National Kidney Day 2023

National Kidney Day 2023


National Kidney Day 2023: Every year on March 2, World Kidney Day is held to raise knowledge about kidney health around the world. Since 2006, this day has been marked by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations – World Kidney Alliance (IFKF-WKA). The reason it’s important is that it supports everyone’s right to good kidney health.

The theme of World Kidney Day 2023 will be “Kidney Health for All: Making the Most of Everyday Life and Readying for the Unexpected.” This topic shows how important it is to be proactive and have support systems in place to keep everyone’s kidneys healthy, especially when problems come out of the blue.

National Kidney Day 2023

Importance of World Kidney Day (WKD)

More than 80 million people around the world, or more than 10% of the population, have chronic renal disease, an illness that gets worse over time. It happens a lot to older people and people with diabetes, and it’s very hard to deal with, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Between 150 and 200 people in 10 lakh people in India have end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and 800 people out of 10 lakh people are thought to have chronic kidney disease. Diabetic nephropathy is the main reason why people in the US get chronic kidney disease.

This is because more Indians have diabetes and high blood pressure and are getting older, all of which can lead to chronic kidney disease. In the future, things are likely to get worse. People need to be more aware of the rising tide of chronic kidney disease. Early detection is very important, and raising knowledge works best when it reaches the right people.

Along with large-scale education campaigns, World Kidney Day is very important for getting national and local health officials, as well as other important groups, to pay attention to the growing problem of chronic kidney disease.

World Kidney Day 2023: Theme

World Kidney Day 2023’s theme is “Kidney Health for Everyone: Learning to Deal with the Unexpected and Helping Those Who Need It.” The 2023 World Kidney Day effort will focus on making people around the world and in each community more aware of terrible disasters, whether they are natural or caused by people. 

The focus will be on figuring out how these events may make it much harder for people with renal illness to get important diagnosis, care, and treatment.

In order to do a study on the debilitating condition of hearing loss encourages collaboration between different medical societies. By regulating many policies at the same time, the goal is to combine efforts to lessen the effects of the chronic kidney disease epidemic.

History of World Kidney Day

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF) came up with the idea for World Kidney Day. This project has two goals: to lower the number of people with kidney disease around the world and to raise awareness of how important “amazing kidneys” are to health in general.

The ISN stands for the International Society of Nephrology.

Since its founding in 1960, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) has worked to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of kidney disease in both rich and developing countries. ISN has more than 9,000 expert members from 126 countries, and in 2020, it will be 60 years old.

It stands for the International Federation of Kidney Foundations.

IFKF, a separate non-profit group founded in 1999, works toward a similar goal. It gives money to renal foundations in developing countries, supports studies into kidney disease, and works around the world to improve the health and quality of life of people who have kidney disease.

National World Kidney Day 2023

ISN and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations started World Kidney Day in 2006 as a way to raise knowledge about kidney health. Today, in about 100 countries around the world, is Kidney Health Knowledge Day. Its main goals are to raise knowledge of kidney diseases and stress how important kidneys are to overall health. 

It also talks about ways to stop kidney disease so that it doesn’t affect as many people around the world and cause as many health problems. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is getting more common around the world, even though it can be treated if found early. 

The goal of World Kidney Day is to teach people about kidney disease and to remind doctors and nurses of how important it is to find diseases. The program tries to get people with diabetes to get checked more often because it knows how important early detection is for treating CKD.

World Kidney Day 2023: Here are some of the habits that can damage your kidney

World Renal Day is held every year on the second Thursday of March to raise knowledge about how important it is to take care of your kidneys and lower your risk of getting kidney disease. March 9 is a Sunday this year, which makes it a great day to remind people how important it is to take care of their kidneys. To keep your kidneys healthy, you need to live a healthy life. The following things might be bad for the kidneys:

Taking too many painkillers

If you take over-the-counter medicines a lot and for a long time, they can hurt your kidneys. To get the best care for joints or headaches, you should talk to a doctor first.

Consuming too much salt and sugar

Diabetes and high blood pressure can be caused by eating too much sugar and salt. Both of these conditions can hurt the kidneys. To lower these risks, people should stay away from sugary foods and use herbs and spices instead of salt to season their food.

Not enough water drinking

Kidney damage can happen if you don’t drink enough water. By helping the body get rid of waste and salt, water can help keep you from getting painful kidney stones. Fit adults should drink three to four liters of water every day. However, people who have kidney problems may need to cut back on the amount of water they drink and follow their doctor’s advice.

I am not getting enough sleep.

For healthy kidneys, getting enough sleep is very important. Because sleep-wake rhythms affect how well the kidneys work, it is very important to get enough sleep.

Using tobacco

Besides issues with the heart and lungs, smoking can also lead to issues with the kidneys. Researchers have found that people who smoke have more protein in their pee, which is a sign of kidney damage.

National Kidney Day 2023

What day is kidney awareness Day?

On 9 March, let’s celebrate together the importance of our kidneys and raise awareness about the impact of disastrous events on people living with kidney disease.

