. They also make it easier for people to connect and share stories. This connection encourages tolerance and acceptance by helping people from different backgrounds understand and empathize with each other.

Social media is a great way to connect with other people and bring important problems to people’s attention, which can motivate them to take action. People can use social media to plan events, raise money for good causes, and speak out for social justice.

What National Day Is June 30

The book “Uniting the Digital World” talks about how social networking can help people. Using social media morally and responsibly can help make the world a better place for everyone by connecting people around the world.

In honor of Social Media Day, we honor the power of social media to bring people together, build groups, and share ideas. Also, it gives us a chance to think about how social media has made our lives better and look forward to what the future holds for social media.

Go to Drlogy Day to learn more about important days, national holidays, and foreign celebrations like this one.

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