What National Day Is October 17

What National Day Is October 17


What National Day Is October 17: Child Poverty Day, which is also called the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (IDEP), is held on October 17. It’s a sobering warning that even in developed countries, there are still children living in poverty. Today brings attention to the problems kids have when they don’t have access to food, clean water, good healthcare, an education, or good nutrition. Without parents’ ability to pay for these things, it has a big effect on the child’s health.

Most of the time, government bodies are in charge of fighting child poverty so that these things can be given to kids for free. In this way, the kids must be given power so that the country can have a bright future.

Use this day to celebrate and bring attention to the problem of child poverty around the world. We can fight child poverty and make the world a better place for all kids by sharing what we know and helping each other understand.

What National Day Is October 17

Learn about National Mulligan Day

The word “mulligan,” which is often used in sports like golf, comes from the 1920s when Canadian player David Mulligan chose to take a shot again after making a mistake. “Call a mulligan” has come to mean the chance for a second chance since then.

No matter what, National Mulligan Day is based on the idea that everyone should be given a second shot. Don’t we all trip and fall every once in a while? People make mistakes all the time, and today, we’re reminded that we should use those mistakes to learn from them and do better next time.

There are several reasons why National Mulligan Day should be celebrated. In the end, second chances are good for everyone. We all want to be successful right away, but it only sometimes works out that way. It’s important to accept that we are flawed as people. Don’t just give up and say you lost. Instead, think about what went wrong, learn from it, and try again.

National Pasta Day Timeline

Around the year 425 B.C., the Etruscans were the first people to eat pasta. Artifacts found in what is now Italy show that pasta was made during this period.

Year 1201 AD

While the Shang Dynasty was going on in Northern China, noodles that looked like pasta were made from rice or wheat flour.

Five hundred years ago

It was during the rule of the Ferrara court that the first pasta maker in Italian history is noted. Neapolitan later used this idea, which became known as the “macaroni invention.”

In the late 1780s, Thomas Jefferson came back to the United States from a long trip to Paris with boxes of pasta.


Parma, Italy, is where the Barilla Pasta Company began. It gets bigger over time and is now the biggest pasta company in the world.

How to Celebrate Conflict Resolution Day

Think about the following ideas if you want to honor and celebrate Conflict Resolution Day:

Go to an event for Conflict Resolution Day:

Together with other non-profits, the Association for Conflict Resolution puts together training events all over the world every year. Check out the local event lists to see if there are any nearby events that you can attend. In the past, themes have talked about things like

Adding to the Views on Dispute Resolution

Learning from the past to change the future through reflective engagement focuses on short-term goals.

Check the community centers, libraries, schools, and colleges in the area to see if any groups are holding events. If your city doesn’t already have a party for Conflict Resolution Day, start one!

Take part in resolving conflicts:

On Conflict Resolution Day, it’s important to recognize that disagreements are likely to happen and come up with a productive way to deal with them. If you need to solve a disagreement at work, at home, or somewhere else, think about these ideas:

To be a calm agent, you should keep your cool and be less angry when you’re feeling upset or angry about something.

React with a neutral tone and “I” words to avoid making hurtful comments, lies, accusations, or calling people names.

Listen to what the other person is saying and show that you understand what they’re saying.

Work together to solve the problem. To do this, you may take responsibility for your actions and admit your part in creating them.

History of Black Poetry Day

Stanley A. Ransom, a folk artist, suggested October 17, 1970, as a day to honor black books and culture. When Black Poetry Day was made in 1985, the goal was met. Today is the birthday of Jupiter Hammon, the country’s first Black poet, who was born on October 17, 1711. It is a day to honor the achievements and literary efforts of African-American writers.

Jupiter Hammon was born into slavery at Lloyd Manor on Long Island. He was lucky to get some schooling from his masters, The Lloyds, thanks to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts of the Anglican Church. With this knowledge, Hammon wrote poems that were full of symbols and allusions. His first poem was called “An Evening Thought: Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries.” It was written in 1761 when he was almost fifty years old. Hammon was a well-liked preacher and clerk, and many people read his poems against slavery. After 18 years, his second poem, “An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatley,” came out. He dedicated it to Wheatley, who was the first black woman to have a poem published, and he was full of admiration and support for her.

Hammon pushed and helped other black writers because he thought it was important, especially in the beginning when they weren’t getting as much help as white writers. There are now thousands of skilled black poets who write, rap, and perform spoken-word poetry, among other forms, to share their unique points of view and the experience of the black community as a whole. Oregon is the only state that has made Black Poetry Day a state holiday. The holiday is enjoyed all over the country.

Why We Love World Trauma Day

It helps people understand stress better.

The point of World Stress Day is to make more people aware of how stress can affect people, their families, and their communities. Teaching people about this important issue will make it less common and let people who have been through stress know that they are not alone.

helps with mental health

People become more aware of how important mental health is and put it on the same level as physical health on World Trauma Day. In particular, it stresses that it is okay to get help when you need it, even if you have deep mental scars from traumatic events.

helps with recovery

On World Trauma Day, people are encouraged to share their stories so that others can understand and accept them. It also stresses how important it is for people who have been through pain to go to therapy in order to start healing and finally get their mental health back.