As part of World Renal Day (WKD), people all over the world are encouraged to take part in events that raise awareness about how terrible events can affect people with renal disease. For #WorldKidneyDay, people are asked to use the phrase #WorldKidneyDay in their social media posts to raise awareness, whether they are doing it in person or online. This makes it easy to see how well the campaign is doing and lets users share their WKD material with more people.

The main point of the ad is to remind people how important kidneys are. WKD resources, such as the activity guide, social media toolkit, and WKD 2023 images, can be used by anyone to take part in the challenge. Advocates can get ideas from these materials to make powerful events or social media efforts to raise awareness.

On March 9, let’s remember how important our kidneys are and bring more attention to how terrible it is when unexpected things happen to people who have renal disease.

What is the motto of kidney Day 2023?

World Kidney Day is a worldwide health awareness campaign that is observed every year on the second Thursday of March. The theme for World Kidney Day 2023 is “Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable.”

World Kidney Day is an annual world health awareness campaign held on the second Thursday of March. “Kidney Health for All: Preparing for the Unexpected, Supporting the Vulnerable” will be the theme of World Kidney Day 2023.

This effort to raise awareness about kidney health is being run by the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the International Federation of Kidney Foundations – World Kidney Alliance (IFKF-WKA). Since its inception in 2006, the day has been important in encouraging kidney health for everyone.

What is the theme for the National Kidney Month 2023?

The World Kidney Day Joint Steering Committee has declared 2023 to be the year of “Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the unexpected, supporting the vulnerable!”.

Chronic lung diseases, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, chronic kidney disease (CKD), and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are the major causes of death and disability globally, with a high prevalence in low- and middle-income countries. This group is especially vulnerable during emergencies because they require continual coordinated care, which is usually lifelong and requires sophisticated continuing therapy.

This vulnerable demographic has been further strained by COVID-19, which has led to lockdown rules, health service capacity limits, and the risk of infection during medical facility visits, as well as the suspension or cancellation of non-COVID-19 care. The constant influx of new NCD patients needing diagnosis, management, and care strains healthcare services. Because there is currently no cure or treatment to stop CKD progression, the underdiagnosed and unregulated progression of CKD to renal failure would surely increase global demand for expensive life-saving treatments like dialysis and transplantation.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated an already inadequate global commitment to political health handling NCDs. Only a handful of identified NCDs are covered in the NCD list—cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and chronic respiratory illness—and policy gaps are exacerbated by insufficient funding for public health programs that stress management over prevention. NCDs are usually associated with bad lifestyle choices. However, disorders outside of this category, such as kidney disease, account for approximately 55% of the world NCD burden. 

What is the World Kidney Day 2023 activities?

World Kidney Day 2023 promotes Kidney Health for All. The objective is to raise awareness about disastrous events, natural or man-made, international, or local, and their impact on people living with kidney disease, whose access to appropriate diagnostic services, treatment, and care may be hindered.

Long-term exercises that use big muscle groups regularly should be picked. These could be walking, swimming, cycling (indoors or outdoors), skiing, aerobic dance, or any other similar sport.

Do low-level strengthening routines as part of your workouts. Instead of lifting heavy things, focus on doing a lot of reps with light weights.

Set a goal of thirty minutes per exercise and slowly add more time. Even though thirty minutes is a little short, you can make your workout forty to sixty minutes if you want to. Just make sure to follow the advice in the “When should I stop exercising?” part of this leaflet.

Aim to work out at least three times a week, on different days each time, like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It would help if you got past this small obstacle in order to get the most out of your workouts.

Why is World Kidney Day celebrated?

World Kidney Day is a global campaign aimed at raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health and at reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated problems worldwide.

World Kidney Day is a world health event that has been held every second Thursday of March since it was first created in 2006. Its goal is to bring together people with kidney diseases and raise knowledge about how important “amazing kidneys” are for staying healthy. World Kidney Day will be on Thursday, March 9, 2023.

Several medical efforts happen on this day, such as:

Regular checks for all kinds of long-term kidney disease, focusing on people with diabetes and high blood pressure.

They were giving out information about preventative.

Kidney transplants are the best way to treat renal disease.

One in ten people around the world have chronic kidney disease. It can happen at any age and is sped up by a number of risk factors.

People from South Asian countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka are more likely to get chronic kidney disease because of their genes. This is especially true in places where diabetes and high blood pressure are common.

National Kidney Day 2023

The kidneys are two important organs in the belly that look like beans. They help the body do things like get rid of waste and extra fluid, control blood pressure, make red blood cells and keep electrolytes in balance.

A lot of people die every year from kidney disease, which is a big global health problem. The goal of World Renal Day is to bring attention to the huge number of people around the world who have kidney disease. One of its main goals is to encourage early diagnosis and treatment of kidney disease so that people don’t have renal failure, which can be fatal.

A lot of things are planned for this day, such as health screenings, educational classes, and chances to raise money. It gives people, patient groups, and healthcare workers a chance to work together to take action to improve kidney health and delay the start of renal disease.

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