What National Day Is October 17

What is special on October 17?

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is observed on 17 October every year. This day marks the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) on 20 November 1989. World Statistics Day is celebrated every five years on October 20. The first such day was observed on October 20, 2010.

The International Day for the Abolition of Poverty is celebrated around the world every year on October 17. This shows that everyone is aware of and wants to solve the problems that poverty brings up. The U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) was signed on November 20, 1989, marking the start of this important day in history. The UNCRC is an important international law that shows how important it is to protect children’s rights and well-being all over the world.

The International Day for the Abolition of Poverty aims to make people more aware, understand, and work together to end poverty. This is because poverty is a widespread violation of human rights. Poor people can’t get the things they need and can’t exercise their basic rights and freedoms, which everyone should be able to do without any problems.

Is October 17th National Pasta Day?

International Pasta Day is an unofficial holiday which is celebrated annually on October 17th. Take today to serve one of the most popular comfort foods from around the world! Pasta comes in many shapes and sizes and Maple Leaf has countless proteins that work perfectly in pasta dishes.

International Pasta Day is an unofficial holiday that is commonly observed. It takes place on October 17. Today is a great day to eat one of the most famous comfort foods in the world. Because it comes in so many shapes and sizes, pasta is a great base for creative cooking. 

There are many types of meats at Maple Leaf that go well with pasta. Check out our huge collection of recipes to see how this popular dish can be used in a lot of different ways. 

Celebrate International Pasta Day by enjoying the delicious tastes of pasta and learning new ways to make your meals better with quality proteins from Maple Leaf.

What happened oct 17 2023?

Tuesday on the NewsHour, scores of civilians are killed and injured in a strike on a hospital in Gaza as the war between Israel and Hamas worsens. House Republicans fail to choose a leader in the first round of voting, leaving congressional business at a standstill.

During Tuesday’s NewsHour, an attack on a hospital in Gaza killed many people and made the fighting between Israel and Hamas worse. The rising violence makes the already terrible humanitarian scenario in the area even worse.

The Republicans in the House lost politically when they couldn’t choose a leader in the first round of votes. This stalemate in Congress affects how the legislature works and how decisions are made.

Going back to school, admissions essays are becoming more and more important since the Supreme Court’s ruling on affirmative action. These writings are becoming more and more important as students and colleges try to figure out how to meet the changing standards for getting into college.

These events happening at the same time show how political unrest, conflicts, and changes in educational goals can have an impact on people all over the world. The NewsHour continues to report in-depth on these and other major problems facing the world.

What is 17 October in India?

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, celebrated annually on October 17, aims to promote understanding and dialogue between people living in poverty and the wider society. Ending poverty is not just helping the poor – it is giving every woman and man the chance to live with dignity.

The International Day for the Abolition of Poverty is celebrated around the world every October 17. Its goal is to help people experiencing poverty and the rest of Society talk to each other and understand each other better.

People’s basic rights are broken when they are poor. It makes it harder for people to enjoy their basic rights and freedoms, which they should all have unlimited access to. It also makes their lives miserable, painful, and full of lack. One way to reduce poverty is to give the poor hope and support. Another is to give every woman and man the chance to live with honor.

The U.N. thought that by the end of 2022, 670 million people, or 8.4% of the world’s population, would be living in extreme poverty. It is expected that 575 million people, or about 7% of the world’s population, will still be living in great poverty by 2030. The International Day for the Abolition of Poverty is a call to action that stresses how important it is to work together to end poverty and protect all human rights.

What happened on 17 October in India?

This Day in History: October 17

On this day in 1979, Mother Teresa, founder of a Roman Catholic order of women dedicated to the poor and particularly to the destitute of India, was named the recipient of that year’s Nobel Prize for Peace.

On this important day in 1979, the Nobel Peace Prize was given to Mother Teresa, the kind woman who started a Roman Catholic order to help poor people, especially in rural India. This award was given to her because of her steadfast commitment to helping others and making their lives easier.

In 1979, Mother Teresa won the Nobel Peace Prize for her extraordinary work to promote peace and ease human pain. Her kind, pure act, which was marked by empathy and humility, moved people all over the world and motivated many to do more voluntary work to help others.

What National Day Is October 17

Mother Teresa’s influence lives on as a reminder to be kind and caring. People all over the world are still moved to do kind and caring things because of how strong she was in the face of hardship. This promotes a lasting sense of peace and unity. She made a huge difference in the lives of poor people and worked hard to make the world a better place for everyone. For these reasons, she won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

National Mulligan Day is a good day because it promotes self-acceptance and confidence. It also lets you share your happiness with other people. Today, it’s more important than ever to back, encourage, and help someone through their problems instead of laughing or being embarrassed by their mistakes or struggles. 

Think about how much good would happen in the world if everyone saw things this way and worked together to reach our goals. On National Mulligan Day, people are told to make the workplace a nice place to be so that everyone is motivated to do their best and the team succeeds.

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